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Pace Sticks and Drill Canes

ARMYboi69 said:
Just to inquire, why would a Sergeant (for example) need to carry a pace stick if they were acting as a Platoon's 2IC.  Could they not use the Platoon WO's (if they were to carry one) instead?

All PPCLI SNCOs carry drill canes- pace sticks are an affliction that we have thankfully seen fit to do without!!

Usually the cane is only carried for ceremonial drill. Some of the NCOs in the schools also carry the cane on a daily basis.

I've never heard of the canes being handed down - but other units may do it.

Generally, the drill canes and pace sticks would be returned to supply, and then re-issued to the next person to hold the position. The purpose of the "handing over" is purely ceremonial.

Kyle Burrows said:
I disagree, setting a rank makes it look like an accoutrement.  Anybody who needs it, should be issued it.
you're welcome to your opinion - most times, Sgt's teach drill and the MCpl assists... therefore Sgt has a need for a pace stick.

The pace stick is not a decoration, it has a very specific use and should not be "bastardized" into being a "status symbol" or "chain of office".
If anyone has it but does not have a clue on how to properly use it, then it should be returned to QM where it belongs.
GO!!! said:
All PPCLI SNCOs carry drill canes- pace sticks are an affliction that we have thankfully seen fit to do without!!
Usually the cane is only carried for ceremonial drill. Some of the NCOs in the schools also carry the cane on a daily basis.
I've never heard of the canes being handed down - but other units may do it.
Pace sticks are DND property and are returned to QM after they are no longer required.
RSM and some SSM canes are Regimental Heirlooms that do not belong to the individual and which the Unit Fund should pay to have maintained.
Sr NCO canes... something like the old officer "swagger sticks" are personal property. Most units require that Sr NCOs carry weapons on ceremonial occasions - same as all ORs .... so those canes (which NCOs are made to purchase) never see much use.
ARMYboi69 said:
So would they carry them onto parade and form up with them?  Or were they only for use with the drill classes?
What planet are you from?
GGHG_Cadet said:
I was wondering who carries what. At camp the camp RSM, the cadet RSM, and all the CSMs carried pace sticks so I was wondering who the heck carries a drill cane then?
Ok, camp is different than CC. As a GGHG CC you are affiliated to an Armoured Unit, which by tradition caries Drill Canes. As an ex-GG (2402) I can tell you that no one carries pace sticks. All Snr Ranks SSMs, RSM, others have drill canes.

In camp, they are all considered Inf. so Pace Sticks for all (as far as I know. (Blackdown))

if you have anyother questions about the GGHG Reg. or Corps. Let me know.
Don't worry Kenchin I think I know my stuff about the Horse Guards now, I was pretty new when I posted that. I'm a Master Warrant Officer now so I should be ok, but thanks for trying to help.

GO, thanks for answering that question for me. I had a PPCLI WO as the Reg. Force CSM of my company this summer and he carried a drill cane and I was wondering why.
This also simply depends on what the corps has available to them. Some corps only have drill canes because they're cheaper, and others only pace sticks. It's also at the CO's discretion.
At our corps, its like this:

RSM/CWO -> Pace Stick
CSM -> Black Pace Stick
DSM -> Pace Stick
Platoon Commander -> Drill Cane
Guard Commander -> Drill Cane

The Black Pace Stick doesn't make much sense, unless its symbolism from something in the RnR(Royal Newfoundland Regiment). Plus, we have extra pace sticks(normal ones).

We are affiliated with C Company of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, which are Light Infantry Reserves.
Oddly enough, my corps' used to parade with Drill Cane and Pace Sticks. Only in the last year have we stopped. And yes I am a SEA Cadet. The corp was given the Drill Cane and Pace Sticks in 2000 when we went to Britian. A Royal Marine cadet unit gave our Cox'n the Drill Cane, and the 2 Parade Gunners, Pace Sticks. The Drill Cane and Pace Sticks were only used for our ACRs and Ceremonial Divisions.
cheeky_monkey said:
Oddly enough, my corps' used to parade with Drill Cane and Pace Sticks. Only in the last year have we stopped. And yes I am a SEA Cadet. The corp was given the Drill Cane and Pace Sticks in 2000 when we went to Britian. A Royal Marine cadet unit gave our Cox'n the Drill Cane, and the 2 Parade Gunners, Pace Sticks. The Drill Cane and Pace Sticks were only used for our ACRs and Ceremonial Divisions.
Not cool... that said, RCSC cadets aren't prohibited from using pace sticks, any more than tape measures. If you have one around the place, and wish to use it to mark out the square, use it. Just not "on parade." Then, the guard PO and flag party commander carry cutlasses (I've seen a reference where the cox'n, if there are armed groups on parade, will carry a sheathed cutlass - in one of the old Vol I/II manuals  - but that doesn't seem to be current practice), while all others content themselves with what accoutrements they are entitled to - which doesn't include pace sticks or drill canes.
bms said:
The Black Pace Stick doesn't make much sense, unless its symbolism from something in the RnR(Royal Newfoundland Regiment). Plus, we have extra pace sticks(normal ones).

We are affiliated with C Company of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, which are Light Infantry Reserves.

Not that I'm aware of or they changed or added something to the regs. I carried a regular natural wood coloured patchfinder pacestick while I was in A Coy 1st Bn RNFLDR. Someone in the late 1980's had a idea that all Pacesticks (1st Bn never had drill cans at least then) would be painted Burgundy, fortunately nothing ever came of it.

geo said:
black pace sticks is an RCR thing....

Among other Regiments. I had to paint mine Black when I transferred to the Toronto Scottish.
Im PPCLI and I use the Drill cane on form ups Coy or BN.I bought my cane so it is mine. I bought mine so I keep it. I do not see it being abused......1 VP  Red Devils