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number of positions available? And, any advice for the new girl?

northern girl

New Member
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Hey All - I've been cruising through this site for months and it's been so helpful...I just found out I've been merit listed for all three positions I applied for (Int Officer; Pub Affairs Officer and Armour Officer) and I know that decisions are being made right now about how many positions will be available come April 2010...I'm wondering if anyone knows how many positions were filled in each of these fields last year.

I'm going DEO - just graduated uni in April, and truthfully I'm hoping for armour because I think it would give me better prep for either of the other positions I applied for later on in my career...I've gotta say I'm a little nervous because there's so few women in combat - but I'm bright, have lots of heart, can rough it like a true northerner and grew up with 4 brothers...I hope this is enough to be given a fair chance to prove myself, but any advice about being an effective leader would be much appreciated.

I'm honoured to be here, look forward to meeting and working with some of you someday, and want to say thanks in advance for any info or advice.

Northern Girl.
Hey there Northern Girl

I am planning to submit my application to the recruiting center in Quebec City this Thursday. I have been lurking here for awhile, trying to get as much info as possible before committing myself to the military.

I am an old man (just turned 39)  :-[ but I`m in relatively good shape, (jog every morning to the kitchen to make a coffee - do one situp when I wake up each morning - stand, instead of sit in the shower, etc.) without huffing and puffing too much... ;D Just Kidding.  :P

But seriously, I plan to go DEO as well and my choices are, in order of what would interest me best, 1) Public Affairs Officer 2) Intel Officer 3) Personnel Selection Officer. Of these choices, I have no idea which ones, if any, are available as of now. Hopefully I`ll find out on Thursday. But I`m willing to wait until April, and seeing how I like performing administrative duties, I find these posts would best suit my personality style.

I am doing push-ups and sit-ups and running on a daily basis to prepare myself for the challenge to come.

Good luck

zybot said:
I am an old man (just turned 39)  :-[ but I`m in relatively good shape, (jog every morning to the kitchen to make a coffee - do one situp when I wake up each morning - stand, instead of sit in the shower, etc.) without huffing and puffing too much... ;D Just Kidding.  :P

I am glad to see other "old man" applying. I am 35 and dropped my application in August. My medical papers are in Borden now and my RC (Montreal) awaits the doctor to approve my stuff. If everything goes well, I should have my interview in December. I run and exercice daily too. We will have to keep up with much younger people in Basic.

I wish you best of luck in you future project!

northern girl said:
any advice about being an effective leader would be much appreciated.

I am new to this world as well... and I have to say that this book helped me a lot to understand what role I am playing and all the little important things to know. 170 pages... that you can read many times and even keep as a reference.

Good luck

Currently there are NO openings for any of the occupations mentioned here.  They will likely open up in April of 2010 if we have any. If you want a better shot ay being in the CF as an officer you may want to look at the Navy trades.
Last time I checked aerospace controler was opened as well...
But April is coming by so fast... just wait and see.

Good luck
AEC is open with several spots. However, it also has the highest standard on CFAT. Which is why it still has several openings.
FDO said:
Currently there are NO openings for any of the occupations mentioned here.  They will likely open up in April of 2010 if we have any. If you want a better shot ay being in the CF as an officer you may want to look at the Navy trades.

Well then.... :'( I`m willing to wait it out then. More time to get myself into better physical condition.

I haven`t yet decided what (sector???) of the military I will apply for, i.e. Navy, Army or Air Force. I plan to discuss this with my local recruiter on Thursday. I don`t have a preference. Here in Quebec, I have access to both Army and Naval personnel via Val Cartier and Montcalm. I have worked with people from both and have asked alot of questions, which in turn got me interested in this career.

I have always wanted to work for the Federal government and did the GRT (graduate recruitment test) and the SJT (situational judgement test) as well as the language proficiency test and scored well on all three. 45/55 93/100 and 45/50. I am hoping this will prepare me for the CFAT.

Thanks for the info.

