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Pea's Story...

Great First step taken a negitive and turning it to a positive.... Good on ya

Great work
Bravo Zulu soldier and best of luck to you on course  :)
From Pea

Guys I got on Platoon today at 1300hrs. I am in the middle of week 2 and this course will end Oct 19th. Thank you all for your well wishes.
Hey guys! Since I am on my Platoon's first weekend off, I thought I'd post an update. Things are going well. I received my "five" on Friday. We also got our capbadge's and completed our first rucksack march this past week. I'm really enjoying being on course. My staff are awesome, and so are the people I am on course with. Course is hard at times, but definitely worth the big picture in the end. One day at a time, and before I know it, I'll be on the grad parade. Thanks to all for your continuous support.  :)
Pte Pea said:
We also got our capbadge's...

Awesome work Pea!  I'm sure it's feeling even more real now that you are looking more the part.  Keep up the great work!  :)
Cripes Pea ... you are almost done now and over the hump!! Keep it up the good work!!  :)
Keep up the good work Pea.


Moved here for her personal story.
The Milnet.ca Staff
Don't ever lose that positive outlook. It is a great thing to have!


(edit: changed ever from even)
Another little update:

I'm starting week 7 of my BMQ on Tuesday. Grad week is week 13, so that means only about 5 more weeks of course after this coming week. 3 of those weeks are in Farnham.

I received my rifle this past week, and I am told I have to name it. So far I haven't though. Thursday and Friday were spent taking weapons classes and learning rifle drill. My shoulder is all pretty purple, but it's been fun so far. This coming week will be spent basically doing more weapons classes and drill, as well as some topo. Next week will be spent doing a lot of tests on weapons handling, drill, and topo. The following week will be spent in Farnham, then back at the mega for a week of gas hut type training, then 2 more weeks in Farnham..... and then grad week!

Saying it all that way reminds me of how close I am to being done! A very exciting thought for sure!

Morale is good these days, and they are keeping us all super busy. My staff are awesome, and I am with some great people on course. Overall we're having a blast, with a mix of "days from hell". Morning PT is going well. Well as good as any run at 0510 can be...lol.

Oh the best news of all.. My Mom has booked her flights out here for my graduation! October 18th will be the big day, and my Mom seems very excited to get out here. I can't wait to see her!

Thanks to all for your support throughout all this, I really appreciate it.