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Osama Bin Laden Dead

What bothers me, is the fact, that nothing has changed. Other than the fact we had a pretty good idea of his modus operandae, how he ran his network, how he contacted people, where he got his money, etc, etc, etc. Now we're basically back to square one, once we figure out who has taken over.

The only thing that seemed to have changed with OSB was the broad spectrum of "Islam must take over the civilised world" to "Refute your support for Israel". Of coarse, we know, that the minute we did that the next demand would come.

There is no dealing or appeasement that will stop the terrorists. Look at Northern Ireland. Finally, somewhat of a peace was reached with the IRA, and now splinter groups have taken up the flag and are starting to kill people again.

Can we run around the world, legally arrest people that we know are guilty, while they are protected by people like the ISI of Pakistan? No. Can we reach a consensus amongst peace loving countries to kill these people on the spot when found? Maybe.

Possibly, when they realize that their life is to become forfeit, at the most inopportune times, maybe the amount of "freedom fighters" will diminish. It will never disappear, but when the majority of the worlds population feels they are a liability, it'll be easier to find and kill them.
That's really just it.  Killing OBL was a symbolic victory, but ultimately it won't really do anything.  Strategically, his death changes nothing.

The thing I'd think, though, is that the best way to actually route terrorism is see that there's alternatives.  When people are poor, lack education, and don't see much of an economic future, it is far easier to indoctrinate them into extremist.  Even in Northern Ireland, the perceived economic disadvantages of the Catholics provided an easy means by which to persuade people of the importance of the of the Republican cause.

Of course, how to accomplish this, I'm not sure.

recceguy said:
What bothers me, is the fact, that nothing has changed. Other than the fact we had a pretty good idea of his modus operandae, how he ran his network, how he contacted people, where he got his money, etc, etc, etc. Now we're basically back to square one, once we figure out who has taken over.

The only thing that seemed to have changed with OSB was the broad spectrum of "Islam must take over the civilised world" to "Refute your support for Israel". Of coarse, we know, that the minute we did that the next demand would come.

There is no dealing or appeasement that will stop the terrorists. Look at Northern Ireland. Finally, somewhat of a peace was reached with the IRA, and now splinter groups have taken up the flag and are starting to kill people again.

Can we run around the world, legally arrest people that we know are guilty, while they are protected by people like the ISI of Pakistan? No. Can we reach a consensus amongst peace loving countries to kill these people on the spot when found? Maybe.

Possibly, when they realize that their life is to become forfeit, at the most inopportune times, maybe the amount of "freedom fighters" will diminish. It will never disappear, but when the majority of the worlds population feels they are a liability, it'll be easier to find and kill them.
Old Sweat said:
The only part of the affair that bothers me is the tendency of politicians of any stripe to take the credit for all the hard, unglamorous work by the intelligence, special operations and main line military communities that lead to the long overdue demise of OBL.

I don't know if you saw the actual announcement by Obama but he actually spent a fair amount of  time praising the hard work of those very people you quoted.  I watched it live and I didn't get any sense that he was taking credit at all.
jeffb said:
I don't know if you saw the actual announcement by Obama but he actually spent a fair amount of  time praising the hard work of those very people you quoted.  I watched it live and I didn't get any sense that he was taking credit at all.

Exactly.  His "critics" assumed he'd take credit, but he certainly didn't seem to - he gave quite a good speech at Fort Campbell actually.
Redeye said:
Exactly.  His "critics" assumed he'd take credit, but he certainly didn't seem to - he gave quite a good speech at Fort Campbell actually.

You may want to wipe your chin....there's some DNA residue there  ::)
Redeye said:
That's really just it.  Killing OBL was a symbolic victory, but ultimately it won't really do anything.  Strategically, his death changes nothing.

Agreed, It changes nothing.
It may provide a sort of needed closure to many people, but it will also awaken a harlot of sympathetic sleeper cells.

