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Operation Athena Video


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Ladies and gentlemen.....yet another video from the bored mind of NSMEDICMAN.... 

It's a feel-good one this time with music by Great Big Sea.....

Man....I have to get a hobby.... ;D

Great Video!!! Great Song!!!

Sorry if i go a little off thread here for a second, but I've just finished an article on Wikipedia and want to know what people think of it


Once again, great video shows what we've got ;D

Sorry again for going off thread :P
Of all the times I had heard that song, I have never releated it to army/military life, but it seems to fit well.  Nice job mate =D
Good video, good song, good job. Keep 'em comin!


EDIT: I found this as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-KJuLzZILg&mode=related&search= I think it's an Enya song.

E-mailed the links to my grandfather earlier tonight...

He wants to say thank you, and that it should be manadatory viewing for all Canadians.

Great video.

Edited to add:

Oh yes, he also thinks that your tribute video should be aired on all Canadian stations on Nov 11th.
Thanks for the video... Offers a great perspective for everyone. I recently lost a very close friend who was part of Roto 0 of OP Athena. He never talked about being on tour and I was always curious as to his experiences. Your video gave me an idea of what it may have been like for him.. and for some reason, I find that comforting. Thanks again... I'd love to see more.
