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Nova Scotia considering tax break for former military members, their partners and dependants of any age with training and jobs in the skilled trades

There is a big difference between
"Nova Scotia considering tax break for former military members, their partners and dependants of any age with training and jobs in the skilled trades"
'non-government MLA asked deputy minister of labour in a meeting if the program could be extended to veterans of any age and the reply was we'll get back to you'.

New Democrat MLA Gary Burrill asked Ava Czapalay, the deputy minister of labour, skills and immigration, if the province had considered giving veterans who want new careers in a skilled trade the same tax break.

"Does it seem like an idea that has some things to commend it?" asked Burrill.

"Any and all suggestions are welcome, in terms of [providing incentives to] people to participate in the skilled trades," said Czapalay.

"I'll take this back and we'll get a response for you," he added, referring to the Department of Finance.