Another interesting article from Andrew Latham about Canada and the Arctic
Apparently Joly is revisiting discussions with the EU on defence and security matters. Kind of understandable given the threats to NATO and Five Eyes from south of the border. But, and I agree entirely with Latham, given Canada's limited resources we can't afford to lose focus on the Arctic.
Under the "cake and eat it category" Latham notes -
Denmark, Sweden and Finland are all members of the EU.
Sweden and Finland are also recently joined up members of NATO.
Denmark, Sweden and Finland are also members of NORDEFCO, one of a number of organizations that align the Scandinavians.
They are also members of JEF.
JEF appears to be something of a red-headed step-child. It has NATO roots and EU associations but neither of them seem to happy to own it.
That may have something to do with it's "coalition of the willing" approach to independent action.
JEF includes EU members Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
It also includes non-EU Iceland, Norway and the UK.
Denmark owns Greenland and the Faroes but Greenland has rejected EU membership.
But JEF is a leading supporter of Ukraine and has an active record developing interoperable forces in the Arctic and along the border with Russia.
The Brits and Canada supposedly have a longstanding working relationship.
The Nordics have invited Canada to join them as an "Honorary Nordic".
My sense is that Canada needs to cultivate new friends with comparable interests. I believe JEF is a more suitable target than the EU. It more closely aligns with our geopolitical needs and still leaves us tied into European concerns.
And after yesterday's squabbles about 5 Eyes membership with the US positing removing Canada from the mix, and Canada responding that maybe it is the US that should be cut out, all of a sudden Joly seems to have remembered the potential advantages of aligning with the other Three Eyes of the Commonwealth - Canada with Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
"Because of the U.S. changing positions on engagement in the world -- and particularly when it comes to Ukraine -- it is impacting the relationship lots of countries have with the U.S."
Canada and the UK in JEF with the Nordics and Balts and a solid working relationship to the EU would make an interesting counter-poise to Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Phillipines, Indonesia and a plurality of the island states, as well as much of South East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma), Bhutan and Nepal.
The association was made clear in the UN vote on Ukraine.
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Canada 41,000,000
Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand 140,000,000
JEF adds another 50,000,000
The EU adds another 500,000,000
The Indo-Pacific nations listed add another 750,000,000
And Africa and South America (including Mexico and the Caribbean) add 650,000,000.
That represents a pool of some 2,000,000,000 people with democratic and liberal tendencies (kindofish).