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Osama Bin Laden Dead

For all the death and destruction this POS caused, no remorse and the world is a better place for having been rid of him.

To the US troops who got him, good job!
Congratulations USA.

News reports incl that one of those killed used a woman as a human shield. She was also killed. Cowards.
tomahawk6 said:
What is an interesting reaction in Pakistan is outrage that the US mounted an operation in their country NOT that OBL was found living comfortably in one of their cities just a short distance from a police station and a military academy.The outrage ought to be how corrupt the security forces were.

I'm sure that his being there was no real secret to many in Pakistan.
Conspiracy theories already abound....no body, is he really dead? is what jumped out at me.....but it doesn't give his empire a rallying point....
Official explanation for the burial at sea was that no other country would take him.

They must have forgotten to call Somalia  :P

Should probably have said "no country that we trust."


Elvis is alive, the earth is flat, lunar landings were fake and Obama isn't 'Merican. This shit has to come from the same people - who all have major shares in Alcan.

Technoviking said:
Hitler killed himself on 30 April, 1945.
The body of the allegedly dead Hitler was never produced either.

Yep, it's a good day for tinfoil sales  ;D
I don't believe it for a second.  "Yep, we killed him!"
                                                "Any pictures?"
                                                "Errr, no, sorry, the camera battery died."
                                                "Where's the body?"
                                                "Ummmm... we dumped it in the ocean."
                                                "And nobody had a cell phone or camera?"
                                                "Nope, damned inconvenient too, sorry"
                                                "I'm thinking it's the exact polar opposite of inconvenient, actually."
So I guess this means he fled to Argentina Venezuela.  >:D

When I read about his body being handled in accordance with Muslim tradition, my initial reaction was a bit mixed. Then, when I thought rationally about it, that's just another reason we're better than "them". I'm sure that Daniel Pearl's body was handled in accrodance with ?Jewish? tradition.  ::)
The intel haul out of the mansion should lead to other top leaders of AQ.
At least with staying in accordance with Islamic customs and burying the dead within a certain time limit, the US has 'honoured' him in that way.  The burial at sea, prevents his having a tomb or other structure built over his body to commemorate/glorify him as a martyr.  There are enough scavengers swimming in the oceans to quickly dispose of his remains.

Got some pictures of the room he was killed in, I'm going to assume they have pictures of the body now.

EDIT: He was also apparently shot through the left eye, which would explain why they didn't just release his mug shot immediately.
Kat Stevens said:
I don't believe it for a second.  "Yep, we killed him!"
                                                "Any pictures?"
                                                "Errr, no, sorry, the camera battery died."
                                                "Where's the body?"
                                                "Ummmm... we dumped it in the ocean."
                                                "And nobody had a cell phone or camera?"
                                                "Nope, damned inconvenient too, sorry"
                                                "I'm thinking it's the exact polar opposite of inconvenient, actually."

The body was dumped in the ocean so that his burial place could not become a holy site and the "burial" performed very quickly I believe due to muslim customs.
Crank said:
The body was dumped in the ocean so that his burial place could not become a holy site and the "burial" performed very quickly I believe due to muslim customs.

Won't the place where he was killed serve the same purpose?
From CNN
"There are also photographs of the body with a gunshot wound to the side of the head that shows an individual who is recognizable as bin Laden, a U.S. government official said. No decision has yet been made on whether to release the photographs and if so, when and how. "