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Number of IPC levels for Corporals vs Captians

Should the rank of Corporal have more than 4 IPC levels?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 44.4%
  • No

    Votes: 28 51.9%
  • Different answer below

    Votes: 2 3.7%

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Army.ca Myth
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Captians have 10 different IPC levels. At a guess, and correct me if I'm wrong, many officers must spend a lot of time as a Captian (which is why there are 10 levels of pay).

Corporals are in the same boat. Many 'corporals for life' spend their entire career as a corporal but there are only 4 IPC levels of pay.

Should Corporals be given the same (or near) number of IPC levels that a Captian does? Considering many soldiers (can) spend a long time in that rank?

If not, why do Captians recieve so many IPC levels?  Is there any other rank that has close to 10 IPC levels?  I am guessing most have 3 or 4 per rank?
As I understand it, the Treasury Board sets the rates of pay in terms of minimum and maximum pay for a given rank.  For example, Captain would start at "x" and end at "y".  The forces then divides up the rank into "incentives".  So, to give a corporal rank 10 incentives would not mean that corporals would get paid more.  All it would do is give 10 "levels" of pay that start and stop where they currently do right now.  So, in my opinion, the question is a non-starter.
Non-starter.........roger that!

How's your course?
Would you rather "max" out on incentives in four years or ten.?  I'll take 4 pls.!
Thats avery good point, never looked it that way :)

I wonder why captians ten have 10 levels, looks that would probably save money (in a manner of speaking) in the long run.
2023 said:
How's your course?
My course is about to enter the final phase: an exercise aptly named "Final Drive".  It lasts two weeks and it starts Tuesday.  We get march break off, then we finish up with a seven day stretch upon our return. 

It has been a good course, and I have learned OODLES, honestly.  It's been a bit of a drive, but in the end, it was worth it (except for all the work, the very late nights, being away from home, the feelings of frustration at times......)


Flawed Design said:
I wonder why captians ten have 10 levels, looks that would probably save money (in a manner of speaking) in the long run.

I don't understand this comment of yours.  Save money by only having 4 vice 10 levels?  And if so, how?
Say Hi to Gord for me........I looked after his dog all weekend!
airmich said:
I don't understand this comment of yours.  Save money by only having 4 vice 10 levels?  And if so, how?
Hey mich.
I think he means that with 10 levels (vice four) for captains, given that some actually get promoted prior to ten years, then those that get promoted at say year five would then "not have to be paid" at a higher rate, ergo, at a lower rate than if there were four or five incentives.

Maybe.....I think that's what he meant.
2023 said:
Say Hi to Gord for me........I looked after his dog all weekend!
Will do!  :D

But if you really want to max out those 4 years of Cpl IPC.....you can get busted back to Pte at year 3; that way you get to look forward to working your way through again.....er, or so I've heard  :-[

Note: "The bastard had it coming to him" is not a good defence!  :'(
Flawed Design said:
I wonder why captians ten have 10 levels...

  • "...there are often more incentive levels for officer ranks than there are for non-commissioned member ranks, on the basis that it takes longer for officers to gather all the experience, skill and knowledge required for their rank. Hence, they must wait longer than non-commissioned members to receive the job rate (maximum) for their rank"

Taken from: Directorate of Pay and Policy Development (Scroll down to "Pay Groups" sub "General Service Officers")

Edited to clarify what is being answered here.

I think though, that the poster meant "there should be an increase of 6 more IPCs for Cpl" that would all include more money...effectively raising the max. pay for the rank of Cpl/LS, which would then peeve off the MCpl/MS (5b'ers) who would THEN want a pay raise..next come the peeved Sgt's who would want a pay raise...and...
Mud Recce Man said:
I think though, that the poster meant "there should be an increase of 6 more IPCs for Cpl" that would all include more money...effectively raising the max. pay for the rank of Cpl/LS, which would then peeve off the MCpl/MS (5b'ers) who would THEN want a pay raise..next come the peeved Sgt's who would want a pay raise...and...

Well, of course the next ones up would receive a pay raise, but here's a novel idea:
First, eliminate the appointment of Cpl (B), aka "MCpl".
Second, make the "one hook" private (aka: Able Seaman in naval terms) a lance corporal, aka: a new rank similar to the current "cpl" rank.
Third, make the corporal rank THE junior NCO rank (as it is with most of our peer armies).
So, a person joins the army, as an example.  She is a private upon completion of trades training.  After a few years, she receives her first chevron upon her promotion to Lance Corporal.  Though she has no formal leadership training, she is neither a private nor a corporal: she is a LANCE corporal (whatever that means). 
A few years later, or sooner, depending on her performance, she attends and succeeds in passing her PLQ (Inf).  Some time after graduation, she is promoted to the rank of Cpl, where four incentives await her.  The base pay would be the same as it is now for corporal, but the high end matches that currently eligible for MCpl (4).

Or am I out to lunch?  :D
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Or am I out to lunch?  :D

Actually, it makes a lot of sense.  However, because it does make sense, it will never happen.  And don't look now, but the senseless police are at your door right now to bring you in for questioning.  Guess Captain is going to need more levels too, you're going to be there abit longer now.  ;D
airmich said:
Actually, it makes a lot of sense.  However, because it does make sense, it will never happen.  And don't look now, but the senseless police are at your door right now to bring you in for questioning.  Guess Captain is going to need more levels too, you're going to be there abit longer now.  ;D

I can hear "them" now: "Obviously AOC hasn't deadened your will to live: we must work on you a bit longer!"
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Well, of course the next ones up would receive a pay raise, but here's a novel idea:
First, eliminate the appointment of Cpl (B), aka "MCpl".
Second, make the "one hook" private (aka: Able Seaman in naval terms) a lance corporal, aka: a new rank similar to the current "cpl" rank.
Third, make the corporal rank THE junior NCO rank (as it is with most of our peer armies).
So, a person joins the army, as an example.  She is a private upon completion of trades training.  After a few years, she receives her first chevron upon her promotion to Lance Corporal.  Though she has no formal leadership training, she is neither a private nor a corporal: she is a LANCE corporal (whatever that means). 
A few years later, or sooner, depending on her performance, she attends and succeeds in passing her PLQ (Inf).  Some time after graduation, she is promoted to the rank of Cpl, where four incentives await her.  The base pay would be the same as it is now for corporal, but the high end matches that currently eligible for MCpl (4).

Or am I out to lunch?  :D

Ah, yeah, go easy on the logic there...you should know by now Army + Logic = does not compute. ;D
Didn't they try a new pay scheme a little while ago?  Something about being paid for the courses you took and experience levels?  Therby a new Cpl/LS would be lvl 1, as they advanced in thier particular trade and affiliate courses, not career courses, they got more pay.  I.E. and MSEOP with Airfield Specialist (no, there is not spec pay for that!) and Grader/Dozer course would get, say, $100 extra per month.
I don't know about other trades, but with MSEOP, there's a ton of courses out there for Cpls only (we don't have LS's, that's Navy!) and you'd be hard pressed to get them all in your career or before you actually got promoted.
As a side note, I just viewed my career manglers site, there's over 1100 Cpls in my trade.  WOW!!!
Regards :army:
Well, as VBC can surely attest, I shall indeed see the tenth level of my current rank  ;D

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