Unfortunately I see this all the time at the Unit. Request comes in on Mon expecting an answer by Wed. We train Thur night. Sometimes for a jammy go, sometimes for courses etc... we have no one qual for, and everything in between.
So if the day staff bend over backwards and do work the Class A folks should be doing (ie. calling guys to see if they are available), I feel this is simply reinforcing bad behavior by Brigade and Div staff. I have complained about this but the usual answer is, "Div sent this so we have no flexibility on timings...". In Brigades defense, I have seen a number of tasks come from Army HQ with a 2-3 day turnaround. If on the other hand we wait until Thur to have the Class A CoC do the work we may miss out on jammy goes for the troops.
My question to you is this:
How do you satisfy both points above? My thought is do the extra work for jammy goes and ignore the rest until Thur.
I should note that I have offered Class A guys pay for doing this type of work from home but most don't/can't take advantage for various reasons. Scheduling and lack of a connection to DWAN/Email being the major one.
I would appreciate any thoughts.