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Operational Service Medals?

Interesting Quote:

Originally, the planned celebrations were to include the awarding of special medals to all the Canadian personnel who took part in the campaign. Unfortunately, it was soon realized that the number of decorations needed could not be produced in time. Instead it was decided to centre the attention on Bouchard by awarding him the Meritorious Service Cross.


Really? Could not be produced in time? Wonder where this fact came from?
That was back when I was  still on deployment myself. I wonder what happened. Did they go on a extended vacation, or once the good General was recognized they kinda just forgot about it.

In other news HMCS Protecteur finally got their OSM-Exp medals. They earned them in the winter of 2011. So that was about a year and a half. Seems to be par for the course I guess.
*shrug*  My OSM-Exp medal isn't even ordered....from 2008...because I have to prove that I was actually ON the ship when it was deployed...because my COS date was set in the middle of the OP Caribbe trip...so I have set another admin office into investigating it...*sigh* 

NavyShooter said:
*shrug*  My OSM-Exp medal isn't even ordered....from 2008...

Same sort of thing with me. My current unit can get their brain wrapped around OP CARIBBE and me having done it from 3 different locations during 3 different time periods. I'll sort it out when i get back to my original unit this summer.
Fact is guys and gals, there are people that are paid big bucks, likely by the hour, to figure these things out...I got my OSM-Haiti 7 years after the fact, simply because they were haggling for ever and a day over what they felt we should actually get (if anything) since we were out of sight and mind down there.  The TF Commander and RSM and other senior staff got their MSC's within months of returning, as per norm.  My guess is there is a bit of a tiff going on over the combat/non-combat side of the house (GCS vs GSM) and what constitutes the actual danger box.  What you all have on your side is that this operation was in full view of Canadians because of the press given it and the high profile nature - if things don't get hammered out soon, ye olde "Globe and Mail Test" will likely start coming into it's own.  Most people think I was in Haiti for the aftermath of the earthquake a couple years ago...not in 2004 when the place went to Hell in a hand basket...again.

Chins up...don't lead with them though.

CDN Aviator said:
Same sort of thing with me. My current unit can get their brain wrapped around OP CARIBBE and me having done it from 3 different locations during 3 different time periods. I'll sort it out when i get back to my original unit this summer.

What....your current unit can't figure out the admin on this one?    ;D    :brickwall:    ;D

Or, like me, leaving units too quick to get stuff sorted out properly before you leave...
I thought we created the GCS/GCM/OSM system to avoid this problem?
TB said:
That's kinda funny since 407 now belongs to Greenwood.  :blotto:

Simmer down...  I don't think we belong to 14 Wing yet.  Functional Wing Concept, best idea ever!  Although 405 is supposed to be getting their own techs, which is a good idea.  14 AMS is pretty much useless.
SupersonicMax said:
I think the issue we are facing here is closely related to any other issues in the CF.  We get bogged down in the paperwork/admin/technicalities, and in the end, people at the pointy end suffer the consequences of untimely decisions....

Perhaps it's because these things take time and people to sort through the files, order the medals, check them, ship them, etc.  Many on this site have frequently advocated the wholesale hacking and slashing of "unneccessary" HQ staffs.  One of the consequences of this approach is that things like this tend to fall down the list of priorities and thus, they will be delayed because there will be fewer people to do more work.

It's only going to get worse folks...
Pusser said:
It's only going to get worse folks...
How can it get worse FFS?  You'd think we had an Armed Forces equal in size, scope and operation of the Second World War...  We have small numbers going here and there relatively speaking, it's not like this is a gallantry award which needs to be vetted through several layers of paperpushers. 

It's a common "everybody get's one who qualifies gong" that can be, but obviously isn't, churned out in quantity so that the troops, who count first can get the recogniton they deserved in a timely bloody fashion.  It's not rocket science!
You don't need more butts in seats in Ottawa making more loops and spins for this shit to go through, you need to simplify the godamned system so the troops get taken care of properly.  Tasking on Time!!!! That's leadership.
Isn't one of the first principles of an effective H&A system is that it be timely ?

