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Paid Education [Merged]

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I was just recently enrolled into communications reserves a couple of weeks ago, and I was planning to stay there until I finished my degree, then join the regs. By my school raised the tuition by 50% this year and 40% next year. Evidently, my plan has change and I feel Iike a big flake for doing this. I went to my unit asking for a component transfer. Also, my occupation is closed so I have to change, from a limeman to infantry. But I do not Know  what all my options are and I would like to know. I would like to now join the regs, and finish my degree, could this be done?  Do you know if the reserves has tuition reimbursement? Please feel free to comment on my situation as I am intrested in everyone's opinion. Thank you.
Buddy, I think that while you are in the Res, you are going to have to fork out the cash for tuition.

If you are in the Regs and you enroll as an officer and try to obtain your degree, the CF will pay your tuitionl.
I know about this because I acquired about it a while ago.
Also, if you want the best and most accurate advice in regards to your problem, take a cruise on down to your CFRC and talk to one of them. They would be more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

Mike Rogers
The reserves do offer higher education incentives. They will reimburse 50% of your tuition, or $2000 (which ever is lower) for up to 4 years for your first degree.

In the regs, you can do ROTP, either at RMC or your Uni, depending on what you‘re studying. Also, the regs offer an educational incentive for NCMs, but you need a few years service before you can apply for that.
ROTP at RMC might not be the best idea, as you will likely have to start from first year. ROTP at a civy U is a pretty good deal because you can apply no matter what year you‘re in. they will pay your full tuition as well as an allowance for textbooks and a salary (if you live in res, room and board will not be included-i think). you will have to spend the better part of your summers training, and about five years‘ service in the reg force will be required after completion of schooling.
Keep in mind that the reimbursement that Korus described is contingent on having completed basic training (if they haven‘t changed the rules since I last inquired).

Which probably means that you will probably be eligible for the reimbursement summer ‘04 to pay for ‘03-‘04 school year if you finish your basic training summer ‘03.
The following is an excerpt from ADM (HR-MIL) Instruction 04-01

Eligibility: Members on the effective strength of a P Res unit or establishment who:

1. Are registered at a Canadian post-secondary institution in a course leading to an initial baccalaureate degree or any other non-universtiy post-secondary course formally recognized as an equivalency for the member‘s MOC IAW DAOD 5031-1;

2. Successfully complete the military basic training course specified by the member‘s P Res element; and

3. Maintain continuous service during the academic year claimed. (Special provisions apply to new enrolees or members medically released.)

Entitlements: For courses started after 1 Sep 00, the lesser of 50% of tuition and mandatory course costs to a maximum of $2,000 in a fescal year will be reimbursed each Sep for courses successfully completed in the preceding academic year (Sep-Aug). The maximum benefit to an individual is $8,000.

Supplementary Information:

* Benefits may be claimed upon transfer between P Res and Regular Force components of the CF based on the course completion date.

* Continuous service is defined as full time or part-time service in the P Res. If a member interrupts continuous service for more than 30 days (except for maternity or parental leave), the member may not claim reimbursement for the academic year during which continuous service is broken....such as leave without pay, limitation of payments, suspension from duty, forfeitures imposed and non-effective strength

* Time limit: Members have one year from the Sep in which the entitlement is earned to claim reimbursement.

The entire instruction with application forms can be found at: http://vcds.mil.ca/cas/dmcs/fileso/DMCS5755.tif
If you are thinking of joining the Reg Force anytime after your education is complete:

Keep in mind that there are recruiting allowances for several Reg Force MOCs ($10,000 to $80,000). The most you can get from the PRes education reimbursement is $8,000. However, if you receive any money from the PRes education reimbursement, then you cannot receive any money through a recruiting allowance.

. . . then again, there is no guarantee that a recruiting allowances will still be around later.
I have received two installments of the CF education re-imbursement totalling $4000. I am still due another 4 but right now I‘m on EDT for a year (until Jan. 2004). Does anyone know how long it is before I can re-apply and become eligable for the money again?
Hmm...interesting...how did you get $4000? The max is supposed to be $2000 for each school year up to a max of four years
sorry...it won‘t let me edit my post...

I didn‘t read your two installments part...so that explains the $4000 part...anyhow...you can apply again once you complete another year of school.
Thanks cheechue but I don‘t think that quite answers my question, maybe I wasn‘t entirely clear. I‘m still enrolled in school and actually have completed another year. I should be due another 2 grand but right now I don‘t qualify because I am on EDT. How long after I come off EDT do I have to wait to re-apply? I‘m pretty sure that there is some kind of waiting period.
If your reimbursement plan is part of the PEP, the specific info you seek is likely only on the DWAN, but here‘s what I found so far:


Thanks a lot McG.

I had no idea that receiving the education
re-imbursement meant I was ineligable for a Reg Force signing bonus. Doesn‘t matter too much because I was never considering it as an option. It still bugs me though. That information didn‘t exist at my regiment when I received my first two installments. I have read everything that was available on it and it seems to be a very gray area. Clerks were and still are unsure of who qualifies and what steps to take. Both times it took 10 months for them to process my application. The second time I got my money they said I had to give it back because I was going to Germany for 1 year to work as an Engineer and needed to go EDT. Apparently if you receive the money you cannot go EDT or NES for 1 year after the date that you finished the last semester the CF reimbursed you for. When I found out I fell into that catagory I was furious and began contacteing my higher ups about the situation. Eventually my OC called NDHQ and they said don‘t worry about it, I‘m OK and don‘t have to give it back. I still expect a bill when I get home for $2000!

Situations like these make me wonder why I stay in....oh ya, because eventually they will have to give another $4000!
As long as you were not NES during the year for which you are claiming, you are entitled to the Education Reimbursement. It does become taxable if you leave the reserves in the year after you claim.
Finally finished my CFAT, medical, and interview. Cleared for my trade! Yes!

Anyway, I‘ve been told that as a reservist, you are eligible for a post-secondary tuition refund.

I asked the person that was interviewing me, and she had said that the offer only stands for regular force applicants. But I know that my friend as a Sig Op reservist received a tuition rebate.

Could someone straighten this out for me? Do only people in the communication reserve receive this offer?
takin off my units website www.12servicebattalion.com

Tuition reimbursement. $2000 per year or 50% of your tuition (whichever is lower) up to a maximum of four years or $8000. You must be in a program of post-secondary education leading to your first undergraduate degree or in a field of studies applicable to your military occupational trade.
I have two quick questions:

1. When will I get the benefits of the Army Reserves helping pay university/college tuition fees? When I finish Basic Recruit training?

2. I plan in studying in university/college while in the Army Reserves and therefore I can only take my Basic and MOS training during summers. If I take Basic in year 1 and have to wait till next summer for my MOS training, am I able to train during that year at a local regiment without a MOS?

