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Non Issued Prescription Glasses


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I need glasses so I was wondering when it comes to the normal day activitie (reserves) do I need to wear the issued glasses or can I bring my own. ( Im thinking my own but I'm asking just in case)

Also how about BMQ and SQ, lets say I were to buy some oakleys sports glasses with the removable prescription lense in it. Would I be able to wear these, or would they give me the issued pair anyways. I cant seem to find any info on these specific oakleys on their site.
As a reservist, you are responsible to provide your own, unless your on full time contract over 180 days.

I'm looking for some personal opinions from people, so I'd be happy to get PMs if the mods don't want to keep this going...

Here is my situation:  I am due to get a new pair of glasses and I'm undecided about which would be better, to get a pair of regular glasses and a pair of prescription sunglasses, or just the regular pair with the clip/magnet sunglasses attachment.
Also, if I decide to go with two separate pairs, does anybody think it matters whether you get plastic or metal frames?  Does one seem to hold up better than the other through PT etc?  I've only ever had metal frames, but I've been looking at plastic this time.

If anyone could share their wisdom with me it would be much appreciated!  ;D
Personally I would go with two pairs of glasses - whether it be one regular and one prescription sunglasses or two pairs of regular with the clip on.  If you are near blind like me, if somethings goes wrong with the first pair (lens pops out etc) you have the second pair handy so that you can carry on the battle.  It is important to have that second pair, just in case.
As for PT, if you can afford it - get contacts.  If you cannot I would recommend the glasses with the expandable hinges so that they can be over extended without significant damage.  They should be sturdy, so none of those thin wiry stylish glasses which after a single hit will sit askew on the nose.  I have no preference for Metal or plastic - both break in the right circumstances.
I have to say I'm a little leery of putting in contacts, lol.  But having two pairs of glasses that could function as both regular lenses and sunglasses wouldn't be a bad idea.
Thanks for the input.
I just recently cahnged back to plasitc frames - I found that all the weird places I get sent to lately are hot and humid, so the metal oxidizes fast with sweat, salt and moisture and I was walking around with a green rim to my eyes all the time.  These days, you can usually get a decent deal on prescription sunglasses at your own cost anyway, so if you have no entitlement, just go get them yourself (I ended up doing that).

We are able to provide tinted polycarbonate Rx lenses with most of the Wiley X line we sell. The other option it to go with ones that have the Rx insert.
You'll be issued the same ballistic eyewear as everyone else. If you require prescription lenses for them, go see your OR or RQMS. You'll need a recent eye prescription for them to order the lenses.

If you need regular reading glasses, on Class A, your on your own. There are protocols for what is allowed on parade though. Do a 'Search'. It's been covered already.
I`ve been checking out these adidas glasses, the Evil Eye Pros S to be exact. I think they retail about 300$ with the removal prescription lenses. Il be getting them if they do not give me the ballistic eyewear (which I will be asking them today).

you will be issued balistic eyewear, just give them your prescription and they will take care of that for you,  ;D :dontpanic:
I'm an Optician in my civi life so here is my nugget of info. 
Plastic frames are good for very warm environments but if you get sent up north into nasty cold snow they have a tendency to dry out and shatter.
Metal frames are ok too but as has been said before oxidize.  To stop this from happening you should coat the arms with clear nail polish or get your optician to put the plastic tube coating over top of the arms.
As for addidas they take a hell of a lot of punishment and keep ticking.  Oakley's are even better but a bit more pricey.
Contacts  Here is where you may have problems.....
Be careful here as all the dirt and grit can get into them and cause some nasty infections that could leave you blind.  (rare but I've seen it happen)  Make sure you take care of them and clean them PROPERLY every time you take them out. (any questions there feel free to pm me)  Another thing that is a good idea is to go with Silicone Hydrogel Lenses.  These are great for the field as they allow you to have quick naps in them without taking them out.  Or even sleeping in a stretch.  Not recommended all the time and make sure you take the 24h off at the end of your 30 days.
magnetic clips. In my opinion are a bloody waste of time.  they always bend out of shape and have a tendency to scratch your lenses. A better idea is transitions or separate sunglasses. 
and finally Do Not Go To Lenscrafters they are Uber expensive for what you get.  Try someone local or Costco if you can you will save money and get better service (usually).

Anyway sorry for the rant just wanted to try to help.
renleg; just so you are aware, as well as everyone else I suppose.
we are not allowed to have tranisitional lenses while in uniform.
I don't wear glasses myself, but I know several people that can go on for some time about how much they love their transitions lenses. If you haven't heard of these, they are light sensitive glasses that tint themselves in bright light. Mucho LCF  ;D

Wow... How did I miss that one  :o.

Seems odd, as I've seen people wearing glasses, and I've seen people wearing sunglasses - I guess you just can't have both  :P.