Pusser said:
  Many on this site have frequently advocated the wholesale hacking and slashing of "unneccessary" HQ staffs. 

I suggest it is high time for you to leave NDHQ.

Reality out there might shock you.
Pusser said:
Perhaps it's because these things take time and people to sort through the files, order the medals, check them, ship them, etc.  Many on this site have frequently advocated the wholesale hacking and slashing of "unneccessary" HQ staffs.  One of the consequences of this approach is that things like this tend to fall down the list of priorities and thus, they will be delayed because there will be fewer people to do more work.

It's only going to get worse folks...

Nope.  We need Commanding Officers to be empowered, and minimal staff to execute - and robust internal review to hang the guilty bastards if they abuse their authority.

So, for example, a CO orders a CD for Bloggins - the CD should be issued on the CO's authority.  No staff in Ottawa or anywhere else checking every single submission.  Indeed, the whole delivery of much H&A should be outsourced - no need to have uniformed personnel or public servants doing it; get some large-scale mail order processor to do it on the CF's behalf.

Keep expertise on adjudication of tricky files, and on development of new H&A?  Yes.  But shipping and handling in-house?  Waste of money.
Pusser said:
Perhaps it's because these things take time and people to sort through the files, order the medals, check them, ship them, etc.  Many on this site have frequently advocated the wholesale hacking and slashing of "unneccessary" HQ staffs.  One of the consequences of this approach is that things like this tend to fall down the list of priorities and thus, they will be delayed because there will be fewer people to do more work.

It's only going to get worse folks...

We only need these people because of over-bureaucractized process.  Mission command is absent from much of our day to day business processes.

Concerning the H&A system, I am looking at a diagram of the Award Approval Process from the CEFCOM site which I frequently use to educate fellow staff officers as to why the process is so long and drawn out.  Between action and approval, there are 7 stages, each of which generally requires an Honours and Awards Committee.  Staffing a committee involves getting players together, preparing files, discussing files, fixing files, and then staffing for signature.  Send to the next level and repeat x7.  You can see how weeks turn into months turn into years.

The obvious solution is to put policy into place limiting the amount of committees or signatures required.  If a committee is going to sit at the national level at DHR, is it really necessary to sit one at every level to get it there?  Perhaps a commander's signature and the judgement of a formation commander is enough?
I personally think DH&R is doing some good work. They've published a considerable amount of literature to educate people and they've instituted a GSM to capture all the "forgotten" missions. Just look at all of those medals posters, books on the CD, annual reviews, and info pamphlets. Also, the quality of awards themselves have improved dramatically. No more "lowest bidder" producing sloppy SSMs, SWASMS, CDs, etc. Medals are now produced by the mint and are engraved with the recipients details in many cases.

Let's take the CD for example. Someone in my office just qualified as of this March and the medal is now waiting at the OR to be presented to the individual at the next H&A ceremony. Pretty good in my books compared to the late 90s and early 2000s. Another example is Afghanistan. Members are getting named medals at about the mid-way mark through 6-month tours. Again, not too shabby.

Obviously there's going to be time lag, but I'd imagine a decent chunk of that originates at the unit level in many cases. Its too bad about the Libya mission medal, I'm sure there was a ribbon design on the books for a GCS/GSM or OSM, but someone derailed it at higher.

Then there's the fact it's only a medal. My gunner got some CEFCOM commanders coin for an action we did overseas. I was told I was getting something else and it was going up higher. I didn't get squat. Being 3 years ago now I have zero expectation of ever getting anything for it.

dogger1936 said:
I was told I was getting something else and it was going up higher. I didn't get squat. Being 3 years ago now I have zero expectation of ever getting anything for it.

Perfect example of why members nominated for H&As should not be told they have been nominated.
CDN Aviator said:
Perfect example of why members nominated for H&As should not be told they have been nominated.

Well when your crew gets the coin at a pde without you..the command team tends to haul you aside to tell you why.
I was due my second rosette last Sept. It was properly indented for. Still haven't got it. :boring: