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Occupation Badge requirements


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Hello all,
I come here after searching endlessly on the DIN, web, clerks knowledge, and UFI from peers but I cannot find a definitive answer to my question.

What I am looking for is an electronic (or Pub reference) of the requirements for the occupation badge on DEUs and all stages of it. What checkpoint does one need to reach to get your laurel leaf/crown/etc for specifically the infantry. I have received answers from clerks that is QL4 for Laurel Leaf, QL5 for crown, I have gotten work that it's a DP course for your Laurel Leaf, PLQ for crown, and an advanced course for both, but I -need- to have some sort of factual evidence in my hand other than the memory of CF members (which as I have found, changes from person to person).

I am req'ing a link to where it may be found of the web or DIN, or a ref number to which pub it can be found in.

CFP 265 Page 171 & 175
Army occupation badges indicate both occupation and qualification level. The level worn shall accord with qualification instructions issued by branch advisers.
More often though Level 1=QL3, 2-QL4, 3-QL5 & 4=QL6

This is a question your chain of command should of been able to answer, assuming you did ask them first. And seeing as these insignia's are dist'd through supply and are applied on uniforms, Supply would of been a much better ressource to query then a Clerk.

PO2FinClk said:
CFP 265 Page 171 & 175More often though Level 1=QL3, 2-QL4, 3-QL5 & 4=QL6

This is a question your chain of command should of been able to answer, assuming you did ask them first. And seeing as these insignia's are dist'd through supply and are applied on uniforms, Supply would of been a much better ressource to query then a Clerk.

Actually this is also trade depended.

I.E. the Engineers don't have QL4 so ...

QL3 - LVL 1 Badge - Flaming Grenade
QL5A - LVL 2 Badge - Laurels w/ Flaming Grenade
QL6A - LVL 3 Badge - Crown w/ Flaming Grenade
<Graeme> That is good and all, I can see what they look like and all, but I lack to see what are the requirements for them
Spooks said:
Hello all,
I come here after searching endlessly on the DIN, web, clerks knowledge, and UFI from peers but I cannot find a definitive answer to my question.

What I am looking for is an electronic (or Pub reference) of the requirements for the occupation badge on DEUs and all stages of it. What checkpoint does one need to reach to get your laurel leaf/crown/etc for specifically the infantry. I have received answers from clerks that is QL4 for Laurel Leaf, QL5 for crown, I have gotten work that it's a DP course for your Laurel Leaf, PLQ for crown, and an advanced course for both, but I -need- to have some sort of factual evidence in my hand other than the memory of CF members (which as I have found, changes from person to person).

I am req'ing a link to where it may be found of the web or DIN, or a ref number to which pub it can be found in.


Good luck fuinding ANY actual paper work on it.I had a thread here last year looking for the same type of infromation.I went to School standards and they also had no clue.

For us it can be a mix of new things.Crown after PLQ,crown after ARCC,

The only thing we can agree upon at the school is that the tank alone is a single qualification (driver)and a wreath is two qualifications.

This is a very very grey area depending on the sqn SSM's basically.There seems to be no more information on it.I recall not too many years ago coming across a description of it all in my hanger,however online/din I have found nothing.
As the CFP265 states, each should send this query through their COC to the Branch advisers.
Useless response follows  (primarily because most military fashion/badge/hat concerns are outside my lane)  ;)

Take a hit for the team; put up whatever badge you want, and when you get jacked up for it, say "show me the regs."
Let them try and find it.   >:D
Journeyman said:
Useless response follows  (primarily because most military fashion/badge/hat concerns are outside my lane)  ;)

Take a hit for the team; put up whatever badge you want, and when you get jacked up for it, say "show me the regs."
Let them try and find it.   >:D

Barrack Lawyer...aren't we?
As was stated earlier, us armoured types have a very grey area on this one.  With us having no sort of Fives whatsoever, the general acceptance I've seen is when guys have their PLQ under their belt, they put up the tank and crown. 

reccecrewman said:
As was stated earlier, us armoured types have a very grey area on this one.  With us having no sort of Fives whatsoever, the general acceptance I've seen is when guys have their PLQ under their belt, they put up the tank and crown. 


Yet at the "college of knowledge" a Cpl with his PLQ wears just a wreath with no crown...in some squadrons.ARCC is now the crown in mine.As its a trade related course.I was told its our new "5's" course.However others have told me the same...PLQ.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
Yet at the "college of knowledge" a Cpl with his PLQ wears just a wreath with no crown...in some squadrons.ARCC is now the crown in mine.As its a trade related course.I was told its our new "5's" course.However others have told me the same...PLQ.

What I've encountered in reserve infantry is that the dagger is your trade course (QL3/DP1 inf/whatever it's called this week), you get the wreath after any QL4, in which DP2A infantry platoon support weapons is included in lieu of the former QL4 machinegunner, and the crown is put up once you complete your mod 6 infantry... Does this jive with what others have seen?
We just added a new course to become a "trade qualified" Mcpl.Hence the mess of what is the standard now.
And with the lack of paperwork to back anything....

When I get back to regular work I'll make it my goal to get a solid paper answer for us armoured types....wow I live an exciting existance don't I.

....But can't leave the school due to us being "red".......
EX_RCAC_011 said:
We just added a new course to become a "trade qualified" Mcpl.Hence the mess of what is the standard now.
And with the lack of paperwork to back anything....

When I get back to regular work I'll make it my goal to get a solid paper answer for us armoured types....wow I live an exciting existance don't I.
....But can't leave the school due to us being "red".......

Not really................just doing what any MCpl worth his salt SHOULD be doing.
recceguy said:
Not really................just doing what any MCpl worth his salt SHOULD be doing.
Lol,ture enough (shave off a M however ;D)

Ill see what I can find.
I have a chart (from the Corps RSM as I recall) dated 12 Nov 2002 that describes the requirements for the Armour Occupation Badges as follows:

Level 1 (tank)                            Completion of DP1 plus 1 PCF

Level 2 (tank and wreath)            Completion of DP1 and 2 PCFs

PCFs listed as:
Leo Driver/Gunner, Coyote Dvr/Gunner, Cougar Driver/Gunner, Surv Op, Support Trooper, Recce Crmn, TLAV/M113, LFC Dvr Wheeled

Level 3 (tank and crown)             Completion of PLQ and 2 PCFs, per list above

Level 4 (tank, wreath, crown)      Completed DP3A Crew Commander OR Advanced Course

Advanced Courses listed as:
Advanced Comms, Advanced D&M, Advanced Gunnery, Advanced Recce

Hope it helps...
So, uh... taking a look at the various badges, I noticed there's Recce and Reconn. What's the difference between the two?