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It's obviously more optics to the fans than anything else, especially if both teams have already signed off on the folks involved.  I'm certain that they will be very professional (and probably even more so because of this fact) but still, I'm sure some SWE fans are scratching their heads right now.

Can we please have the mods add a poll to the thread

TOEWS SCORES!!! WhhhoooHooooo

"Should the Sochi goal-posts be awarded the Order of Canada after the Olympics?" 

With a bit of humour from Twitter:
I think we'll have to have some meatballs smothered in Maple syrup for lunch  ;D
Just remember Sweden, silver is the colour of the first loser. Just kidding. That was an awesome series.
Gold for Patrice Bergeron. Silver for Loui Eriksson. Bronze for Tuukka Rask. WhhhooooHoooooo!!

Bruins sweep the podium!!  ;D
As one of my workmates so eloquently put it: IT'S OUR FUCKIN' GAME!
Congrats from the PM:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement congratulating the Canadian Men’s Hockey Team, whose exceptional performance was rewarded with a gold medal at the 2014 Olympic Winter Games:

“On behalf of all Canadians, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to our men’s Olympic hockey team on achieving the gold medal at the Sochi Winter Games. Today’s exciting victory by this exceptional group of players has demonstrated once again that hockey truly is Canada’s game. The passion and dedication shown by our team throughout this gruelling competition have inspired Canadians from coast to coast to coast, and have made us all extremely proud.

“I would also like to extend my congratulations to head coach Mike Babcock, assistant coaches Ken Hitchcock, Claude Julien and Lindy Ruff, as well as General Manager Steve Yzerman and his management team. This gold medal would not have been possible without the hard work of all the coaches, trainers, staff and volunteers at Hockey Canada who have brought this team together.”

This is the second consecutive gold medal and the 15th overall medal for Canada in men’s Olympic ice hockey. This is also the 9th gold medal for Canada in men’s ice hockey – more than any other nation in Olympic history ....
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/hmcs-iroquois-crew-cheer-on-men-s-hockey-team-1.2547516 :cheers:
Just came from the Split Crow Truro. Doors opened at 0730hrs, 80+ in attendance (standing room only) Everybody had a good time. Personally would have liked to have seen the Swedes score one just so Crosby could claim two consecutive game winning goals for a Gold Medal.

By the end of the 2nd period it was looking pretty comfortable, the Swedes rolled over in the 3rd.  Pretty clinical display of big ice hockey.  We are pleased.
I hear Ikea was forced to accept Canadian Tire money today... :nod:
How long before Selinger  and his gang trip over each other to honour them? >:D
Just getting up from my post-hockey, breakfast champagne & OJ / coffee & Bailey's, hot-tub gathering at friends'.....nap.  ;D

The way he was playing defence, I would like to have seen Shea Weber get a Silver medal for his support to the Swedes.  Also, Canada should always play short-handed; that way they don't have two forwards sitting behind the Swedish goal, somehow hoping to score telekinetically from back there.

Other than that, it was a 'pretty clinical display of big ice hockey.'  >:D

Awesome game though!!    :cdn:

And IF one were a geek, you couldn't help but enjoy Rachmaninoff's 2nd Concerto with all those pianos.   :nod:  :geek:
Maybe it was the fact that I had stayed up all night playing NHL 14 in preparation for the game and as a result was far too tired to consider it exciting, but I found the game lacking in excitement. On another note, having been only watching the Oilers it's remarkable to see teams that actually know how to break out. Fascinating.