Since the Federal Government pays 100% for mil mbrs healthcare, to say that it would cost a mil mbr a lot of money if they didn't pay the Health Premium is simply not true. It is true that Alberta and BC do not call it a tax, but they are fees. Perhaps one of the problems is in the name. The Liberals in Ont didn't want people to think that they were raising taxes. Most Canadians do not pay much attention to politics, etc or have a very short attention span. The Liberals are hoping that Ontarioans will forget about it, like most politicians do (Federal Lilberals). Calling it a premium instead of a tax was simply political. Liberals should call it what it is, the Ontario Health Tax.
Also, I think that most mil mbrs in Ontario would accept paying the tax if we saw an improvement in heatlh services. I am from Ontario (born in Niagara region) and have lived here for most of my life. Throughout Ontario, doctors are becoming a rarity.
Personally, I do not agree with paying the tax. The Ontario Government is double-dipping, taking money from us and from the Federal Government. So, I don't and would not feel guilty going to an Ontario hospital after hours since I know that the Ontario Government will be reimbursed dollar for dollar. It is not a case of paying our fair share, but a case of, if I'm going to pay for it, then I should have better access to it and my family should have much, much better healthcare. Also, has no one thought that we are paying for our own healthcare through our income taxes (where do you think the Federal Government gets the money to pay for military mbrs' healthcare?).
By the way, whether I pay it or not, my wife would if she made enough money. So to say, "don't military pers have families too?" doesn't wash. If the family mbr makes enough, they too will pay the tax.
Bottom line, if they're going to make me pay it, then I should legally be allowed to have an Ontario Health Card and be able to have the choice if I want to go to the MIR or to the local hospital. If not, don't make me pay the tax and I'll gladly go to the MIR.