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Off-duty medic highway hero

PMedMoe said:
You are only able to provide whatever level of civilian First Aid training you have.  For instance, military Medics are allowed to start IVs but you would not be able to start one on a civilian (in Canada, anyway).  But, yes, you are covered by the "Good Samaritan" Law.

I'm sure that SMMT will be here to correct any wrong info I may have given out!  ;)

Technically, you are not wrong. You are covered to provide the level of medical care you are trained for, regardless of the jurisdiction you provide it in. Even under the Samaritan law, you can be found negligent if you do something wrong of harmful.
Excellent news and positive reinforcement for local and national public consumption.
Couldn't ask for better

dangerboy said:
Off-duty medic highway hero

Apr 07, 2008 04:30 AM
Sarah Boesveld
Josh Wingrove
Staff Reporters

An off-duty Canadian Forces medic saved the lives of several young men after their speeding van lost control, flipped over and caught fire on Highway 401 early yesterday.

"The 27-year-old medic, still in uniform, was heading home from a national paramedic competition in Durham Region around midnight when he saw the crash in an eastbound 401 lane near the Avenue Rd. overpass."

"Three other off-duty paramedics and an off-duty police officer also happened upon the scene and spent the five minutes before emergency crews arrived helping Chatelain deal with the seriously injured victims."

"Chatelain, who was reluctant to take credit for the rescue, knew two of the paramedics, one from York Region and another from Peel, where Chatelain works full-time as an advanced paramedic."

"With only plastic gloves and one stethoscope between them, the five professionals managed to keep all four of the badly injured young men alive."

"Helping people out, whether we're on the job, driving on the road, on vacation, it's what we do. It's who we are."  

Article Link

1) National Paramedic Competition, sounds like a work related function. (Civi)

2) As an ALS provider this is something that is not out of the norm, and should be expected!  The fact the he serves as a Res Medic is a cool PR fact for the CF, and bring a great credit to us.  But is not the reason WHY the lives were saved.  Talking to the papers is a little unprofessional and in the detail is a breach of confidentiality (He was in uniform),  (Speaking as a Paramedic, Nurse). 

3)  Not so much if he was talking to reporters!!  He's lucky that I am not his boss (Civi vs lawsuit, refer to above).. We would have a chat about conduct and media relations!!  Though Great PR for the CF,  though misguided (IMHO) I see to many young medics seeking awards for doing their jobs... (ie.  ALS provider doing his.)  It would be like a CF Figher Fighter, who is a civi volunteer firefighter getting media rec, for saving people in a burning house!!

4)  That is why we call them pro's.. good on you guys!!!  :salute:

5)  As EMS, You are so right!!!  But we are very modest, as why we do not know the others name... 

Civvymedic said:
I hear what everyones saying. Feel the same way. I actually don't even have a first aid kit in my personal truck.

Probably shouldn't even go there, but it;s probably coming. That MAY allow us to practice off duty.......

1) Nice competition - I suspect you may be an organizer - Hope we can get more military teams in next time, it made it an interesting part of the mix. Keep up the great work...

2) I hear you on the "practice off duty" - but at this stage, when services - Durham included - wont let an advanced Medic used advanced protocols while working coverage for a Primary Care shift/slot - well then we have bigger fish to fry.
An Incident comes to mind where an Advanced Care Paramedic dumped the charge on a defib when the machine (on auto, as per Primary Care Paramedic protocols) was convinced that it had a shockable rhythm - and didn't - ACP dumped the charge and reset. Despite having the paper tape to back up his action, He got disciplined for it!!!

However - we should not get too down on all of this - fact is that the courts do apply some common sense, even if shift managers dont always...

3) This was a great press even for the CF - Objectively,  a Civi Paramedic who is also a CF reservist,  has been thrust into the spotlight as a member of the CF - If I commanded the local field ambulance I'd be reviewing press relations with ALL my staff - not to shy away from but to make the most of these positive interactions! (I know its a bit crass, but the CF needs as much positive press as we can bring it.

Again, well done
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Technically, you are not wrong. You are covered to provide the level of medical care you are trained for, regardless of the jurisdiction you provide it in. Even under the Samaritan law, you can be found negligent if you do something wrong of harmful.

So if I understand this right, since I am licensed to give IVs in BC and with the military I can give them in Ontario where I am posted and be covered under the Act provided that I wasn't negligent in initiating or just giving them cause I need the practice?

