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I wonder what those douchebags Coulter and Carlson would say about this comic.
Danjanou said:
For the 456th time there were no, repeat no, Canadian units fencible or militia present at the burning of Washington, Brits only. The Canadian units were too busy overrruning Michigan Territory, capturing half of Maine, and sacking and burning Buffalo (again) that week. 8)

I apologize for the historical inaccuracy that started this whole thing, but does it really matter?  As a general rule, americans have no idea about anything that doesn't emphasize that they are the most powerful nation in the universe.

Dont want to start a shite fest..but 48th heres a good point .... technically we were still a british territory or under british rule  ;D so it can be argued that we still caused them greif.. what ya think?? :D
Well since we WERE under Brit rule, it would actually also be inaccurate to even state that "Canadian militia" took part in any of the fighting.  If you're aiming for accuracy here, they were Brittish militia who happened to be living on the North American continent :)  So, if you want to pursue that line of logic, "we" didn't do anything in 1812.
And lets not forget the fenian raids and that there were units made up of locals, Hamilton Niagara and York Militia and 2 units specifically the Lincolns and the Welland Regiments and also Butler's Rangers.

Just remeber we have Rick Mercer making fun of Americans.

OK Guys (and gals)

I don't believe that threads like this are what we're all about here. Lately there has been an element that is trying to run down the States and G Bush at any cost. Its not the sort of thing that a responsible site for military and ex-military members need to have or post. All it does is make us look like we're playing into whatever crap these two (in the original post #1) were going on about. Its stupid and a waste of time.

Furthermore we have a number of U.S. Servicemen, past and present, who frequent this site and are most welcome. How do you think they feel when all of our closet anti-American members and their buddies start putting this crap up.

Time to rethink those posts!

scott1nsh said:
Good point, Old Guy, arseholes and loudmouths know no nationality.

Hate quoting myself but it does reinforce Slim's very good point.
48Highlander said:
Well since we WERE under Brit rule, it would actually also be inaccurate to even state that "Canadian militia" took part in any of the fighting.   If you're aiming for accuracy here, they were Brittish militia who happened to be living on the North American continent :)   So, if you want to pursue that line of logic, "we" didn't do anything in 1812.

I just want to say that many of the British living in Canada, among others, considered themselves to be Canadians at the time, so even though we weren't a country yet, there were still many Canadians.

And another thing on some Americans not knowing much because of messed up teaching, on a visit to the US, I had a chance to see an American text book, there was a map of North America in it and the map was showing the US to be much larger north to south than Canada (from Alert to the US border). It also showed Mexico to be much smaller.
atticus said:
I just want to say that many of the British living in Canada, among others, considered themselves to be Canadians at the time, so even though we weren't a country yet, there were still many Canadians.

And another thing on some Americans not knowing much because of messed up teaching, on a visit to the US, I had a chance to see an American text book, there was a map of North America in it and the map was showing the US to be much larger north to south than Canada (from Alert to the US border). It also showed Mexico to be much smaller.

    You sure you didn't just dream that up?  Yes, our education system is better than the American system, but c'mon, let's not be silly here.  I'll bet you're also convinced that Bush was reading that book upside-down, right? :)
48Highlander said:
    You sure you didn't just dream that up?   Yes, our education system is better than the American system, but c'mon, let's not be silly here.   I'll bet you're also convinced that Bush was reading that book upside-down, right? :)

I really, really didn't dream that up. I was very surprised to see it that way! I also wasn't really reading anything out of the book so maybe there is a story as to why it was like that.

Whats that about Bush reading a book upside-down? I don't think all Americans are stupid, just the ones that seem to get onto tv somehow.
Bah.  A lot of my friends and relatives tend to be very left-wing-hippy-tree-huging-liberal so I'm constantly getting pictures of George Bush with an upside-down book, or looking through binoculars with the lens-caps on.  Just dumb pictures either taken out of context or photoshopped.  Anyway I don't know where you saw that map but I can guarantee you that the American education system doesn't teach their students that Canada is part of the US.  Maybe it was a gag-book, or maybe just the map itself was a joke or what have you.  It's not what's being taught to US students though.
48Highlander said:
Bah.   A lot of my friends and relatives tend to be very left-wing-hippy-tree-huging-liberal so I'm constantly getting pictures of George Bush with an upside-down book, or looking through binoculars with the lens-caps on.   Just dumb pictures either taken out of context or photoshopped.   Anyway I don't know where you saw that map but I can guarantee you that the American education system doesn't teach their students that Canada is part of the US.   Maybe it was a gag-book, or maybe just the map itself was a joke or what have you.   It's not what's being taught to US students though.

oh, I seen that picture with Bush with the lens caps on the binoculars. I think you misunderstood me about that text book; I mean that it showed that the US was larger north to south than Canada, not that Canada was a part of the US.
atticus said:
oh, I seen that picture with Bush with the lens caps on the binoculars. I think you misunderstood me about that text book; I mean that it showed that the US was larger north to south than Canada, not that Canada was a part of the US.

  Oh.  Actually, as far as I know, that's normal.  Due to the merkator projection or some such.  It's the reason Africa looks almost the same size as Canada on the map when in fact it should be twice as big.  Don't quote me on that though, maybe someone else here knows exactly how it works.
Old Guy said:
Consider the source, guys.   Consider the source.   As noted above, both countries have loudmouth types who don't seem to perform any function other than participating in the oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle.


How true Jim,  and Canadians in general are not going to knock a whole country south of the 49th just because of a few idiots spewing shyte on international television.

I have many American friends, and I have always enjoyed myself while in the USA.


48Highlander said:
Bah.   A lot of my friends and relatives tend to be very left-wing-hippy-tree-huging-liberal so I'm constantly getting pictures of George Bush

In my experience, it's not the tree-hugging liberals that are a problem with US-bashing. It's the "I'm a left-winger 'cause it makes me look cool and rebellious."

I had a few left-wing-hippy-tree-hugging-liberals wish me luck with the army (which the I-wanna-be-cool-left-wingers don't do) and also, some of them actually defend the US from out-of-context attacks, like when someone bashes the US over something without knowing what they're talking about. "Real" left-wing people are well-educated in what they protest, and usually try to tell you "this is wrong because of such-and-such reasons" whereas "fake" left-wing people just go "THIS IS SO AWEFUL MAN, LIKE.. IT'S JUST WRONG!"

Just for the record, Rick Mercer is one of the most awesome people ever to be on the CBC. (not like it's hard or anything.. who else do they have besides Peter Mansbridge? Don Cherry?)

As to the original topic... I think the left and the right are both equally stupid: they both make broad generalisations, they both ignore what the other side has to say, and they both lie when the facts aren't in their interest. They also both make up facts, spin information, and generally run around talking out of their behinds. Neither side is completely right or completely wrong. (I consider myself a centrist, as I'm on different sides depending on the issues.)

But what was said on CNN was definately out of line... Oh well, I'm going to bed now.
goo point slim I just thought that Rick Mercer is a funny man in general. I have no qualms with the States and G-Bush I think that they are all fine people :salute:
Thanks Armyrules for that comment.

You know there's nothing wrong with having a legitimate beef with a person or country. But as was mentioned earlier, many of these "lefty's" just bash things (not just the US) just because its cool and the chick (or guys) they want to sleep with happen to hold that particular viewpoint.

I think they look kind of silly when doing stuff like that...It would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous!
