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I'm going to get my CLI this year then hopefully I can get my NSCE next year when I'm 15. I just have one question- Do you have to be 16 when you apply for advanced training? I ask this because when I apply for advanced training I would be 15 but by the time I get to the summer I'd be 16.
No you don't.   I wrote the NSCE when I was 15 and a Sgt, I applied for exchange because I was turning 16 in June and I was accepted.

I'm not sure where this 16 age prerequisite for NSCE comes from but its wrong, I had other candidates say I was too young to be there, but evidently I had no problems, I even scored very well overall.

(For those who don't know Staff Cadet age prerequisite is 16 as of Jan 1, exchange is 16 as of the start of the course ... that's why a cadet can be eligable for exchange but not staff).
Then how can it be explained that 2 of my fellow cadets were turned away from NSCE on basis of age? I am almost certain that, in Nova Scotia at least, that 16 is now at least the preferred age, if not mandatory. My CO spelled out for us that you needed to be 16 last week.
The policy may have changed or may differ by region.  But I did my NSCE a few years ago when I was 15.
I'm pretty confident it has changed for this year. Anyone feel free to refute or support thus argument if someone can find a publication.
in Pac Region there is no age limit to write the NSCE Phase 1, or participate in the Phase 2

the age limit of 16 that everyone is talking about, is the age you MUST be before summer camp starts, to participate in either an expedition/exchange or be a staff cadet

my first attempt at NSCE was when i was 15 years old and a Cadet Sergeant just out of CLI the summer before

my second attempt was at 16, which is when i applied for staff cadet and was accepted
Thank-you MWO.  He is correct regarding 16 as being the you must reach in order to participate in an exchange or be hired as a staff cadet.  For those of you asking the questions: most of the answers can be found on the national website, this is faster than arguing here and then you have something to base the info on.  I encourage senior cadets to familiarize themselves with the pubs that govern their organization.  A good start would be: CATOs, QR&Os(cadets), then the 201 and the GSOM.  Read these, then we'll talk.  (*both the CATO's and theQR&Os can be found at www.cadets.gc.ca
The policy may have changed or may differ by region.  But I did my NSCE a few years ago when I was 15.

NSCE is a national exam (hence the N)  there are only national rules.
My corps sent a MCpl that was 15 to NSCE this year, and he was successful.

Just to clarify:  To be a staff cadet or do the Cadet Parachutist Course you must be 16 as of Jan 1 of that year (insurance policy).  To be a cadet on exchange you must be 16 as of the start date of the exchange (Canadian law to travel without a parent/guardian).  I'm not sure about the other advanced training (Leadership & Challenge, Advanced Band/P&D, or Bisley), but as far as I know they don't have an age prerequisite.
You see a lot of people go to nsce before they do CLI because some have to have it to go to Bisley England after doing CLI Marksman. If you do it earlier you have more of a chance to go. But if you aren't in that boat don't worry... there is not age limit you mostly just need to feel comfortable with the knowledge that you have