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NWT wanting to become a Firefighter


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Hello all,

I need some info if anyone has it. At the moment I'm going through my QL 3's and I went through the NCSTTP program in St. John's. But my contract will be ending in 2011 and I want to change trades to become a firefighter. I've heard many different stories like I'll have to leave for 6 months then re-apply, or I could do an OT before my contract ends. But I was wondering if anyone out there had any 'true' info on this topic. Oh and I have my firefighter I and II if that helps at all.

I did the METTP course in St John's and was looking last year at re-mustering. Once you are in your second year you start to owe obligatory service. So once that happens they have you until your contract ends. The only way around that is if your Career Manager will give you a waiver. you will still owe the obligatory service, but with a waiver be able to move out of the trade. A friend of mine tried it to go UTPNCM and had no luck.
Just out of curiousity, how come you want out of NWT?

I'm just looking at trying to remuster into it.  Hard to find more than the usual recruiting gab, though.

Is there any re-badges on your course that are NOT IR?  I'd rather just move my family up there if possible for two years.  Screw the whole separation thing. 

I could probably track down a few firefighters if you want to know more about their job.  Generally, its a VERY quiet position.  I'm not one personally, but the few guys I know that do it - are in a garrison setting and "as a generalization" sit around like the maytag repair man.  Not often there are fires in the PMQ patches, coupled with the auxillary/civilian fire services most bases have.

However, this is totally more general-speak - FF's feel free to Flame away  >:D  ::)

Anyways.  Remustering during your training isn't usually a good idea anyways.  Shows a lack of commitment and 'stick-it-out-ibility'.

Well, like I said, if you feel like sharing some stories of taking the Electro-mechanical studies let me know.

Also, you better be built like a "brit-shickhouse" to be a firefighter.  Those guys in Borden were the exact opposite of fat, my friend.

Again, keep my disclaimer in mind.  All of my Int is from casual drinks with firefighters, not from being one.  So thats 3rd hand, 3am, possibly chemically imbalanced int.  The best kind to base major life decisions on.
    I'm not sure about you owe them after you do your schooling, but for the rest of us regular ncm's you will need to be fully ql3 qualified, plus be ql4 qualified, and have 4 years continuous service( in the year you apply).

  You also have to factor in whether Firefighter is open for intake an what your trades out-cap is for people.  If your trade is red, they may only let a handful OT.

  I know a few FF's, and it seems like they have a decent go.....long hours of shiftwork, but lots of time off in between...especially when you factor in Stat holidays, leave time etc etc.  The biggest complaint I hear from FF's is having to go to sea with the Navy!