(from article)
57Chevy said:
Another branch of the terror network, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), gave bin Laden credit for the popular Arab revolutions and asked followers to turn their "grief into action" against the West.

What ? Gave credit for the "popular" Arab revolutions ?.......If those rioters got their hands on OBL they might have tied him to horses and ripped him apart. You branch of fools !!!  Have you not noticed that the majority of the populace have already turned their grief into action by making good riddance of their own corrupt leaders.

Nice try though........ you and your followers had better watch your fannys.....you're next. :nod:
Technoviking said:
You may want to wipe your chin....there's some DNA residue there  ::)

I'm just giving credit where it's due - the speech he gave there heaped praise upon members of the military and their families in particular.  It was well done.

@ 57 Chevy - Awakening sleeper cells may not be so bad if security/intelligence services are vigilant - this may prompt a lot of effort to respond that may actually help identify more of them.  They almost had the guy that run AQAP with a Predator drone three days after OBL was killed, apparently.

I don't think there's much reason to credit him for the "Arab Spring" - just opportunism there trying to attach his name to it - in fact, hopefully it'll show that extremism isn't necessary to through off oppressive yokes.
AFG Taliban's response (screen capture attached):
The Americans are claiming that their special forces martyred Sheik Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of Al-qaeda in Pakistan on May 2.They say that they placed his body in the sea after taking custody of it during the raid.

Americans and other countries that have been waging a crusade against the Islamic Ummah for the past decade and are partners in the occupation of the Islamic lands of Afghanistan and Iraq, once again showed their enmity and spite against Islam by martyring Sheikh Osama and expressing jubilation over his demise. They called his martyrdom a landmark victory of their crusade.

No doubt, Sheikh Osama was a skyscraper of bravery, a dedicated supporter of the Islamic Ummah and a sword of magnanimity of Muslims against the invading unbelievers. He spent a great part of his life for the defense of the Islamic Ummah, striving to deliver the Muslims lands from the claws of the infidels and gain freedom. He offered unprecedented sacrifices in this cause. He and his steadfast Mujahideen and colleagues struggled tirelessly in the way of independence of the first Qibla of the Muslims ( the Baitul Moqadas), Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and other Islamic lands which are occupied by the invading infidels. This is to mention a few of the services he rendered in the way of Islam and Jihad. He laid foundation of strongholds of the invincible struggle and Jihad and continued with the task of rearing, training, enlighterening and equipping Mujahideen. The Islamic Ummah will neither forget the struggle of this great Mujahid nor his unwavering stance against falsehood and arrogance in the way of realization of truth.

The invading Americans and coalition of the crusade should not think that their wicked war against the Islamic Ummah will triumph or weakness will permeate the ranks of Jihad of the Muslims. They should know that, throughout the history, the proud leaders of the Islamic Ummah have left behind a sacred and honorable legacy of Jihadic thoughts and determination to the emerging generations of the Ummah that they will not falter as a result of martyrdom, removal and nomination of personalities.

As long as the invading infidels are bent on continuing their colonialist ambitions against the Islamic Ummah, until then, every committed son of the Ummah who has wake conscience and feeling will keep on protecting the Islamic values and sovereignty. Therefore, the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama will not benefit the Americans.

The Americans and their puppets should know from the spirit and tenacity of the operations launched by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan under the name of Badre, which are now in full swing all over the country, particularly, they should know from the steadfastness and persistence of the three-days long operations in the provincial center of Kandahar and adjacent localities, that how superior morale the Mujahideen are having. By now they must have understood that the martyrdom of Sheik Osama has no impact on the Jihadic determination of Mujahideen.

The Afghans will not forget the sacrifices and struggle of Sheikh Osama, this great patron of Islam, who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans against the former Soviet Union as well as his services in terms of equipping Mujahideen and sponsoring families of the martyrs.

To end, we strongly believe that the Almighty Allah will open up a vista of light for the Islamic Ummah through the blessings of the pure and sacred blood of Sheikh Osama and other thousands of martyrs.

