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number of positions available? And, any advice for the new girl?

FDO said:
AEC is open with several spots. However, it also has the highest standard on CFAT. Which is why it still has several openings.

Really? Good to know that whatever my CFAT results was, it was high enough for AEC as I passed all of my MOS choices.
so with apologies for a bit of a delay in finding the answer to how many armour positions were available last year, I've now been told they accepted 11 candidates...still pretty tough competition, but aim high, right? My brother left for St. Jean today...good luck to everyone starting out. :cdn:
Hold tight, I'm certain you're going to get your trade of choice and a position... (remaining optimistic but you know me... I never settle for Plan B, neither should you!)
Life and unemployment can be very disappointing.  Always have a Plan B; and even a Plan C.  Always plan ahead for any eventuality.
northern girl said:
Armychick2009 I pm'd you - lol...the similarities are quite remarkable...let's get together and stick together over the next few months!

All righty - I'm just reading this thread. I don't know what you girls are doing wrong, but this has got to be some sort of new Army.ca record ...

I can't believe that Loachman, JM, George, JM, Loachman, George, Loachman or JM or George (or any of the other resident 'nice pervs') has neither stated that "this thread is useless without pics" nor demanded posting of pics yet. It's been a month already.

I am marking the date on my calendar.  ;)
Pics? Hell, I've been biting my tongue since reading the thread's title!  >:D
Journeyman said:
Pics? Hell, I've been biting my tongue since reading the thread's title!  >:D

Thinking about offering yourself up as their mentor were you?  >:D

ArmyVern said:
I can't believe that Loachman, JM, George, JM, Loachman, George, Loachman or JM or George (or any of the other resident 'nice pervs')



From where on earth, my dear, would you have come up with that notion?

Besides, I doubt that there are any pics of interest yet, anyway.

I may be interested in observing the first meeting, however.
Oh well....there goes another thread......
*laughs* OMG, you guys are hilarious. The problem is you guys don't know US very well. The two of us can most certainly keep up with the best of y'all, trust me! haha... but, with the "quota" of misfits being banned and the threat of the RED LOCKED THREAD OF DEATH, we're keepin' it clean.  We're the two most gutter-minded folk out there, believe me!

But... kudos on keeping your tongues bit (how painful they must be now!) and being somewhat adultish about it :P

George? I've had plans B to Z for years. Don't worry, I can get a job anywhere in the civilian world if I had to so I'm not worried about that. I just would need to move from where I am currently located. But, I've learned that Plans (as it pertains to MY life... work life is totally different) NEVER work out and that just gets me disappointed. The past year of my life I've been assaulted at work (by two kids with weapons), quit that crappy job, moved back to where my common-law husband was just to have that end (military spouse), and then relocate back to my original community. Then, I ended the year with a bang when someone played chicken with my car just after christmas which should have been a fatal accident.  Despite all of these things happening, I am STILL sticking to a Plan A which is joining the forces. I could have got side-tracked anywhere along that path but I didn't. So, I guess that is what I mean by sticking to the guns... stay on the path of where you want to go and someday something will open up.  My old way of thinking would have been to throw up the white flag when the kids did the assault with weapons but, I didn't. I could have thrown it up too with leaving that job... or moving back to a broken marriage... or, with the car accident. I refuse to accept failure anywhere along the lines and sometimes it means having to take a bit of a detour to make sure the original Plan A happens... but Plan B means you failed somewhere.

Sorry, a bit off topic! But, it's been working for me so far and I've never been so strong mentally, emotionally or physically.

And for the pervs? Sexually too :P

And... for the one who said he was waiting for pics from the first meeting? Um, we've been training together for over a month. Sorry, no pics were taken :P
Good on you armychick, keep fighting the good fight! Best of Luck with your training!  :camo:
So my mind is not permanently in the gutter, but I'll admit that references to "positions" "advice for the new girl" "stiff competition" etc. leaves the door wide open for (mis)interpretations and wild fantasy. I promise I"m just a down-home, honest, Irish catholic girl looking to do some good in the world, and hopefully blow some s&%t up along the way for extra fun.

I can be naive when it comes to jokes like this. Training aka indoctrination will be an experience.

And also, I posted a pic, but it does my triceps no justice.
My experience so far in this process has shown me at least 3 levels of identifying "numbers of positions available".
The first was on the website where it indicated that there were positions "In Demand" which would indicate openings.
The second was in the recruiting office with a recruiter who cold check on their desktop computer which indicated a number with some sort of accuracy.
The third was the Career Counselor, in the same office, using what looks like the same system, but seems to have a "real" actual number of available positions.
All in all, made for some frustrating times for me along the way!
hey forumdood - I had originally asked the question because the positions I had applied for in September had already been filled for the year - the CF offers a new round of positions beginning in April of this year...I was trying to figure out an approximate guess as to how many positions would become available at that time based on last years numbers...but yes, it can be confusing with so many sources offering info - I found dealing directly with my recruiting center was the most efficient and accurate...in the meantime this thread has come to offer some solid comic relief. 8)
Any recruiters out there know when combat engineer and aviation tech will be open again and how many positions nationally there are for LCIS Tech...

Intelligence officer they told me they took 3 last year and they were all PHD's....

The website is not as up-to-date as the info at the CFRC simply because it cannot be updated daily (that would require information to be compiled at the end of every day from across the country and then some IT guy to work in the middle of the night to update the website, and that just ain't gonna happen.

The numbers your Recruiter gave you was probably from our quick cheat sheets which are updated every two weeks or so, the number from the MCC are directly from the positions available in our Recruiting Information System. The reason the recruiters don't give you the numbers from the CFRIMS is that every trade, every element has a different code to look up and that takes time. We're trying to help as many people as possible ... and for some trades I'd have to look up all three elements to give you accurate numbers of how many positions are available in a given trade ... it's much easier to use the complied cheat sheet and give you approximates ... 90% of the time, those numbers will suffice to aid you in making a decision.


No guarantees, but we anticipate Combat Eng and Aviation Tech opening in April ... LCIS still has a LOT of positions nationally...Intelligence officer is quite popular with few positions ... I personally think it's because people think they're going to get to do stuff like on TV, which I don't think is the case in real life at all, but I don't know the reasons for getting into it or what they really do for sure.
ok thanks...im going LCIS Tech...so there are apparently alot of positions available for 2010...what is the policy on OT before or during your QL3's...not that im not hardcore psyched about LCIS Tech but just to be safe...would it increase the length of your IVE...
tsokman said:
ok thanks...im going LCIS Tech...so there are apparently alot of positions available for 2010...what is the policy on OT before or during your QL3's...not that im not hardcore psyched about LCIS Tech but just to be safe...would it increase the length of your IVE...

OTing before or during your QL3 isn't normally done.  If you think about it, they just hired you to fill in a position in a trade which requires personnel.  OTs prior to or during QL3 training aren't unheard of, but you had better have a bloody good reason and even then it would be rare that it's granted.  If you fail training, because you don't grasp the math for example, a compulsory OT is a possibility, if you aren't a total screwup.  An OT would not change the terms of your VIE (which is what I think you meant).
ok thanks...thats what I meant say you flunk POET would they offer you another trade and would they choose it for you...would they still give you something like combat engineer or aviation tech..