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Payback is a mother, eh?

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Shared with the usual caveats.  While the move is not fancy, the result is personally pleasing, I despise bullies.  Video at the bottom of story at link.

I've had enough': The moment victim snaps and slams bully to the floor in wrestling move

By Richard Ashmore

This is the shocking moment a bullied, overweight teenager turned the tables on his tormentor with a stunning wrestling move.  The footage, apparently shot on a mobile phone by another child, shows one boy picking on another at a school in New South Wales, Australia.  The bully then punches his victim - identified only as Casey - in the face and stomach while a group of pupils laugh and egg him on.  Two girls can be seen standing watching the incident, but do nothing as the bully punches the chubby boy repeatedly.

During the incident, the smaller boy squares up to Casey and said: 'Have you been talking s***?'  Backed up against a wall, Casey responds: 'I haven't been talking s***.'  The bully continues to torment his victim until something snaps inside him and he lashes out.  He grabs his attacker and wrestles with him, before spinning him around 360 degrees and slamming him to the ground in a wrestling move.

Onlookers gasp in shock as the bully crashes to the concrete ground and then staggers to his feet apparently dazed by the impact.  One of the bully's friends then moves to confront Casey, but is stopped by a girl who warned: 'I think you need to back off.'  The footage of the brave victim has become an internet sensation, already attracting hundreds of thousands of views on You Tube.

Taken at Chifley College Dunheved Campus, in St Mary's North, a Facebook page has also been set up in Casey's honour dubbed 'Casey the Punisher'.
Footage: He gestures at his attacker as one of the girls laughs. The incident occurred at Chifley College Dunheved Campus, in St Mary's North, New South Wales

Parents have written in support of the teenager, who was suspended after the incident.  One said: 'The larger kid on the right is my son's friend Casey - thankfully they don't go to the same school.  'Poor Casey has been bullied his whole high school life and this is what happens when he snaps.  But guess who got suspended in this scenario - Casey!'  Another parent added: 'In this footage it shows a boy trying to bash him, and him trying to leave the fight.  'The boy starts to punch him in the face and so Casey reacts and hit him back.  'See what happens when kids who are bullied have had enough!'

A spokesman for the NSW Department of Education and Training said the school 'does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code'.  She added: 'Both students in a fight at the school shown on the internet have been suspended... the only injury sustained was a grazed knee.'  It is understood the suspensions are for four days but further action may be taken after school completes an investigation of the incident.
jollyjacktar said:
'does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code'


If the poor kid has been "picked on" continually, it's clearly tolerated to some degree.

Given that this day in age, it's not unheard of for a kid to barge into a school with a hand gun and open fire, all things considered, I think it was a reasonable solution for all parties involved.
I saw this video and loved it. It's a shame that Casey was suspended. He was a victim of bullying and now he's a victim of the joke that education/discipline has turned into, the higher-ups that were supposed to stop this from happening in the first place.

Encouraging someone to crawl up into the fetal position and just willingly be a victim, the administration should be suspended.
I spent more time in pricipals' offices as a father than I ever did as a kid, mostly to defend my daughters rather than my sons.  It seems it's wrong to punch a boy in the face and break his nose after he's dragged you 20 yds down the hall by the hair.  He got a apology, my girl got three days off school... and all the ice cream she could eat!  :D  Good on this kid!
Kat Stevens said:
He got a apology, my girl got three days off school... and all the ice cream she could eat!  :D  Good on this kid!

Milpoints for that. I was gonna say if Casey was my kid I'd buy him his first beer to reinforce that he did the right thing.

Wouldn't want to get cornered by your daughters ;D
Too bad it's been taken off of YouTube.  I'd love to show it some of the students in my school who've been visiting me way too much for being bullies.
Here ya go!


Tell em Casey is takin' names.
Thanks ballz.  That's a great video.  Nice to see the little sh1t getting what he deserves.  I would be very proud of Casey were he my son.  He stood up for himself and only took it as far as it needed to go.  I am sure he won't be bothered by that kid again.
Great video, little ******* deserved it. I do agree that they both should be suspended (vigilante justice can't be tolerated), but the bully should have gotten double/triple the amount to set an example. Shame on the school board for not taking a tougher stance on bullying, Casey sure had the balls to.
PuckChaser said:
Great video, little ******* deserved it. I do agree that they both should be suspended (vigilante justice can't be tolerated), but the bully should have gotten double/triple the amount to set an example. Shame on the school board for not taking a tougher stance on bullying, Casey sure had the balls to.

I would say that the teachers were more than aware that Casey was being bullied for a prolonged period of time. It wasn't long ago I was in junior high and high school, and teachers weren't stupid - they buried their head in the sand on purpose. I think "justice," or the teachers in other words, abandoned/failed Casey. It seems pretty obvious he didn't enjoy the lengths he had to go to be left alone (well hopefully for a split-second he did ;D).

I'd say a suspension for the bully and an apology to Casey with a promise to do a better job for the next kid in his shoes would be appropriate. But of course that will never happen, so I agree that the bully HAS to be suspended longer than Casey. I don't agree that Casey had to be suspended though.
Ballz - I second that, I'm currently still in high school, these teachers aren't stupid, they see what's going down, they don't want to get involved, in till they absolutely need too. I hear a lot of bullying going down range in classes, with the teacher not more then 5 meters away; these kids only get a "hey, shhhhhhh, do your work." In this incident this bully, got what he deserved.

Now, I do see where the school had to suspend both, but i believe their punishment's where un just, Personally, I believe the squirt should have a fair amount time of In school suspension, while casey would be sent home to cool down for a day or two. If i've learned anything, being sent home is wonderful, I never got taught a lesson, I saw see it as a few days of relaxing, now on the other hand, having to spend a week or two with my pall the principal/vice principal was torture when i was younger.   

One last thing, Props to that young lady who stepped in at the end.


One last thing, Props to that young lady who stepped in at the end.

Yes, she certainly gets a well-done for that, but where was she and all the others who saw things happening all along and did nothing.  The most effective way to stop a bully, is for the bystanders to stand up and say something.  There are more of them than there are bullys.
Other than when my kids were defending themselves, I never agreed with suspensions.  I told the Head that the kid would learn more if he/she were handed over to the custodial staff for their sentence, hopefully on "clean out the caffeteria deep fryer day".  I got suspended twice in school.  The first time my Dad handed me over to the volunteer fire dept for the duration of my sentence, the second time I got to gut fish for three days.  There was not a third.
Kat Stevens said:
Other than when my kids were defending themselves, I never agreed with suspensions.  I told the Head that the kid would learn more if he/she were handed over to the custodial staff for their sentence, hopefully on "clean out the caffeteria deep fryer day".  I got suspended twice in school.  The first time my Dad handed me over to the volunteer fire dept for the duration of my sentence, the second time I got to gut fish for three days.  There was not a third.
That would be a most effective plan.  I heard of one school where, instead of a suspension, the parent had to spend the day sitting with their kid.
Sometimes, though, suspensions aren't given for the benefit of the behaviour child, but for the benefit of the class. 
I don't agree with Casey being suspended for defending himself. He is the perfect example of using just enough force to end the conflict and then walk away. He stood up for himself. Good on him. The idea he should continue to take punishment waiting for the school to take action, is akin to the sheeple on our streets and in their own homes that die by a bullet or bat, curled up in the fetal position waiting for 911 to respond, because they have been emasculated of the parts or reasoning for defence of self by the educators, the government and the police..

We have to clear these idiots from our education system that still think chanting koombya is the way to world peace. They are just creating another generation of sheeple that will be eaten by the wolves. Sheepdogs can't be everywhere, sometimes you just have to grow a pair and defend yourself as is your God given right. The mindset of the controllers needs to be changed.
Kat Stevens said:
Funny, the little prick hobbled off like he'd stepped on an M-14.

I was wondering about that, if you pause the video you can see his right ankle has a hard impact against the raised concrete or whatever it was supposed to be [a garden maybe?..sorry its late]. Kid probably broke his ankle or something, wouldn't be too hard considering the kid looks like hes just shy of 100 pounds.

Kudos to the big kid! :st.patty:

I've been there before. A guy tried to get me to fight him in high school with a posse of his friends, one of which had a camera. (He went to a nearby school, and was convinced I was trying to steal his girlfriend) To make a long story short, he faced assault charges (got off with nothing) while I got the minimum suspension (1 day) allowed by my school after the vice-principal reviewed the film.

The vice-principal's only comment: "Nice right hook, your dad teach you that?"

My response: "Nope, I got that from playing hockey"

School administration's justice is not dead. Yet.