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October 2009 BMQ


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I finally got the call today and I'm to be sworn-in in the comming days. Only thing that sucks is I have to wait until October. lol ah well
anyone else same dates as me?
First off, congrats!

Are you joining the Regular or Reserves? And which trade?
If Regular. and starting in Oct..., what happens during the Christmas Holiday week? Are you going to be stuck at the training place?

I'm still waiting for the call. My counselor told me, if everything goes well, I should be scheduled for Aug. BMQ, nothing is guaranteed at this time though...

Wow, Oct. BMQ... why so far later?
Well, with regards to a BMQ so late, I recieved a huge spiel on this whole thing when talking to the local CFRC. It usually has to do with occupational course opening rather than BMQ opening. Not much point in letting people sit around in PAT platoon or equivalent collecting money and getting dusty and bored waiting MONTHS for their course to begin.

Yeah they told me it's because of my trade that I must wait until October. Had I of joined a combat or artillery I'd be on for July possibly.
Hi everyone, I'm John
I've just received my job offer after a 7 months process,
I will start my BMQ on the 5th of October with the francophone section

I am qualified to be an officer, but unfortunately, the infantry trade is close, so I decided to join the ranks :)

Anyone else going in October?

Hey guys and girls!
So I had my final interview on July 29th and the lady said that the next BMQ start October 3rd (In st-jean that is) They are really booked she said the base is full!! Anyone knows that they are starting in October?
What did you start doing for Physical Training?
Hi miss meteo, I'm starting on the fifth of october, with the Francophone section,
What trade are you in?
I am Air Force, Meteorologist Technician. That's wicked that you are starting then! teehee I haven't received my phone call yet for the details but they said they had a LOT of people to deal with. It's exciting, where are you from?
I'm really excited too, I'm from Montreal, St-Jean is at around 45mins from home, I've received the job offer and all the papers I need to fill for St-jean , my assermentation is on September 19.

Where are you from?
Miss.Meteo said:
I am Air Force, Meteorologist Technician.

You are not a Meteorologist Technician yet, you are only a recruit for the Air Force. You will be a MET TECH if/when you complete your BMQ and Trades course.
I know I'm not a met tech yet...I just like saying it and I'm french right so when people ask for my trade I'm never sure what to answer  :P

LG_JOHN: That is SO exciting!! I live in St-Jean haha! So it's old news for me really. I guess I'll know where to party on weekends  8)
John: My BMQ will be with a french platoon, my course in winnipeg also I suppose but I am fully bilingual so I might ask to have it in english since it might be faster to get a course know what I mean.
Yayyyy!!! I got my dates today I am so excited

So October 5th to January 29th. My assermentation is September 23rd I will be swearing on the law. SO excited!! It's actually happening!


May  :)
hi everyone, I will be in for october 5th my trade is weapon tech and i will be in a french platoon, hoping see you there guys and girls!!
:) Wow!! That is cool most of you guys are October 5th like me AND in a French Platoon! This is quite exciting...

When are you swearing in? And where do you guys live?
ouep! I don't know exactly the date for the swearing but they told probably 2 weeks before october 5th. Im from originatly Longueuil, Qc and leave in St-Jean for couple months. But right now im in PEI. So im going back home!!! So both know where we can go for party hahahaha!!! If you have facebook Miss meteo tu peux m'ajouter ou me donner le tiens.!!!

French english im kinda lost starting to talk in english and finish in french!!!
Anyway see you on the base girl!!!

oh btw  are you going for officer or soldier, im going for weapon tech so no officer course for me.
:salute: :yellow: