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Over 40 to old?


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I’ve done most of the recruiting process and now I am waiting for the offer letter. I am very happy about that, also I really want to join.
What is bothering me is that I am 42 years old .
Should I be embarrassed to join at this age? Will I be the clown in the group?
I am a tall guy 6.3 . A bit heavy 103kg (lost 20Kg in the last 12 months while preparing to join), my physical is not in bad shape.
Any advise? Have you seen over 40 joining?
You should not be embarrassed about your age. Granted, at 42 you may be looked at by your peers as the "voice of experience", but they won't really care. You may even experience some "at your age you should know better". The best approach is probably going to be eyes and ears open, mouth shut. Don't speak unless you have something to contribute. Even still, you should expect a certain amount of eye rolling from the younger crowd. 6'3" and 100kg is not terrible. Keep up your fitness journey, and let the youngsters keep up to you.
What trade are you going into? The military is a young person's game.
You'll be fine. No one will bother you at 6'3" 100kg's regardless of age.
Back in 2001 one my platoon mates on BMQ was 41, he did fine. He did better than many of us young guys due to being more mature.

One piece of advice I will give, don't every pull the "I have more life experience" line on your younger instructors. Even if what you wanted to say is valid, you shut down any chance of the message getting through.
It will be different, but not impossible. Have a look on youtube for Basic Up! The second season shows a couple of 40 somethings. Different standards, but still THE standard. You still need to learn, but at your age there is a greater possibility that you have learned to THINK, so your errors won't be your peers' errors. Greater ability for you to be the grey man - having the extra years usually gives you greater capacity to work, and to shut up and deal with stupid situations. More leadership will naturally be expected of you too, but that can mean a greater opportunity to SHOW leadership.

I can't honestly say I've been through it though, so take my comments with a grain of salt. It just seems to me that a literally more mature outlook on life can only help you to be a better troop.
Don't ever be bothered with your age, I joined CAF only 8 months ago and during basic training I've met 2 people over 40 years old. One of them is a guy in my platoon, he's 41 and guess what's his trade, infantry. Even though I overheard other guys from my platoons was unsure about if he's able to go through DP1/2 due to his injury during BMQ but hey at least he was able to successfully graduate from basic training. The other one is a super nice and tough lady and she's 45, you can never imagine things she's went through, one thing is during Farnham our sister platoon and us used day bag for most of the practice/missions and the lady's platoon has to rucksack march everywhere they go and their ruck sack's about 50 lbs and over. Half of their platoon got injured during Farnham and can't even be part of the graduation ceremony drills (they were on medical chit and have to sit on bench) but she still managed to graduate BMQ and her trade training. I also met another guy in his 40s in my trade training, if they can do it, you can do it. The other thing you're worried about, I'll say 95% people I met during basic are friendly and as long as you don't do anything stupid constantly and repeatly (and this part is not related to your age either plus I'm pretty sure you won't do any of this) such as forget to bring pt cloth/shoes, late on timing, talking in ranks etc. that will cause the whole platoon get punished then no one will ever "hate" or make fun of you. Overall the more life experience you have the less mistake you will make. One last tip is to try to not avoid any common tasks/duties, there's a 18-year-old in my platoon never did his common duty (cleaning common area for inspection), and no one likes him.
It can be done.

Many moons ago, I went through Infantry Officer Phase 3 Training with a 40+ year old fellow candidate. The rest of us were 21-25 ish. Although the 40+ year old got hurt in the final days, he managed to get through training and was the top candidate on the course. He went on to complete Phase 4 no problem.

Going further back in time, to a previous life when I was an NCM /instructor, I remember a 40-ish recruit who successfully completed training and he was one of the better ones. On the other hand, I also recall an unusual situation where two recruits were a mom and son. She must have been around 40. They were placed in the same platoon. It did not end well. After a few weeks of Basic Military Training, they both quit.

Post BMT, you are going into the intelligence trade so your related training/work is going to have a significant emphasis on performing staff work: analyses, reports, preparing/delivering briefings, etc. The physical toll on your 40yr old body should not be onerous.

My personal observation is that intelligence operators often tend to be “older”. I think the reason for this is that many of them start their careers in other trades and later ”re-muster/ reclassify” to Intelligence. You may find yourself on course with a few “older” people like this, which may help you feel more comfortable with age gap issues.

As always, common experiences as you progress through training (and beyond) will help you to build a peer group with the younger set.

Note that the CAF has adjusted its Compulsory Retirement Age over the years. It went from 55 to 60, roughly ten years ago, and some are now speculating that it may go to 65 in the future. You could have 20-25 years ahead of you, provided that you remain fit.

Good Luck meeting your career goals in the CAF.
When I went through basic, there was a guy there who was reaching mandatory retirement age at the end of his initial contract, so he was 50 or 51. Met a few other people who joined as officers in the same boat, so they were mid 40s with a 9 year contract until they were 55.

All of them got through basic okay, and were generally all really good to work with.

I wouldn't worry about your age, the big thing is if you are part of the team, do your job, and not a jerk. If you are reasonably in shape basic shouldn't be bad, and I don't think the INT training is hugely physical.

Best of luck in the CAF!
I did Basic in 1999 (just turned 19) and there were several people who were in their late 30's to mid-40's. Honestly some of them were the best team mates I could've asked for. As much as they were recruits just like me, I'm not sure if I would've make it through basic training without them! And here I am 24 years later thanks to them. Nothing wrong with joining in your 40's! Best of luck on your journey!
I’ve done most of the recruiting process and now I am waiting for the offer letter. I am very happy about that, also I really want to join.
What is bothering me is that I am 42 years old .
Should I be embarrassed to join at this age? Will I be the clown in the group?
I am a tall guy 6.3 . A bit heavy 103kg (lost 20Kg in the last 12 months while preparing to join), my physical is not in bad shape.
Any advise? Have you seen over 40 joining?
I'm 42 as well - recently turned.
Moved to the competition list a few days ago so I'm right there in the waiting game with you.