Good luck to you Dombi.
Hey you self-professed "old men" - not to worry, I'll be 31 soon - working out lots too and actually loving it - after sitting and reading for the past couple years while finishing up school I stopped being as active as I used to be, and it feels great to get it all back...muscle memory is a beautiful thing! I think lots of "older" people are considering the CF for a career change - it's exciting, challenging, and promises to be different from any other job/work environment.

"Girlfriend" thanks for the link - I'll be checking it out for sure....in thinking about leadership (perhaps there are other posts out there that I'll look into) I know I respond best to respect, clear and consistent expectations, and constructive criticism...and competition!

My brother is actually doing AEC - he's heading to Quebec for BOTC in January...he was also told he'd have to wait until April, but apparently a space opened up last-minute, so he's excited and we're all happy for him...His mind works much differently from mine - I don't think I could do the job, and really it's not what I want.

As to  positions opening up in April  I'm going to go back to the recruiting center today and check with the Captain...I know they took 2 DEO for Int last year and 7 in Public Affairs - they're obviously super competitive - I'm just wondering how many DEO applicants they had to choose from for those fields...As to Armour, I picked it because the Captain told me that this year (2009) Armour soldiers were in high demand, and he expected an increase in the need for  Armour officers to follow.  I really want to get into a Coyote and rip it up.

Anyway, thanks and good luck to all of you (keep standing in that shower zybot!) If I learn anything new today I`ll pop back in and let you know.

Later for now:)
Holy crap, I had to re-read this a few times to make sure it wasn't ME who wrote it, haha! I usually use Northern Girl as my handle and I'm from your area as well!  Also looking to go into the same areas as you (sort of).

If you're interested in getting together for workouts or whatever, just let me know! I'm also 31... (lots of similarities!)

Also waiting (im)patiently for April! It doesn't seem to come fast enough, does it? No worries though as I'm using this time to try and finish getting fit as well!
armychick2009 said:
Holy crap, I had to re-read this a few times to make sure it wasn't ME who wrote it, haha! I usually use Northern Girl as my handle and I'm from your area as well!  Also looking to go into the same areas as you (sort of).

If you do discover that you are, in fact, the same person, please let us know so that we can ban you for having multiple accounts...
Hi Loachman!

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear in that post! Usually in other stuff (my MSN account, my emails, my geek forums on other sites) I use the handle Northern Girl. Here, I have just the one account -- armychick2009.  However, the similarities with "northerngirl" on this message board are pretty eerie! We're the same age, same potential trades, same city and with a brother in the forces also.... We just happen to be two separate and distinct northern girls from the same northern city at the same age... probably took the same college/university classes and probably even went to highschool together!

And obviously, have the same great taste in a future career!
Haha - I speak German too... *laughs*  (But, I'm not German)

Now, if SHE speaks German... that'd just be... beyond weird.
armychick2009 said:
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear in that post!

No, you were perfectly clear.

Apparently my little joke was not.

Don't worry - we've achieved our quota of bans for the day.
Loachman said:
No, you were perfectly clear.

Apparently my little joke was not.

Don't worry - we've achieved our quota of bans for the day.

Reeaaallllyyy? Muahahahah! Let Chaos reign for the next 7 hours!
Loachman said:
Don't worry - we've achieved our quota of bans for the day.

Would "productivity goal" sound more nurturing than quota? < joke :) >
Armychick2009 I pm'd you - lol...the similarities are quite remarkable...let's get together and stick together over the next few months!

As an aside, are there really quotas for how many people should be kicked off the site each day?

[If anyone, for a second, took that as a serious question, THEY should be kicked off:)]

Go Northern Girls! :cdn:
Apparantly us northern girls can be a bit dense... but we make good soldiers I am told!


Definitely will get together!
northern girl said:
As an aside, are there really quotas for how many people should be kicked off the site each day?

Just the next one of you who starts a transgendered thread.

And I know that it's not going to be your other half.