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November 2015: Paris Bataclan attack/hostage taking

From Daily Mirror


Paris attacks: ISIS gunmen shouted 'Allah Akbar' as victims were slaughtered in co-ordinated attacks

By Keith Perry

One witness inside the Bataclan hall told how gunmen burst in shouting “Allah Akbar” - God is the greatest – before opening fire. They were also heard to shout: “This is for Syria”

Terrified hostages told how IS thugs slaughtered victims “one by one” during a siege at a concert hall as Paris was plunged into murderous chaos.

At least 60 people had been killed in the gun and bomb attacks said to have been launched in revenge for the US missile strike that killed British terror thug Jihadi John in Syria.

French president Francois Hollande ­immediately closed the country’s borders as the nation came to terms with the second major terrorist strike on its shore since the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January.

At least 11 people were killed in the Bataclan concert hall when gunmen stormed the building and more than 100 were being kept hostage.

The building was one of seven targeted by the terrorists. The Louvre art gallery, the Les Halles shopping centre and the Stade de France arena – where the national football team was hosting Germany in a

friendly - were also hit. Two loud explosions were heard outside the stadium. One witness inside the Bataclan hall told how gunmen burst in shouting “Allah Akbar” - God is the greatest – before opening fire.

They were also heard to shout: “This is for Syria.”

One witness said: “The men came in and started shooting. Everyone fell to the ground. It was hell. I took my mum, and we hid. Someone near us said they have gone, so we ran out. I was only thinking of

escaping. We’re out now. People are still inside. It’s a nightmare, a nightmare.”

Student Gilles Avel was out with friends close to the Bataclan – where US band Eagles of Death Metal was playing. The 19-year-old said: “We are all terrified and have been told to get away as soon as

possible. There were shots and then lots of people running.”

Witness Andrew Smith posted on Twitter: “Hostages from the theatre have been released and are walking down rue Oberkampf. Some are literally shaking with fear.

“They are hugging each other. One guy fainted on reaching the relative safety of our street.

“I’m watching the casualties go by our front window and I’m starting to feel anger.”

“A few people on stretchers are being wheeled past us. Gunshot wounds in chest.”

The carnage began when a AK47-wielding gunman attacked a Korean restaurant in the Bastille area of the city.

Grenade blasts were also heard. Anti-terrorist police and soldiers could be seen flooding into the area. At least two terrorists were said to have been killed by police.

There were reports two blasts near the Stade de France was caused by suicide bombers. Three people were reportedly killed in the attacks. Players briefly stopped in their tracks when they heard the

blasts. Following news of the strikes, thousands of fans too scared to leave the stadium poured onto the pitch.

Ben Grant, who was in a nearby bar with his wife at the time, said he saw six or seven bodies on the ground. He added: “I was told people in cars had opened fire on the bar. There are lots of dead people.

It’s pretty horrific to be honest.

“I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us.

“We were held up in the bar because there was a pile of bodies in front of us.”

President Hollande was inside the stadium at the time of the attack, but was since been rushed to the Interior Ministry to deal with the unfolding situation. He said later: “This is a terrible hardship. We know

who these terrorists are. We knew they were coming for us. We have to show unity and keep our cool. France must great and strong. We need to call on everyone to be responsible.

“It is something to be afraid. France needs to be strong. Terrorists want us to be scared. In the face of terror we must be united.`

“We will overcome these terrorists. Long live France.” US officials believe the attacks were already planned but were brought forward following the killing of Jihadi John by an American drone strike. David

Cameron said he was “shocked by events in Paris” and pledged to do “whatever we can to help”. The PM added: “Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people.”

Barack Obama said the US is “prepared and ready” to provide ­assistance to France, who he described as America’s “oldest ally”.

The president said: “This is an attack not just on Paris. It’s an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share. It is a heartbreaking

situation. We’re going to do whatever it takes to bring these terrorists to justice.”

The attacks come two weeks before Mr Cameron, Mr Obama and other world leaders are due to travel to Paris for climate talks.

Reports said several Paris Metro lines have been closed following the attacks.

