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Not competitive enough right now, what about in april when hiring starts?


So today I called the recruitment office and was told my app scored a 4 out of 5 in the grading system. Supply tech and traffic tech which I applied for need a 5 and armoured soldier is a 4 but not hiring. The recruiter told me several different trades that only need 3 or 4's so now I am researching the trades and emailing him back my new selections.
yamahaguitarguy said:
The recruiter told me several different trades that only need 3 or 4's so now I am researching the trades and emailing him back my new selections.

WARNING.......Choose wisely and don't pick something just for the sake of picking something because of your application score!!!  Joining the CF is a 3-5+ year commitment that you may not necessarily be able to get out of anytime soon, should you find yourself in an occupation that you don't like.
DAA said:
WARNING.......Choose wisely and don't pick something just for the sake of picking something because of your application score!!!  Joining the CF is a 3-5+ year commitment that you may not necessarily be able to get out of anytime soon, should you find yourself in an occupation that you don't like.

I agree. Out of the 9 occupations he listed off that are hiring I was only interested in about 3 of them. My number 1 position is going to be a naval electronic sensor operator. It looks like an interesting trade and at the end of my commitment I can always consider trying to switch to a different occupation.
yamahaguitarguy said:
I can always consider trying to switch to a different occupation.

You can always try, but it's not your chances are slim. Do you really think the CF would want you to transfer after all your training, just so they can train you to do something else? It's not impossible, it's just not a good plan.
..or he/she might find they love what they picked.

Quick, hands up all those who thought thier trade was exactly what they thought it would be??
I got the same email about not being as competitive, but the same "much to offer" line hah  ;)  Well, I am also almost done high school, so there likely are many of us that are still in school that want in, and a lot of people that are much more qualified and have better education and standing than we do.. I'd say just hang in there, maybe go to college for a few years, get more fit and get more involved in your community eh.. then re-do your application and go from there. I mean, the government is cutting back even more apparently, and don't have funds set aside for another mission for the military to get involved in (from the sites and news I have been looking up on..)..
I am really curious to see if the conservatives get voted out, and if the NDP gets into power.. the Tories are supposed to be more "pro-military" compared to other parties, and they are cutting back. So if the NDP gets in, how much more will be cut? What will happen? A lot of questions... anyway I digressed.
Good luck, you are not alone haha...