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Number of pilot admissions per year


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Hi, I am planning on applying for DEO for pilot this summer, and was just looking for stats on the forum but couldn't find any.  I was wondering what the stats were for applications such as number of applicants, number of applicants accepted, age of applicants(i think i read 32 somewhere) and how important university grades are(what kind of average is needed).  I am 21 years old and completing my Bachelor Degree in Chemistry next year.

Thanks guys.
I see this is your first post here so I'll be gentle.

Your last two questions have been answered ad nauseum if you had bothered to search or at a minimum, read the Recruiting FAQ.

As for your first two questions, it depends. It varies from year to year, but I will tell you that at it's highest production rate, Moose Jaw can put through around 140 students per year including the foreign guys.
When I had my interview earlier in the year I was told there were 50 slots for ROTP, 50 for DEO, not sure about CEOTP as the entry plan was "closed" at the time....however seems that wasn't the case...

As for numbers who apply.....I couldn't tell you.......it is one of the most (if not the most) competitive MOCs to get accepted for.........

The process is extremely long and drawn out........(i started my application last summer and finally should hear within the next month or two if I'm accepted), and there are a hell of a lot of opportunities for you to be cut..... (from the CFAT, to the medicals, to CFASC).

Just apply and see what happens, if your the right candidate you'll get to where you want to be.
Inch said:
I see this is your first post here so I'll be gentle.

Your last two questions have been answered ad nauseum if you had bothered to search or at a minimum, read the Recruiting FAQ.

As for your first two questions, it depends. It varies from year to year, but I will tell you that at it's highest production rate, Moose Jaw can put through around 140 students per year including the foreign guys.

Sadly from the last talk with my career manager, its down to 90 a year with 20 going to foreign pilots. I was told with a pft bypass I would wait until May or June NEXT year, with my OJT starting December..... 19 month wait sigh sigh.

To stay on topic, in 2005 25 pilots got ROTP, and I believe its was around 50-60 DEO... apperently no CEOTP that year, but strangly two of the OJT's with me got accepted CEOTP the same year I applied, and was told it was closed.
The CEOTP people could have been people already in the Armed Forces, My CEOTP applied only to People already in.
hollywood13 said:
Sadly from the last talk with my career manager, its down to 90 a year with 20 going to foreign pilots. I was told with a pft bypass I would wait until May or June NEXT year, with my OJT starting December..... 19 month wait sigh sigh.

To stay on topic, in 2005 25 pilots got ROTP, and I believe its was around 50-60 DEO... apperently no CEOTP that year, but strangly two of the OJT's with me got accepted CEOTP the same year I applied, and was told it was closed.

I waited 21 months back in 01-02 so I don't know what you're complaining about, we've all been there, waiting is just a part of the pilot training process.  All told, I spent a total of 30 months on OJT by the time I got my wings, that's 2.5 years. I will say this though, it's worth the wait.  ;)

There was a few groups of guys that got through quickly in the past couple years, but there's always going to be slowdowns and right now, the slowdown is at the OTUs. Newly winged pilots are waiting a year or more for the Sea King OTU right now.
hollywood13 said:
Sadly from the last talk with my career manager, its down to 90 a year with 20 going to foreign pilots. I was told with a pft bypass I would wait until May or June NEXT year, with my OJT starting December..... 19 month wait sigh sigh.

A bunch of guys already loaded for BFT got pushed-back a few weeks ago ...
Recruiter told me there are 30 DEO pilot spots left sometime last week.

Im also curious about how stringent they are on applicants. I have almost a B+ average in Business, with some extracurriculars (job, sports etc.), a bit of air cadet experience, CFAT and Interview were done well and Im wondering what are my chances.
Yeah, I'm also wondering how competitive your grades need to be.  I'm a chem major, and I have a 70-75% average, but mostly because my program has an average of about 60%, so I'm wondering if that plays into it.  Because I mean if all I cared about were grades I could've gone into a much easier program with an average of 80-85%.
CDN Aviator said:
Here's a revolutionary idea:

Apply at a CFRC and find out !!!

