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Paul Martin's photo-op from Human Tragedy (video inside)


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Paul Martin's photo-op from Human Tragedy

You'll never see this on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

That's because it's incredible, shot-on-site film footage that Prime Minister Paul Martin doesn't want you to see. Canadafreepress.com editors decided to post it here so that you can judge for yourself.

It's never-seen-before film footage taking you back to January 3, 2005 when Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and his entourage made an official visit to tsunami-ravaged Sir Lanka.

Included in the Jan. 3 entourage were Martin's wife, Sheila, PMO staff, Jack Layton, leader of Canada's fourth party, the New Democrat Party, RCMP, and a handful of Canadian journalists, including the CBC.

The film footage was shot by award-winning Canadian documentary journalist, Garth Pritchard, who was on the scene prior to Martin's visit at the invitation of Canada's mercy mission DART team.

You will hear how an RCMP officer tried to relieve Pritchard of his camera. Pritchard's voice can easily be picked up when he tells the officer that, "This is not Canada, this is Sri Lanka."

In order to make the film Internet friendly, Pritchard worked to edit it down from its original 58 minutes.

It starts with the moment the Prime Minister's helicopter lands in Kalumai, and coincides with the very moment that bereaved Sir Lankans are waiting for Padre Captain J.B. Hardwick to say a few words over their lost loved ones, laid out in 13,000 freshly-dug graves.

See for yourself how the film footage shows the padre being pushed aside and how overzealous members of the Martin entourage physically knock a Sri Lankan mourner to the groundâ “without apology.

Ostensibly, the Prime Minister's official visit to tsunami-ravaged Sri Lanka was about Canadian compassion.

See and hear for yourself how he shills the purified water of Zenon Environmental Inc., an Oakville-based company of which his lifetime mentor Maurice Strong is a board member.

See and hear some of the film highlights, including Padre Hardwick trying to do the job he was asked to do: namely honouring the dead. Padre Hardwick calls for a Moment of Silence. Fifteen seconds into the Moment of Silence, Prime Minister Martin ends it, saying, "Let's go."

Swigging from a bottle of Zenon purified water, he says repeatedly, "C'est excellent!"

Martin passes the bottle to wife, Sheila, who swigs from it, pronouncing distinctly, "Better than at home!

NDP leader Jack Layton, who, when he's in Canada, promotes himself to the public as a strong Prime Minister opponent, beams at the PM as the proudest of close personal friends. If you listen, you can clearly hear Layton ask as photographers line up the Zenon photo-op: "Is that the water? Is that the water?"

Mainstream Canadian compassion is understood globally. Average Canadians sent some $40-million to Sri Lanka--that has yet to arrive!

Their prime minister disgraced the image of 'The Compassionate Canadian' in a single photo op.

But even worse than that, Martin chose to shill for a Canadian-owned water company linked to his personal mentor in a Sri Lanka that was locked in heartbreaking grief.

Not only Canadians would agree that Sri Lankans deserve so much better than that.

Here is the video, make sure to have the volume up, some parts can be hard to hear.

Particularly bad is when the "lady in red" (the PM's handler) is interrupting the Padre trying to move the PM along when he (the Padre) is trying saw a few words, and to get them to stop for a moment of silence. >:(
wow, I'm quite shocked and repulsed that our PM has been committing such heinous acts of disrespect!

I cant watch the video at this moment, but once I get home I will be watching it. I will pass this on to my friends and family members who can vote, this is a discrace to Canada!
Wow, I think Rush Limbaugh would be proud of some of the interpretation of that video - and I certainly don't mean that in a good way. 

Martin is obviously not comfortable in such situations.  I was 30 feet from him on VE Day, and he looked just as confused and befuddled when his "handlers" were leading him to his car after the commemoration at the national war monument.

This video is nothing.  He was in an unfamiliar situation and acted pretty much as we all would.  He knew there had to be a photo opportunity - guess what, that was his job that day.  It's something politicians do.  He made a public demonstration of Canadian aid.  The stuff about the water - what else should he have done?  I got the impression he was told in advance he had to drink this stuff for the cameras.  Of course he looked silly, and forced, and contrived, with the "good, good" stuff.  That's why the press is usually controlled, they edit out the stuff that makes you look like a goof. 

