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Passchendaele movie

You know zeff, it truly appears to me that you do indeed have an agenda.  You claim to have inside knowledge of the workings of how grants are applied for and granted in Alberta.

zeff said:
...... My issue is with the disregard for the process, and lack of accountability by the government. Would you support a $5.5 million grant to a project that wasn't pro Canadian? Would you support any project that supperceded the maximum funding allowable, with no rhyme or reason? Would you support a grant for a project (construction, oil, the arts, whatever) where there wasn't a tender, a competition process, or even a program in place, and the recipient was someone who was in favour with the Government?
Perhaps you should look at what the Liberal Government is currently going through and then ask yourselves, does the end justify the means?

zeff said:
Grants for film projects in Alberta must go through the Film Development office, and are capped at $1.5 million (this program is always over subscribed). Mr Gross (who technically should not be able to access these funds because he is not an Alberta based producer, unless he is partnering with a local) is receiving $5.5 million under the "banner" of the Centennial Project. Yes, this is a different program, however, if you examine the 17 grant programs under the Centennial Programs and Projects banner, none of them are applicable to this kind of project.  SO the question again is how did this come about?

zeff said:
While the Alberta Government has modestly supported film during the Klein administration, Alberta has one of the lowest funding programs in Canada. This is what makes this whole Passchendaele grant out of the ordinary. If the provincial government sudden wanted to increase support of Alberta/Canadian films then why didn't they increase the funding envelope so Mr Gross could apply there like everyone else? Why suddenly did they give $5.5 million dollars to this project. Klein said he funded the project because it was the year of the veteran (and our Centennial). Why then wasn't it budgeted for in the last fiscal? Did this year suddenly sneak up on them? 

In the end you have only complained.  That is your Democratic right.  Now, do you have actual inside information denouncing the Klein administration or are you just upset at something you find wrong without the concrete knowledge of what you are complaining about?  Have you been privy to all the administration requests and processing of these grants?  Have you been a member of the Legislative process or Cabinet process that may have voted for an increased Grant for this "to be filmed in Alberta" project?  I find it unusual that you, like many other Canadians, seem to protest at the drop of a hat any injustice they perceive, without doing any full research into the matter, and continue with blinders on, no matter what may be brought up to question of their logic.  I really think that attitudes like this hold our country back and prevents us from achieving the betterment of our society.  Please provide some concrete proof that there has indeed been foul play in the process of this Grant, or shut up. 

Mr. Wallace,
I'm spinning my wheels here, because you are obviously an ignoramus.
Anyone that can read, can determine what the provincial funding guidelines are. I've made my calls to my MP, to the Minister of Community Development, followed the media coverage and Government bulletins. 
In fact sir, it's probably people like you, who seem to relish in "the old boys club" mentality, that hold back progress.
Careful Mr. Wallace, with winter approaching, your red neck may loose it's colour.
zeff said:
.................. because you are obviously an ignoramus.

................. it's probably people like you, who seem to relish in "the old boys club" mentality, that hold back progress.

............... your red neck may loose it's colour.


Your attitude is showing.   I would suggest you read some of the guidelines for members of this site.

You have not provided any proof whatsoever of your claims that there has been any wrong doing.   You have been asked if you have any inside privileges or access to the inner workings of the Alberta Government and if there may have been a motion in the Legislature or Cabinet to approve any extra funding.   You have failed to do so.   You have made statements with no facts to back them up, such as
zeff said:
Anyone that can read, can determine what the provincial funding guidelines are.
I've made my calls to my MP, to the Minister of Community Development, followed the media coverage and Government bulletins.
  Obviously you are not capable of investigating and passing on factual information, with good links to be verified by others who may not accept the word of a possible fraud at face value.   Anyone can originate a letter to a Member of Government, but without a reply, it is not fact, it is only a letter from the originator.   To say that there was a good article on the subject in the Wainwright Times, and not produce the article or even a link, is not proof of a fact.   Your protestations are only protestations.  