Paris’ deputy mayor said the massacre was a horrific reminder of the Charlie Hebdo murders. He added: “It’s a heavy recollection of what happened in January. Now we are struck again. This is harder. I am


John Cohen, a former US Homeland Security Department counter-terrorism co-ordinator, said the presence of multiple attack scenes suggested a co-ordinated effort to “send a message” and raises

immediate terror concerns, including for other cities in Europe and potentially the US as well.
Jesus Christ... How in the world do we stop these guys?
I hope the French unleash the almighty rath of God on those motherfuckers.
Blasphemy...."these guys" being?

May the souls of the dead rest in peace. Nobody deserves to be killed like this  :(




Vimy01 said:
Jesus Christ... How in the world do we stop these guys?
I hope the French unleash the almighty rath of God on those motherfuckers.
Vimy01 said:
Jesus Christ... How in the world do we stop these guys?
I hope the French unleash the almighty rath of God on those motherfuckers.
If they do, NATO's getting dragged in. France could declare it has been attacked and request alliance assistance to strike.
Vimy01 said:
Jesus Christ... How in the world do we stop these guys?
I hope the French unleash the almighty rath of God on those motherfuckers.

Here is a quote from French President Francois Hollande about tonights attacks:
"We will lead the fight. It will be ruthless,"
Every other Western European country is on full alert to say the least. Hollande was at a football game watchin France v Germany.

U2 is also in town rehearsing for a gig

A California band ' death of the heavy metal' was playing a concert when a nutcase blew himself up

Innocent people at a restaurant were victims of another nutcase suicide bomber

The death toll keeps rising as we speak. I am watching the NBC special right now
Damn it!!! I'm sick of these fanatics!
As a human being, as a Canadian, as a Muslim Canadian, I AM SICK to my stomach... Feeling so helpless and frustrated.
Lean-N-Supreme said:
Foreign Legion is gonna go to town on them.

Someone will go to town on them....

First thing - police must show presence in so called "no go zones". Lawful authority must be exerted.
PuckChaser said:
If they do, NATO's getting dragged in. France could declare it has been attacked and request alliance assistance to strike.
ISIS call itself a state, and it has attacked a NATO country.  We may have an article 5 obligation to keep our CF18 in the Middle East.
I don't think anyone recognizes ISIS as a "state". They can call themselves whatever they want, doesn't mean the word sees them as such

MCG said:
ISIS call itself a state, and it has attacked a NATO country.  We may have an article 5 obligation to keep our CF18 in the Middle East.
opcougar said:
I don't think anyone recognizes ISIS as a "state". They can call themselves whatever they want, doesn't mean the word sees them as such
And that makes them less of a target for utter annihilation how?  They consider themselves a state.  Time to humour the buggers.
MCG said:
ISIS call itself a state, and it has attacked a NATO country.  We may have an article 5 obligation to keep our CF18 in the Middle East.

I don't think it would meet the criteria of an article 5 obligation. But it does meet the criteria of the right thing to do.
Canada has a moral and ethical obligation to keep our CF18s out there.
God forbid anything were to happen to our homeland.
At the end of the day, I sleep a bit easier at night knowing our boys and girls over there dropping ordnance on these cowards.
I'd rather fight then retreat.
MCG said:
ISIS call itself a state, and it has attacked a NATO country.  We may have an article 5 obligation to keep our CF18 in the Middle East.
Completely agree, although I feel airstrikes aren't going to be enough here. You can only effect so much change without touching the ground you want to change.
cavalryman said:
And that makes them less of a target for utter annihilation how?  They consider themselves a state.  Time to humour the buggers.

The only way to win...if you can...is boots on the ground. It's time to unleash the dogs of war.

The battle of ideas is more complex and takes time to win. Their ideas have to be countered with ours.

Hamish Seggie said:
The only way to win...if you can...is boots on the ground. It's time to unleash the dogs of war.
I'm a fan of LTC Tom Kratman's proposition for dealing with jihadis.  Dogs of war indeed.
Look at how much good that did in Iraq. Yes Saddam was captured, but that didn't exactly solve the issues there

Hamish Seggie said:
The only way to win...if you can...is boots on the ground. It's time to unleash the dogs of war.

The battle of ideas is more complex and takes time to win. Their ideas have to be countered with ours.
Then what's your solution? Let them set up camp and have tea and crumpets win them and hope they don't try to slit our collective throats?

Their aim is clear - radical fundamentalist Islam is bent on either converting all of us or killing those that won't convert. There is no negotitation to be had with them.

You cannot win a war by air power and drone strikes.