Much ado about nothing.  The guy who shot this is probably just pissed about not getting proper press credentials or something.
That was a very poor video in my opinion. First fo all I didn't find it well done in a sence of film making quality, very hard to keep the viewers attention. Second it seemed more like thekid was pushed by another kid not a cameraman third as was previously mentioned it was an awkward situation and no one could be expected to seem like themselves. I hate the conservative media so much.
C/Sgt Kessler said:
That was a very poor video in my opinion. First fo all I didn't find it well done in a sence of film making quality, very hard to keep the viewers attention. Second it seemed more like thekid was pushed by another kid not a cameraman third as was previously mentioned it was an awkward situation and no one could be expected to seem like themselves. I hate the conservative media so much.
It is no doubt that it was awkward, and so on, but still. I have seen many politicians in awkward situations meeting strange new people. I think the overall impression one gets depends on ones bias. So, knowing my bias (Conservative), you'll know that I view it as quite curt and disrespectful in the way the whole media gaggle operated and the handlers did as well. Let's remember this is not some standard "photo op". This was a massive natural dissaster that killed over 400,000 people. I would have expected more sympathy/thought/respect towards the citizens in the area, who have all likely lost loved ones. That aside, I can see how a leader of a country would be pressed for time. I can also see how a media would be so preoccupied to care about trampling people. I can also see how the PM would be preoccupied with something else, or nervous and shy about it. Martin seems like a naturally shy fellow. But overall, I get the impression that he did not allow himself to connect with the event and emote any expression of grief. His handler certainly didn't seem to care less. Water is a great thing to send, but often a true sentiment expressed is a far greater gift. Layton at least seemed to be subdued (for Layton) and allowed himself to connect. I'll commend him on that.
wow i am disgusted in that lack of emotion and remorse for the sri lankans loss not to mention the poor display of gratitude towards our soldiers.
You guys also have to remember that this was a 5 minute video.  No one here knows what happens in the other 55 minutes which apparently landed on the cutting room floor.  And I'm sure Stephen Harper would have done exactly the same thing...

In short, I agree with Mr. Dorosh... this video is much ado about nothing.

Out of curiosity, how many have forgotten about the tremendous loss of life that occurred on Dec 26th?  I hate to admit it, but its been pushed out of my mind.  I think about it occasionally, but only when there is a direct reference to the event, or one of the nations involved.  Sadly, it's human nature... it happened a world away from us, and doesn't directly impact us...

I tend to agree with most of the posts on this one.  The guy shooting the video had 58 mins of footage and we see a cut down 6:31.  That is too much editing to make a fair decision on whether or not the PM was actually interested.

I got the feeling that he was at the whim of his handler.  She told him where to go and what to say.

This was a typical political visit.  So, yes, the average soldier was not talked to;  normally we are not the ones the politicians are told to talk to.  So that part doesn't bother me too much.  They only book so much time for his visit in the field anyway.  The rest was probably spent talking with other politicians.

There is one thing that bothers me with the author of this video.  He makes comments about the PM having his picture with the Canadian flag flying in the background.  Well of course it's going to be flying.  What is one of the first things that we do when go somewhere new for an operation.  Find ground, set of HQ and raise our flag.

I also agree with [quote   The guy who shot this is probably just pissed about not getting proper press credentials or something.

It seems that way to me.  I am not a liberal backer, however, which ever party is in charge at time like that;  I am sure their handlers would act the same and dictate the outcome of the visit.
Sheerin said:
You guys also have to remember that this was a 5 minute video.  No one here knows what happens in the other 55 minutes which apparently landed on the cutting room floor.  And I'm sure Stephen Harper would have done exactly the same thing...
I'm not sure he would have done the exact same thing, to be honest, but I will give you that, there was likely a lot cut out.
In short, I agree with Mr. Dorosh... this video is much ado about nothing.
I think it's important for independant media to capture offshot, candid moments like this and I hope to see more in the future. Of all parties.