I once had a Boss who had lunch with Paul Martin.   He went around and told everyone that he had lunch with Paul Martin.   Well, truth be told, he had lunch in a restaurant in Ottawa, one which Paul Martin stopped in to have lunch, while he was there.   Therefore in his mind, as he had lunch in the same restaurant as Paul Martin, although at different tables and parts of the restaurant, he had lunch with Paul Martin.   So far, your little tirades have equated to much the same to me.   Sorry zeff, but I find you have yet to provide anything credible in your conspiracy theory.
Mr Zeff,

There seems to be quite a few "Zeffs" involved in the directing, producing, and supplying of the movie industry, ie cameras & editing etc. I am beginning to feel as though you indeed have an ulterior motive in what you are posting. You seem to be deeply concerned with what I feel to be an honourable and truly Canadian venture.

Mr Zeff, just how exactly are you involved in the movie industry? I suspect you are. Your posts seem to exhibit some kind of knowledge of how the grant system works (although to this point you have provided nothing to back-up your claim that it didn't work properly in this instance) and seem to have a self-righteous and unsubstantiated hate-on for the awarding of monies for this venture. Where exactly are your credentials, as I don't see anything listed on your profile, and what line of work are you in?

Your response would be appreciated by me, in order to best judge whether you are truly a neutral bystander who is simply concerned, or whether you are indeed an industry/political insider/activest with an axe to grind. Thanks very much.


Why here? I've read through your posts and am having a hard time trying to figure out what brought you to Army.ca, and what you're actually bringing to the table except invective and insults. (And in the interests of fair warning, that's not a good start around here.)

Were you looking for a place to bang this personal drum and just happened to find us in a Google search for the movie?

Or do you have something to contribute in this particular forum (and in a manner that might actually set forth a sensible argument in a rational manner)?

Perhaps if you establish the grounds for your personal opinion, besides simple hatred of government policy and frustration with those who question your unclear motivations, then we might be able to see your point.

Thank you.
I say Kudo's to the ALberta government for having the courage to support Canandian cinema no matter the cost, otherwise this story would be forgotten about and I think that is what Mr Zeff is seeking. He would prefer the children of Canada to remain ignorant of our proud military heritage.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I say Kudo's to the ALberta government for having the courage to support Canandian cinema no matter the cost, otherwise this story would be forgotten about and I think that is what Mr Zeff is seeking. He would prefer the children of Canada to remain ignorant of our proud military heritage.

Or maybe he wants average Canadians to value it enough to pay for it themselves?  I thought government grants traditionally went to unprofitable crap that no one would normally bother with.  The Masturbating Mexican is one example of a government-sponsored "artist" that comes immediately to mind.  A few summers ago he went on tour; jars of his own semen were the "art" he produced, all on the government dime.

I do hope Passchendaele is a little more marketable than that...
armyvern said:
Mr Zeff,

There seems to be quite a few "Zeffs" involved in the directing, producing, and supplying of the movie industry, ie cameras & editing etc. I am beginning to feel as though you indeed have an ulterior motive in what you are posting. You seem to be deeply concerned with what I feel to be an honourable and truly Canadian venture.


Mr. Zeff has admitted to being in the industry for 14 years.  Why would a keen interest in the subject be characterized as an "ulterior motive"?  I'd say his motives are quite transparent - equity in the distribution of grants.  What's the problem with that?

The question here is whether or not the 5.5 million was done according to governmental guidelines, or if it was a whim.  Mr. Klein has been known to do things on a whim.

I'm for this movie, but I'm not letting my membership in the military blind me to fairness in the process.  If an Army movie wants funding, well, like anything else it needs to be good and marketable (profitable), not just deemed "culturally significant" by a bureaucracy that spends other people's money (read: my tax money).

