In 1986 I was with the CAR. Just prior to Christmas that year, we were deploying on an arctic Ex (LIGHTNING STRIKE - I think - could have been something else). I had explained to my boys (5, 3, and 1 at the time) that I was going to the arctic and there was a good chance I'd see Santa.
On the day of deployment there were extended delays (don't remember why - probably weather). At some point during the day, we were sent home with our equipment (including our FNs - those were the days) to await the telephone recall, which could happen at any moment. So, I took my rifle and radio home to await the recall. My two oldest boys were first fascinated with the radio - we fooled around with it for a bit, along with OTHER Dads who had taken THEIR radios home, and I explained to the boys that Santa could talk to us on it once we got up north. Their attention then turned to my FN. They wanted to know what THAT was for. To this day I don't know why I said what I did - but I did. I said "That's for shooting Santa if he ticks me off." The expression on those poor kids faces immediately let me know that I'd stepped over the line.
The kids got over it - in fact none of them recall the incident. My WIFE, however, has NEVER forgotten it. I get reminded of my past insensitivity EVERY year at around this time (she hasn't said anything yet this year - but it's inevitable).
So - those of you advocating shooting down Santa had better watch out - you never know WHO's going to be reading this thread - perhaps Santa, perhaps your wife/husband, perhaps your FUTURE wife/husband. My indiscretion was BEFORE the Internet, not recorded in any way - and I STILL get to hear about it. YOURS is recorded here for all time - it'll never go away.
I do believe Mike may have a deal with Santa to reveal "naughty boy's" ISP to him - I wouldn't want to be YOU guys this Christmas!
Have a good one.