You run the risk of a few problems.  Your qualified in BC, not licenced (Unless you keep current.)  In the military you covered by your Scope of practice.  As a QL3 it is limited.  As military, we pratice on military mbrs, not civi's, unless asked to by a state of emergency  (Aid to civil power etc).  If you mess up, you are not covered under anything, because ABC does not cover OPA's, NPA, COMBI Tubes, AED's etc Civi side. It covers CPR, AR, the basics, unless a College of paramedics, base hospital (Civi Doctor has signed off).  In the military we teach every troop deploying Quick Clot,  It is illegal in Canada, but allowed in AOR's.  It will save peoples live here in Canada... Troops will hang if it used here...  Even if it saves a life!!!

Bottom line, stay within your arc's.. In the military we can do a lot more than on civi street.  Sometimes, on civi street we are taught more than what we can do, but we have protocols that we stay within. First Aid... ABC... Combat First Aid.... CABC....
MSI CF3000-018, Good Samaritan Assistance is what governs provision of asssitance both on and off duty to non-military pers by military medical pers (and I believe non-medical as well).  However, before I shoot myself in the foot, could someone please try to get a look at this MSI  for me- I'm on normal internet and have no access to the intranet/DWAN (Ash, you out there?)? 

Cheers for now - MTF hopefully from me or another source.


I don't think these video's stay up long but if you go to the link above and under the player screen on:

Medic has many heroic acts to his name
medicineman said:
MSI CF3000-018, Good Samaritan Assistance is what governs provision of asssitance both on and off duty to non-military pers by military medical pers (and I believe non-medical as well).  However, before I shoot myself in the foot, could someone please try to get a look at this MSI  for me- I'm on normal internet and have no access to the intranet/DWAN (Ash, you out there?)? 

That would be great.  I have never actually looked up the GSA, so my knowledge of it is based on my 3s which pretty much stated CABC.  But SMMT's comments have made me wonder if we are able to do more without worrying about getting into trouble.

Do not go out of your arc's, our friend on the news's has an EMCA card which allows him to do things.  We as medics are not covered to practice medicine on civi's!!!!!  IV's is not going to save a life, with run times to hospitals. Now if you throw 2 large bore IV's 1000 ml to help manage decrease BP? when bleeding controle would of helped?  Stabilized the fractured  pelvis?  maybe over looked the fact the pt has CFH, blow the clot's?  or maybe you carry O2?  Now we know every PT in the military get O2 in Trauma.. Civi side...  What if COPD?? The military will hang you.. Good Samaritan is not a free ride to practice cool things.  CABC is only for COMBAT!! not for civis in Canada.  Airway Breathing Circulation.  Cause in Canada we do not move forward without an airway which = breathing, and ='s Circulation.  In combat, we control bleeding, so we can get back into the fight!!

MSI CF3000-018, Good Samaritan Assistance, is not going to give you the free rain that your hoping for.. I am going to look it up at work on Thur.  Until then, please don't be cutting peoples necks, chests open!!

Grid North,

Yup I'm one of the organizers http://videotoronto.citytv.com/index.jsp?auto_band=x&rf=sv&fr_story=245334de6982fd9a2546dbc1eb4ced9f4c0c665a kind of a comical clip but we take the Competition very seriously.

We have worked extremely hard over the last six years to develop it and any input is very much appreciated, especially from the CF.

Between the Recruiters and Competitors we did have allot of CF uniforms there. I'm glad you were pleased with what you saw and I made of point of inviting the CF this year.

We had 2 reserve teams and 1 Reg force team compete. Hopefully more next year!

It's great to work along side each other as it can only do us both a benefit.

As for the other stuff you mentioned. I know there are some weird issues of reciprocity and plain old thinking that need to change.................
These are a lot of fun for as, as well, it would be a lot of fun to have some of you great folks come up to Pet, or have us come up with so of our stuff and show what we are using overseas.  I think their is a lot we can learn from your service's. New kit, etc. 

I would of let start the IV?? lol..

Invite me up to Pet, I'll be there tommorow. Love to see what you guy's do.
I know a couple of our guys went to TO for a conf.  It would be great.. In the summer near the end we have a big Combat Medic ex for our dismount medics going overseas.. Perhaps something could be worked out their.. We should keep in touch..
That would be great. Im invloved in the training end of things here too.

PM me when it happens. Thanks!

Sounds like it would be great for all involved.
Starlight31 said:
MSI CF3000-018, Good Samaritan Assistance, is not going to give you the free rain that your hoping for.. I am going to look it up at work on Thur.  Until then, please don't be cutting peoples necks, chests open!!

Not really expecting it to.  Like I said in a previous post, I don't carry most of the stuff anywhere with me.  got a couple field dressings, some 4x4s and gauze in the car and that is about it.  IVs weren't much of a consideration cause I seem to remember even on-car that they usually weren't initiated until we were underway.

Mostly it was just curiosity.

Cool beans..  Just making sure.. You never know... I know of a guy who stole a De-fib.... all because he read up on ECG's??? 