Afghanistan and all Islamic countries now under occupation of the infidels will find emancipation and an Islamic reign will usher in, if God willing.
Time to bring some humour here.

From Facebook's You Laugh, You Lose.
My father's death was criminal and I may sue the U.S.: Bin Laden's son slams Al Qaeda leader's killing


Osama Bin Laden's son has denounced the Al Qaeda leader's killing as 'criminal' and said he reserves the right to take legal action against America.

The statement apparently made by Omar Bin Laden has appeared on an Islamist website.

Omar, who is Bin Laden's fourth eldest son, claimed he and the Al Qaeda chief's other children are reserving the right to take legal action in the U.S. and internationally to 'determine the true fate of our vanished father', said the SITE Intelligence Group, an online monitoring service.

He also branded his father's burial at sea as a 'humiliation' for his family.

There was no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the letter. It was published on the website of Islamist ideologue Abu Walid al-Masri.

Several specialists on militant propaganda said the text appeared genuine.

The news came as it emerged the CIA will allow a select few lawmakers to view the controversial pictures of Osama Bin Laden's corpse.

The CIA will allow the group to see the photos only if they travel to the agency's headquarters.

The move came as the White House faced renewed pressure to release the grisly images, following a series of requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act.

News organisations, public interest groups and even one politician have all lodged official demands with government agencies to see the photographs of Bin Laden's body after he was shot dead last week at the Abbottabad compound in Pakistan.

President Obama has so far strongly resisted calls to release the pictures as 'proof' of the terror chief's death at the hands of U.S. special forces.

I'd like to hear what he has to say on the 3,000 people his father killed on 9/11. If he actually tries to do this, I pray that the thousands of families that lost someone that day counter-sue his sorry ass into oblivion.
In exchange for the release of photos the US should ask for addresses
where all the Al Qaeda henchmen can be reached by Drone  ;D
The issue of the legality of bin Laden's killing was on "As it Happens" on CBC Radio last night.  I only heard part of it, but the interviewee pointed out that in armed conflict, the legal issues are such that given that OBL was a declared combatant, the onus was on him (OBL) to remove himself from that conflict.  So, if he raised his arms in surrender, said "don't shoot, I give up" or whatever, then at that point he would cease to be a combatant and would therefore be protected.  Until such time, however, the opposing side in that conflict has every right to kill that person, whether or not they are at that moment in time actively involved in the conflict.  (For example, he could be sleeping, on the toilet, or whatever).
It would have been AWESOME to shoot him in the face while he was on the toilet.
"Hey sorry, he was dropping a bomb!"

I hope his son dies too.
Was that not the interview with the prosecutor from the Nuremberg Trials? or was that Canada AM?
GAP said:
Was that not the interview with the prosecutor from the Nuremberg Trials? or was that Canada AM?
It was the interview after the prosecutor from the Nuremberg Trials.  I had to turn that interview off: my blood was boiling at his logical fallacies and inconsistencies.  When I turned it back on a few moments later, this was the second interview.
Meanwhile, AQ spokespersons say it was already there when Osama moved in  ;)
A stash of pornography was found in the hideout of Osama bin Laden by the U.S. commandos who killed him, current and former U.S. officials said on Friday.

The pornography recovered in bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive, according to the officials, who discussed the discovery with Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The officials said they were not yet sure precisely where in the compound the pornography was discovered or who had been viewing it. Specifically, the officials said they did not know if bin Laden himself had acquired or viewed the materials.

Reports from Abbottabad have said that bin Laden's compound was cut off from the Internet or other hard-wired communications networks. It is unclear how compound residents would have acquired the pornography ....
More from Reuters here.
They should have taken him alive, tried him in court, and then executed him.   
callsign said:
They should have taken him alive, tried him in court ....
Tried by who?  Where?  Under what procedures?

callsign said:
....  and then executed him.
Ah, so even though we try him in court, you know it would lead to an execution?  Some "court process" there.