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Parents forget their baby in Vancover airport


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Tue May 13, 2:08 PM

OTTAWA (AFP) - Tickets, check. Passports, check. Luggage, check. Baby ... oops.

A family boarded a flight on Monday in westernmost Canada, and forgot their tot at the Vancouver international airport, media said Tuesday.

The 23-month-old boy's family had just arrived in Canada from the Philippines, but they were forced to repack their overweight bags before catching a connecting flight to Winnipeg, causing them to run late.

In their sprint to the gate, the family became separated.

The boy's father Jun Parreno, told local media he had thought his son was with his wife and the boy's grandparents, who ran ahead. They thought the boy was with his dad.

On the plane, the family members were seated separately and so did not immediately realize they had left the child behind.

Sometime later, a security guard found the boy, who speaks no English, wandering near the departure gate, and Air Canada officials tracked down his shocked parents on the flight.

Because the boy was so young, he was not issued a boarding pass and would have sat on a parent's lap during the flight, so airline personnel did not notice a passenger was missing.

According to the Vancouver Sun, airport security found a Tagalog-speaking Air Canada agent who looked after the child while his father flew 2,300 kilometers (1,400 miles) back to Vancouver to pick him up and then return to Winnipeg to rejoin the immigrant family on their first day in Canada.

The baby was kept in Air Canada's offices and staff found him some toys, said local media.

"Air Canada took good care of him," Parreno told the daily Winnipeg Free Press upon arrival. "I'm grateful."

I HATE it when that happens ::)
Home Alone all over again, the Canadian version :P
Maybe not the best first day in Canada, hopefully things go a little smoother for them, one can only hope it gets better from here on out!
Note to self:  ALWAYS remember to keep the baby with you when travelling, don't leave in airport!
This is pretty stupid. How do parents leave a toddler in an airport and not check with each other to make sure one of them has him before getting on a plane? Clueless.  ::)
Celticgirl said:
This is pretty stupid. How do parents leave a toddler in an airport and not check with each other to make sure one of them has him before getting on a plane? Clueless.  ::)

It was worse a few years ago (July 2003) at LaSalle. A father forget her little girl in the car while going to work. Found her dead in the car upon finishing
his work's day . French article about the mother, her grief and where she is now.
Yrys said:
It was worse a few years ago (July 2003) at LaSalle. A father forget her little girl in the car while going to work. Found her dead in the car upon finishing
his work's day . French article about the mother, her grief and where she is now.

I know where I'd be...in prison, 'cause I'd kill the bugger.  >:(
I can understand forgetting keys.... but a person?

I'll never figure out how someone can be such a complete moron as to forget their own child......
I recall a news story a while back (couple of years?) about a mom who put the car seat (baby strapped in) on top of the car, buckled in the older child, then drove off, leaving baby on the roof of the car!  Baby was fine, in the end, but sheesh! 
Posted by: Tommy
I can understand forgetting keys.... but a person?

Maybe the baby had the keys?!
"Air Canada took good care of him," Parreno told the daily Winnipeg Free Press upon arrival. "I'm grateful."

I would be pretty damn grateful too!!!

Whats that saying... oh yah, "If at first you dont succeed, the PARENTING is DEFINATLY not for you".

good post 8)

Harsh tonight aren't we? I think the article clearly lays it out as something that could have happened to any one of us, when you're rushing in all directions, brand new to a country, family split up into three seperate areas ... I certainly don't think that "neglect" and "bad parenting" is a factor.

That being said ... this one time in Pet, formed up for PT ... heard this little wail come from one of the vehicles ... buddy fell out and took his child off to the babysitter where he'd forgotten to drop his child off on the way in.

It happens. A lot. A whole lot. Are they all bad parents?
Yeah, ok. I'll admit, its a bit harsh. I'm just the overly critical, overly sarcastic type.

But Vern, you raise a great point. It can happen to even the best of us. I also have abolutely no dout in my mind that for a first day in a new country would be a SERIOUS factor in these events.

we can all take some serious lessons from this. Be prepaired before hand, leave early, go slow, and most impotantly, dont split up!!!

keep your stick on the ice,
It happens here too, recently a child was left in a car, and with the heat here, it does not take long, the child was DOA.

In this case ther were no charges.

Two-year-old dies in car during Perth heat
Email Printer friendly version Normal font Large font December 24, 2007 - 8:59AM

A two-year-old girl has died after accidentally being left in a car in Perth during temperatures that reached 36 degrees.

A West Australian Police spokesman said the girl's parents returned to their Maddington home, in the city's south-east, about 3pm yesterday before leaving again in another vehicle without her.

"They went to Fremantle in the other vehicle to pick up two other daughters," the spokesman said.

"They returned around 5pm and realised the (youngest) child was missing."

The girl was found in the first car a short time later, but attempts to resuscitate her were unsuccessful.


My mother left my sister at a store down town years age.  My little sister was in a stroler and back then (60s) they would just line up the strolers out side the stores, leaving the kids in them. When she left the store she took the four of us home.  When she got home she remembered our little sister.
I have to agree with Vern on this. I am a parent of a 2 1/2 yr old. If you need to go anywhere, you have to give yourself twice as much time to get ready to go anywhere. We have been in such a rush to get out the door that we have forgotten to close the door or forgotten the diaper bag etc. I can see it happening in an hectic and confusing environment  like an airport.
On saying that, if I ever forgot or left my daughter alone, my wife would do things to me that would have me begging to die.  ;D
I can soooooo see it happening.  You can't fault the parents, given the facts.  The bottom line is that everyone THOUGHT the child was in the care of another person.  It wasn't as if the child didn't matter or fell off their radar.  He just wasn't where they thought he was.

I think most parents can understand this.  It doesn't take a trip half way across the world, fluster at an airport, jetlag or confusion upon being seperated in a country while rushing to catch an aircraft to lead to this kind of event.  Thankfully, all is well that ends well.
For those who can't fanthom how a parent could possibly forget the instantaneous whereabouts of their child on a given moment while they are inundated with the pressures of real life; It is my sincere hope that someday you have children of your own, each with their own personality, agenda and attention span. I hope that you will do better than some of the examples listed above, but if you don't, I will at least understand and offer you the benifit of the doubt.
Agreed, I've always had a golden rule of never leaving my kids where I wouldn't leave a bag of money* and yet somehow there has still been that few seconds of ah f&#$, when my wife and I thought the other, etc......

*Not that I would compare money to kids but would you leave $50,000 in your back seat while you just slip in too buy milk?
As a father of 3 kids I can say that I have left them all in the vehicle while I dash in to the store to get Milk or similar small items.  I only do it when the vehicle is parked in front of the big open 7/11 windows, the vehicle is locked, and I always have the keys with me. 

I'll admit it - I "forgot" my daughter (age 5) last week!  She was playing at a friends house, I had to pick up the boy from Karate.  Told the friend's mom I'd pick the girl up on the way home from Karate.  Boy got in the van and proceeded to babble at me non stop about Pokemon, Chaotic, Bakugan or whatever.  Autopilot took me home, and I walked in the very quiet house and said to hubby - "Where's E?"  And immediately said "OMG I forgot her at H's."  At least she was safe, playing happily and not standing on a corner (like she might have been after dance class for example!)
As a parent we have all made so bonehead moves, some more than others, fortunately most of us, it's not plastered on the news and it's not that big of a bonehead move, but the real question should be:  Why on earth would you leave Vancover for Winnipeg???  Now, that's the real question!!! ;D  THAT seems crazy to me!!

I'm just kidding, for all you Winnipeger's out there, before you get mad >:D  I'm from B.C., I don't get it, leaving B.C., bonehead!