Oh, incidentally I've been through the grant process in Alberta, though not with respect to motion pictures.  This was a few years ago after my first book came out; I applied for funding for my second book, even included a copy of my first book with the application.  I thought the topic might be too broad to receive approval, focusing on Canada rather than Alberta, but was a little disappointed that they never even bothered to reply to the application (or return the copy of my first book).  Don't know if that is relevant or not, but it seemed to me at the time that the system was a bit hit or miss.  I know other authors that have gone through the application process also, as far as books are concerned.  Some make a living at it, and military subjects do get their due.  Daniel Dancocks - one of our country's best military historians - was one of them.  And right here in Alberta.

Having gone through the process of applying for a grant is one end of the process.  The other end, the decision end is the end that I am wondering about.  Anyone who has sat on a Board, of any type, School, Museum, Cabinet, etc., knows that votes can be made to take special consideration on a matter.  Who is to say that one of the Boards in the Alberta Government sitting on this matter didn't see it as an exceptional project and vote to give it an extra or increased amount.  Only a person privy to that info can say.  The only thing any of us 'outsiders' see is the end result, and without justification, it may seem unfair whether it was done properly or not.  We have enough examples of that in many of the threads on this site.  As with them, we like to get credible validation, not hearsay.

On your application, I hope someone finds it if it was lost, as I would hope that they would at least have the decency to send you your book back if it had been properly processed through the system.

Yes, I think as you and Michael O'Leary do that it is incumbent on Mr. Zeff to provide some proof that the process has been tampered with.

Although, it's kind of the Alberta way these days for things to get done by Mr. Klein and his government without a lot of explaining to do; his sizeable majority allows his to do that.  There is a lot of talk in this province about the sizeable surplus and how it is being spent.  We are all getting energy rebates in January which we are looking forward to though some wonder why the money isn't spent on something else.  Perhaps Passchendaele will be one of those "something elses" that the complainers to whom 100 bucks is valueless are referring to.

Some people are just never happy; given the absence of a true democracy - where all the people vote directly on every issue - that won't change.
There is an information session for prospective extras at Mewata Armouries, Garrison Officers Mess, at 2100 on Wed 31 May 2006 for anyone interested, also you can apply online at


All of the politics aside I am looking forward to the movie. I hope that it sheds light on the battle and I hope that all young Canadians has an oppourtunity to see it and understand the sacrafice that all those brave men gave for them.

"The Fighting Tenth"
I just found the poster for this movie. Its due to be released this fall.
Mods - this is the most recent post I found about this project - please merge if there is a more recent thread.

WOW! i just came from watching the new Indiana Jones movie, and was blown away by a pre-movie trailer for this new Canadian film.  They just posted this new trailer at http://www.passchendaelethemovie.com

I've been fooled by movie trailers before, but at a minimum it reads 100% Canadian production about the Canadian Army in Passchendaele.  With the perquisite love story thrown in - something that is likely to target a larger audience then just a procedural film about the battle, and hopefully prove that it can be financially viable to make quality big budget films about Canadian history.

I love the quote in the trailer "Their story .... is our story."  Well done Paul Gross, well done.
Its great to see this story get made. BZ to Paul Gross and all the others who made this happen  :salute: :cdn:
              Thanks for sharing this site about the movie I will be there opening night  .  I have heard about this movie awhile ago but haven't heard anything else sense  so glad to here that its still being made cant wait to see it this fall  .
54/102 CEF said:
Small After the battle snippet

All ground won in Nov 17 was lost in Mar 18

Nevertheless, the reputation of the Canadian Corps lived on.  About time it got the big screen treatment.  I suspect the movie will also show the folly of that cock-up of a war, but still concentrate on the individual soldier.  Seems to be the theme of the trailer anyway.  I hope someone makes Paul Gross an Honourary Colonel after this one.
BZ Paul and all who worked on this project.

If the movie is half as good as the trailer it will be amazing.

The only thing that could make it better is if it was realeased on Canada Day  :cdn:
