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Past Co-op Students to be paid in LFCA

Should Past Students Be Given The Pay

  • Don't Care

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 6 23.1%

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Has any one else heard the good new all past co-op students who were not paid during the 90's will be back payed for there time. That means lots of money for me. ;D

What are your feelings and thoughts on this?
I never heard this, but I know of alot of people that are going to be smiling if it does go through.
CFL said:
Doesn't co-op mean you work for free whether its at Sears or any other postion.

Not necessarily, my son is in the co-op program at Waterloo University, and has been quite well paid during his work terms. I suppose it all depends on the terms of reference for the particular program.
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this refer to high school work terms?   Being a reasonable distance form a unit, no one I went to high school with worked with the Reserves (for the coop program anyways)....but I have heard of others taking advantage of this opportunity.  

**edit**  I can't recall whether any of my classmates were paid, I know the bulk of them were not.  But they got the morning off school and a bit of experience, not such a bad go.
I remember that from high school, we were never paid.

It was high school and those in the program during the 90's were not payed. but some legalities have arisen. Insurance being one of them. I heard that possibly some one was taking the army to court about this does any one know if that is true or why this has come about?
My daughter started her first day at co-op today with our local Saturn dealer.  The school requirement is 3 hours  a day. 
For the past few years the  Militia co-op  was cancelled here in Durham Region.  The reason the Co-op coordinator was giving out was the money issue and other concerns.  Students in the program joined a regiment.  Parade nights and weekend exercises were over and above the 3 hours a day required so some of the students wanted to be paid, plus insurance reasons. 
I say "big deal" if you want in the program, give a little.  I told my step son that last year, he wouldn't go to his co-op five minutes early even though they gave him a $200.00 Christman bonus.  Hell I didn't get a Christmas bonus and I worked on Christmas.  (city job)
I understand that the Militia co-op is up and running again this semester with the Ontario Regiment.
It was a good deal for high school students. We got good troops and they got 4 credits. I instructed on co-op in '00 and '02.

Then we started paying them and alot of money hounds joined. they earned their 4 crdeits and took their money and left.

Why does the CF have to be subject to legalities like this when we have the principle of UNLIMTED LIABILITY for service members (Basically meaning the country may ask you to give your life in service of the Canadian Armed Forces)....

ARRGGGGHHHH (Pulling my wee bit of hair out)
They got both as of '04...

Starting in '04, some legal BS popped up and the CF ordered us to start paying them.

This really peeved alot of school boards because they weren't too jived with students getting paid and earning credits. Why ?

(1) Other co-op students in other programs weren't earning dough in their programs (we are talking high school)

(2) It attracted the wrong type of recruits ($$$ hounds) Our last co-op course, 12 out of 32 stayed on in the unit once school was out. In previous years, we had a high retention rate because the program was challenging to an extent. So only those who wanted to be troops joined and put up with the stress.

Frustrating. Another way the CF shot itself in the foot.
Thats strange, only 2 of the 30 something BMQ coop candidates at my unit left last year.
I am currently just starting the co-op program....I think it is great that we get paid. The military co-op students put in a lot more time (about 30% more...roughly) and effort than a lot of other co-ops.  I didn't even know we got paid untill about a week after I joined...I would have joined regardless though.  :cdn:
Its either a  2 credit course or a 4 credit(2 credit=half day, 4 is a full day of course.) Ill be signing up for the military co-op sometime this week/next for grade 11. I hear there is a real rush for applicants but I hope I make it in, since im going for the right reason.
when i did my co-op (course 9901) with the RHLI in the hamilton garrison we were only paid when we went into the feild etc.. so on our 5 day range week, and our 10 day FTX.

so if someone could clarify this for me, the co-op students now, will be getting paid for every day they attend?

As of '02, yes. Every day and they get their high school credits too.
I've got a friend down in St. Catherines doing coop with the Licoln and Welland regiment, I beleive it is. She mentioned getting paid for all the time she does. Now, the bit about this that annoyed me was simple envy; she works three times a week doing this, plus weekend BMQ, and I only get a thursday night a week, plus whatever weekend work I can swign- fortunately, my weekends are almost all working these days. The co-op sounds like an excellent deal, and she's planning on staying in once the co-op expires. I see it as a great way to attract high-schoolers who are put off by the idea of the military initially. Once you get into it and getused to it, you can find it's actually pretty fun- I mean, come on; find me another co-op that lets you fire rifles.

Looking back, I wish I'd known the reserves did co-ops when I joined up last year. I could have adjusted my course selections to do it that way, gotten some more work, and gotten a few extra credits. Nonethelss, the recruiting process served its purpose, and now I'm hooked...
Here in 38 CBG (LFWA) we were very surprised to hear that LFCA was not paying its coop candidates. Here, we enroll them in the Army Reserve, so therefore we pay them. As far as I know, we always have.  How LFCA was doing it, I have no idea, because to bring people in, issue them uniforms and then train them, then give them a military qualification requires that the person be a member of the Armed Forces. I am not surprised that some people took the CF to court: somebody in LFCA was not doing their homework.
