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Pay FY 07/08

The last posts on this subject......not more than a week or two ago, have said that there has been NO ANNOUNCEMENT.  As such, until you see a CANFORGEN, don't start rumourmongering. 
If you look at my post #13.... it says it all.
geo said:
If you look at my post #13.... it says it all.

Yup, it does.  According to http://www.psac.com/news/releases/2005/03-0105-e.shtml, all Tables of PSAC have their collective agreements expire in June and Aug of 2007.  Assuming they don't come to a new agreement before they expire, there will be the obligatory phase of chest-thumping, and then the "threats of job action" phase, followed by the strike phase....  ;D
404SqnAVSTeach said:
I did a big seach and I am back here after 3 pages !!!! Could somebody point me in the right direction.
If you don't see a CANFORGEN, then it has not been announced, that simple, anything else is rumours and nothing else. But don't hold your breath as IF it happens it would not likely to be until mid FY.

Besides, at best it would be somewhere along the lines of 3% anyways (judging by historical data), nothing to get all hot and bothered about. But that is just my guess, not based on any hard facts. Anything else you here would be just that, a best guess.

Keep looking at CANFORGENS and when and if  it happens you will see it there.
The latest canforgen can be viewed at:

PO2FinClk said:
I will say that we will here something through official channels around the Sep/Oct timeframe.
Guess I was off by a few months but at least I wasn't completly off:
PO2FinClk said:
Guess I was off by a few months but at least I wasn't completly off:

No you weren't, not really. It'll be the Sept/Oct timeframe when the bargaining is done ... and we hear officially how much we're going to get.   ;)
211RadOp said:
with the exception of FYs 93/94 to 95/96

Weren't those great years....'they' ordered a pay freeze on teh military and then voted themselves a huge increase...politicians....shoulda become one.
ArmyVern said:
No you weren't, not really. It'll be the Sept/Oct timeframe when the bargaining is done ... and we hear officially how much we're going to get.   ;)
I was not expecting to see any message on the issue until Sep/Oct so seeing it this early was a nice surprise. But yes it would be a very safe bet that no amounts will be announced until then at the earliest. Although bargianing is done, some further delay must be expected to approve the CF raise.
284_226 said:
Yup, it does.  According to http://www.psac.com/news/releases/2005/03-0105-e.shtml, all Tables of PSAC have their collective agreements expire in June and Aug of 2007.  Assuming they don't come to a new agreement before they expire, there will be the obligatory phase of chest-thumping, and then the "threats of job action" phase, followed by the strike phase....   ;D

Currently I am moving over to the Public Service (starting in 2 weeks  ;D) I asked if we had a strike looming and the reply from my HR Rep was that the union and the Govt Reps (TB?) have already started talking (few weeks ago) this is a first as they usually don't sit until after a contract is up.  She felt positive that  something would be offered up to the unions prior to the fall.  I hope they figure something out so the CF can sort things out.  :salute:
PO2FinClk said:
I was not expecting to see any message on the issue until Sep/Oct so seeing it this early was a nice surprise. But yes it would be a very safe bet that no amounts will be announced until then at the earliest. Although bargianing is done, some further delay must be expected to approve the CF raise.

Not all the bargaining is done yet, a couple of my civ employees belong to a Table that is still negotiating. No headway on that Table, my prediction is for (if they do 'roaming pickets' like last time) August walk-out, right in the middle of Roto AAGs/ARCON. I suspect that's when it'll affect this area most.
ArmyVern said:
Not all the bargaining is done yet, a couple of my civ employees belong to a Table that is still negotiating. No headway on that Table, my prediction is for (if they do 'roaming pickets' like last time) August walk-out, right in the middle of Roto AAGs/ARCON. I suspect that's when it'll affect this area most.

Thought there was no ARCON this year Vern.
My favorite was when they did the roaming pickets in the middle of the BASF in Gagetown...that was fun.

A friend of mine got lazy on PT day and just wore her combat shirt and field cap over her pt gear...so she was in shorts and sneakers from the waist down. When they stopped her at the gate they asked her if some poor bloke who's wife dropped him off at the gate could catch a ride the rest of the way with her. When he got in the car and saw her "uniform" they both had a great laugh.

I'm sure this raise will be as nominal as all in the past. If people want more loot, they should get into the civil sector.
ArmyVern said:
My, my, my,  ... what they neglect to pass on to some of us ....  >:(

LOL I guess that's what I get for being an instructor at a school  ;D
LineJumper said:
I'm sure this raise will be as nominal as all in the past. If people want more loot, they should get into the civil sector.
I'll take the "nominal" raise. Should make a difference of about a case of beer a month when I'm retired.  Plus the backpay will buy my new shotgun. ;D

I'm hearing we may be looking at the new year for the Public Service to get all settled up.  Anyone hear any different?
Stokers_Rule said:
I'll take the "nominal" raise. Should make a difference of about a case of beer a month when I'm retired.  Plus the backpay will buy my new shotgun. ;D

I'm hearing we may be looking at the new year for the Public Service to get all settled up.  Anyone hear any different?

I heard the same too.  Our ETO section heard that we are supposed to get 2% close to xmas. I is supposed to be retro from the 1st of april.  but that is a rumour PLZ don't quote me on this.  I am not holding my breath either. 