Wow what an odd concept...could it really work

lol  ;D
I guess you guys really couldnt give an answer. From what I can tell, it has become increasingly competitive over the past few decades (and varies year to year i.e. double cohort) so the requirements have grown. I have already applied and they told me its not likely Ill get in but im not sure if they're just trying to push another trade on me
Its extremely competitive. Remember that although  you've done well on what you listed, you still have to get through ASC and the medicals which a lot of people cant do...

I was in the same boat a few months ago, having made it all the way to the end being eligible and thinking that I had a good chance of getting an offer....and alas I didn't get one but they offered me Air Log instead and I took it.

Although you may have an extremely competitive application, many of the people you are competing against have OUTSTANDING applications. You have to not only stand out in the PILE of applicants they get constantly, but also have to be lucky enough to catch the eye of someone at the boards and be picked....

If I were you I'd look at other trades that relate closely to the experience/education you have/are pursueing. I myself will be graduating a Business program next spring and plan on attempting an OT sometime in the future after I've built some experience in LOG. Find something that appeals to you OTHER THAN pilot.....(its my dream as well).......excell in whatever that is, and earn the support of your CO and supperiors to appy for an OT later on....

Just because you don't/didn't get an offer for PLT as a civilian doesn't mean its a dead end.....if its really what you want to do look at alternatives and do whatever it takes to ascertain your ultimate goal.

Ohh, and get your PPL, while many on this board say its irrelevant to getting an offer (as does the recruiting web site), when they look at you next to another applicant who has their PPL who do you think gets the offer first? (all else being equal) Such was my case also, and I plan on finishing it later this year...plus it shows that you really have an interest in flying and its not just a "spur-of-the-moment" type thing...know what i mean?
---------------> The fact that the CF pays for your tuition really frees up some expendable income.... ;)

Hope this helps.
this is just talking out of school but I saw on the intake tables (avail on DIN only) they are about 100 billetts shy this year (already filled over 150 of them) and most of those were CEOTP guys from within the ranks.
There seem to be several different philosophies in applying for Pilot.  One applicant I know  was denied pilot in 2005.  Turned down everything else he was offered.    Went off to get his PPL and started a CPL and then got a call out of the blue asking if he was still interested.  Straight to basic  with no more selection.  That was in Summer 2006.  By early 2007 they seem not to want pilots and are conentrating on "boots on the ground."  It seems the recruiting drive is still on but only for certain trades.

One of mine denied Pilot a couple of months ago got a phone call this week.  "How would you like  RMC for MARS?"  Now I have two in and one in waiting.  Don't know what I did to deserve it,  we are  (well,  we were,) a long,  long way from being a miltiary family!

I was picked up for ROTP Pilot Civy U, and my GPA after a couple years of University was 2.89. Not the highest of grades, however, I was in the Infantry Reserves, and had extra curriculars. If you would like to talk details, feel free to PM me. Point being, grades aren't everything!
I did ACS with two candidates who already had pre-ACS offers this month from RMC (one a pilot, one a nav). When they attended the CFASC, neither of them passed. The strangest thing is that the candidate with the RMC pilot offer was well under the minimum height requirement to be a pilot in the first place.  ???

Also at ACS, there were a lot of ROTP candidates, but only a couple DEO's. The ROTP is pretty sweet, but don't rule out applying as a pilot after you graduate from university...
Elwood said:
I did ACS with two candidates who already had pre-ACS offers this month from RMC (one a pilot, one a nav). When they attended the CFASC, neither of them passed. The strangest thing is that the candidate with the RMC pilot offer was well under the minimum height requirement to be a pilot in the first place.  ???

Also at ACS, there were a lot of ROTP candidates, but only a couple DEO's. The ROTP is pretty sweet, but don't rule out applying as a pilot after you graduate from university...

And what is that minimum height?
SupersonicMax said:
And what is that minimum height?


157cm according to the FLIGHT SURGEON'S GUIDELINES.