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Occupational Transfer to MP

I had a guy on my MPAC who was a steward trying to OT. Took him 5 years just to get to the MPAC. You will have to get through MPAC first just like every other applicant. As far as the rest of the process I'm not sure.. I'm sure it's like any other OT minus the MPAC.
SupersonicMax said:
I don't have the answers but I know someone that does!  If I were you, I'd set up a meeting with the BPSO and have a sit down with him/her to get all the relevant information on the requirements and the process.

First though, I would sit down with my supervisor and talk about your career ambitions!

Thanks for the advice, I certainly plan on doing that, but first I just wanted to see what obstacles I have to overcome first (obstacle being if the Police Foundations is required, I'll have to obtain that course)

That would be great if you know someone who can answer.


cac1993 said:
I had a guy on my MPAC who was a steward trying to OT. Took him 5 years just to get to the MPAC. You will have to get through MPAC first just like every other applicant. As far as the rest of the process I'm not sure.. I'm sure it's like any other OT minus the MPAC.
What exactly is MPAC? is that the MP academy or something else?
You can find the entry standards for each MOSID on the DPGR page on DWAN. It breaks down the different entry methods and what is expected of applicants. That should be your starting point, followed by the PSO as SupersonicMax suggested earlier.

I OT from Infantry almost 6 years ago.  They waived my requirement to have police foundations as I had deployed to Afghanistan.  All I did was fill out the OT paperwork, ensured that my medical was GTG and played the waiting game until MPAC.  After MPAC waited for course.  Process at the time was identical to what you had to do if you came through off the street (only difference was no SQ or BMQ as that was done).  It may have changed but I can't imagine much.  We always need people.

I just finished my supply tech QL3 and I want to transfer to MP.

What do I need to do to get there?

Can I apply right now for an OT ? How much time do I need to wait ?
I think once you are qualified in your trade you have to wait 4 years to be eligible for the avotp program, at least thats what I have been told by my base BPSO. I might be wrong though I am not familiar with the OT process.
Eye In The Sky said:
48 months is the normal for OT after you're QL3 quald.  Find CFAO 11-12 and have a read.

Alright, If I have 24 months given from my time passed in the reserve force, I need to wait 24 months ?
Born said:
Alright, If I have 24 months given from my time passed in the reserve force, I need to wait 24 months ?

If I am correct, that 24 months, if you have bought it back, is only good towards your pension.
George Wallace said:
If I am correct, that 24 months, if you have bought it back, is only good towards your pension.

I dont think so because I just got hired as a private 3...
Born said:
I dont think so because I just got hired as a private 3...

You said you just finished your Supply QL3. I take it you were a Supply Tech in the PRes and CT'd to the RegF? I hope you didn't do that thinking you could get an easy OT in the RegF. If you've just graduated Supply QL3, your 4 year clock starts now.

Enjoy the wait.
Born said:
I dont think so because I just got hired as a private 3...

That has no bearing on what Previous Service you may have bought back, if you bought any back.  That is what IPC you were offered due to "skills" possessed.
Born said:
Alright, If I have 24 months given from my time passed in the reserve force, I need to wait 24 months ?

If your reserve service was continuous full time then it might (the latest AVOTP competition message would detail this).  However, if you were Cl A reserves, I'd say no it won't count.  48 months continuous full time service is the norm.  Have a read of the CFAO and stop by your local PSO office, and have a read of the latest CANFORGEN on AVOTP for this years competition.
