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Oh man I said what???


New Member
Reaction score
Man!!  Alright it's not like this is news to anyone on here, but holy **** there are some dumb a$$ questions that get asked on these boards.  And it always seems like it's the same people who are repeat offenders.

I know when I first joined and started posting I posted some doozies myself, and therefore, apologize from the very depths of my heart.

This is a sincere apology indeed because as I learned more through experience I relied less on others to spoonfeed me answers.  I learned that using the search function is remarkably EASY (unlike spelling remarkably) , and at least tried to keep the inane, make you want to bang your head off of a concrete wall posts to a minimum (with marginal success, as a slow, yet steady progress) :blotto:

I hope I have not abused the "new topic" function of this board too much and ask that if in the future, a trusted and established member finds me posting erradically and or unintelligently that they may tear me a proverbial new one and thus quench the fires of stupidity that may potentially spew forth from the keyboards of us newbies, and fresh members.
thank you all   :D

And whatever your past transgressions were (I'm not going to look them up), I hope that you are forgiven by all, especially now that you have "seen the light".

Perhaps this should be a sticky, so that others may see a glimpse of their potential future embarrassment and thereby avoid it.
luckystrike said:
Man!!  Alright it's not like this is news to anyone on here, but holy **** there are some dumb a$$ questions that get asked on these boards.  And it always seems like it's the same people who are repeat offenders.

You seem to be a repeat offender on the profanity section. Most readers here understand that double dollar signs means "ss".

Please refer to my link if needed.



oh hehe...ya  :-\
I was just really upset with the whole not being able to use my summer leave to train thing.
Well that coupled with the fact that I do have a terrible mouth.  You know what's weird though is that almost subconsciously that transfers over from my every day lexicon, to my typed posts on the computer???
Oh well something to work on I guess.
TN2IC said:
You seem to be a repeat offender on the profanity section. Most readers here understand that double dollar signs means "ss".

Please refer to my link if needed.



Before anyone gets confused or the wrong idea.
From the Guidelines:


Profanity is strongly discouraged.

Generally, there is a better way to express yourself than through the use of profanity, especially on the Internet where it can be hard to determine the intended tone. However, we recognize that Army.ca attracts a certain type of visitor, and that not all discussion topics are "family friendly" here by their nature. Still, profanity should not be "overused." There may be occasions where profanity is appropriate to underline your point or reinforce your emotion, however these should be few and far between. Please keep it within the bounds of civil society. There is an automatic censor system in effect by default, so those who are not concerned with profanity can simply disable it in their profile, while others can leave it enabled. In an effort to preserve civility, don't swear:

-for the sake of swearing
-at someone else or as part of a personal attack
-to be obscene or extremely vulgar
-in the Cadet Forum (this is for young visitors, and has a zero tolerance policy)

If you break the rule in one of these ways, your post will be edited by the staff. If you have had profanity edited out of one of your posts, please don't argue why it didn't exactly fit one of the above criteria: if it was removed, it was inappropriate. If you habitually misuse profanity, you may receive a warning as per the warning system.

Highlighting mine.