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Non Issue Boots


Jr. Member
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I know I've seen this topic posted before, but I was unable to find it via the search.

Anyways, I just finished a course and by the end of teh course I noticed that my toes were permanently numb, and felt like they were asleep. This has never happened before as this was my first course where I wore my combat boots for any length of time (IE, all my other courses were weekends or ended at 4 pm). When I got home I went to my doctor and he said the numbness was caused by pinched nerves in my feet probably due to a lack of toe room in the boots. The simple remedy would be to get bigger boots, but the problem is any bigger and they'd be too big. It seems the problem is the width of the boot. I dont have this problem in my WWB because my foot was measured for width.

My question is, where does this leave me? Am I allowed to purchased approved boots with a chit? Or am I SOL?

Edit: After further searching I found information regarding my question. However I am confused about this CANFORGEN I am hearing about stating no boots other than the issue ones shall be worn in the field.. Am I truely SOL now? I don't think it will be healthy to suffer pinched nerves every course.
Yeah, I'm having problems with mine too, and am wondering the same thing. My doctor reccommended that I get mine re-soled with better soles, because I've been having serious pain. Maybe go up through your chain of command and ask ?
If you have concerns about your issue footware the first step is to go to the MIR and get assessed. If you are a reservist on a Class BA contract there are avenues such as orthodic insoles provided by the CF.

If you are on a Class B or A reservist then you will have to make an appointment through your OR to be assessed by the local MIR or contracted physician.

If the professionals believe that your foot problem can only be remedied by alternate foot ware then they will give you a chit.

There are several kinds of alternate footware that are authorized by the CF.
Again if you are on a BA or C contract DND will buy them for you. If you are on any other type of contract then you will have to pay for them yourself.

A copy of your med chit should be kept on your person at all times when you are wearing your new boots. If you can not prove that you have a chit then you will be ordered to revert to the Mk IIIs. A copy should also be placed on your med file and then re-evaluated periodically and renewed if necessary.

I hope this answers your questions

If the medics or physio pers. are stating that you require special "custom fit" boots, they become authorized for you. The supply techs will order them for you, and they'll become issued to you. ISSUED. You would get a chit that you have to have on you at all times(Pte Bloggins required custom combat boots) so if the Sergeant-Major wants to "jack you up", you're clear.

Numb toes happen, if it doesn't hurt, then don't worry about it.  Eventually you can push needles and rocks against your feet and not feel it.  This happens over time.  Eventually it won't bother you.
Wait till you get to your permanent unit and go out and buy a good pair of Danners.
A point to remember is that you need to be on a contract over 180 days in order to have orthotics paid for by the Crown.  If you're having problems with your footwear and supply can't arrange to endure that you get a pair that fit properly, talk to an MO, wxplain the problem, and a chit will be written for "non-issue" footwear, ie - non MkIII boots.  There is generally a list of approved boots that supply has and where they can be picked up.

Good Luck

Before you blame the boots and the soles - perhaps you need to try some different sock combination or insoles.  Just becuase your toes are hurting or better yet numb does mean the boots are the problem.

The CF sock system, proper insoles and even Vibram soles can make a big difference in comfort.  Your WWB have vibram soles perhaps that is a hint.  Do you wear the same sock combination in your MkII as you do your WWB?

Unless you are 108+ or Reg Force you will have a hard time convincing the MO or Supply to buy you special boots because your toes went numb. 

After 20+ years in the CF and numb toes for 15 years or so- Vibram soles, good insoles, socks and properly formed boots did it for me.
I wear the sock system with both boots. Always a liner, and outer. It keeps my feet dry and fills out the boot. The combat boot fits length wise properly. It's just width wise it its too small at the top where my toes are. I am fairly certain it is the combat boot causing this.
Ask for a different width of boot, I used to wear F's, but my feet slid to much and went down to E's.
numbness is caused by a lack of blood or a problem with nerves, either way something is being prevented from doing it's job, and should be taken care of. deal with it, before the problem get worse. either can lead to permanent and debilitating problems if they are let to get worse. you could be lucky and not have permanent problems. but....why risk it, the solution is simply, insoles or new boots.

Some thruths about footwear.

If your toes are numb or sore. The boot is too narrow, too short, or not laced tight enough causing the toes to get hammered. Re tie the laces and if the problem persists you have a fit problem.

Boots will only stretch if the materials are crap or the boot is too small and foot is stretching it. Get a bigger boot.

If the ball of your foot is sore either the sole is too soft and the terrain you step on is hammering the ball of your foot (princess and the pea thing) or the boot is not flexing at the metatarsal area but somewhere else on the bottom of your foot thus causing friction. Get a better quality boot and a better fitting boot. If this is not possible a supportive footbed lilke Superfeet may help.

Sore arch may be caused by improper support due to incorrect sizing. Again new boots and/or a footbed may cure this issue.

Unlike the advice given in an earlier post DO NOT IGNORE THE DISCOMFORT!!!! This is your foot telling you to fix things. If not the chance of longterm damage is extremely high.

Kind Regards
Brian Kroon
Drop Zone - nice advertisement. Not many Reservists will get away with wearing non-issue boots when attending training or courses.

Let's not confuse hammer toes with numb toes, although width of footwear may lead to both, the signs and symptoms are quite different.

Boot sizes do not always equal normal shoes sizes.  After having my big toe nails removed and then the big toe corner roots cut out as a kid, getting a good fit in any footwear can be difficult, (especially for unusually shaped feet).  When I first joined the CF Supply did not carry boots with an size 7F , so I had to compensate for width by going longer.  Around 1993 F width boots started to appear. What a relief.

Danner boots all the way , I have one pair that I have had 10 years and the buggers keep going. if you are willing to spend the money smart wool make the best socks out there all types for all situations
Go for wigwam over smart wool, you get more choice, and they have really high standards, good for the consumer as there is a crap load of half price factory seconds on the market, usually about 20 percent of a Wigwam display is seconds, and cost about 40-60 percent less, and are just amazing.  keep your calluses under control, as that is where my socks wear out, after about 3 years.