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No more 7.62 sniper system

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It's still a course available to reservists......even if it seems like a joke to you guys. Besides, isn't the INDOC more than just familiarisation of weapons such as the C3 or MacMillan .50? I thought there was other theory involved...advanced shooting with the C7...further development of cam and concealment, etc...
Is it really that watered down???
I'm getting sick of this "Reserve Sniper" blahh blahhh. I'm going to call CFRC and find out; cause I never in my career have heard of any reserve sniper. At least in recent recent history...So anyway we only need 36 50 cals. Since we have the pimpin G wagons, now lets arm up our skull monkeys!! I left the CF cause I was sick of being in a welfare army. Now I regret leaving!!  :rage: Does anyone know if there is a improvment in technology for the spotting scopes? Do they actully have digital rage finders? What sort of scope will these 50s have?

-This ain't your daddies shotgun boy!!-

Mickey -  a familiarization is not a qualification -- when I did my Small Arms Coaching Course in 1988 we got a famil on the C3 (pre C3A1)
Same as when we run Foreign Weapon shoots and classes - you DO NOT GET A QUALIFICATION...

ALL CF Course course are on the DIN
  Guess what does not show up...

You or your WO is FULL OF SHIT.

GonzoK83 - the Vector LRF is in the system

"Do they actully have digital rage finders?"

- Well, this here thread is turning into a pretty good 'rage finder'!


Just to clarify...I "never" said INDOC was a qualification; neither did the WO. I only said it was a course for reservists (whereas someone said there are NO RESERVE SNIPER COURSES of "ANY" Kind.) Sorry if I appeared ignorant; I just want to get my facts straight rather than show my @$$ like other posters have.
A reserve sniper could be something as simple as a reg force member joining the reserves with the sniper course.  I'm not sure that any reserve units hold sniper rifles.
CFL said:
A reserve sniper could be something as simple as a reg force member joining the reserves with the sniper course.  I'm not sure that any reserve units hold sniper rifles.

Ahh. Getting back closer to the original question, but not quite. Let's try harder. The question is about the 7.62 sniper system, going defunct. Not about, Reserve snipers. Real or otherwise. Back on track please Gents.
Mickey said:
Just to clarify...I "never" said INDOC was a qualification; neither did the WO. I only said it was a course for reservists (whereas someone said there are NO RESERVE SNIPER COURSES of "ANY" Kind.) Sorry if I appeared ignorant; I just want to get my facts straight rather than show my @$$ like other posters have.

I know what "course" you are talking about, and it is NOT a course.  It is/was a familiarization about sniper weapons/techniques/training that was used a cool retention tactic and to possibly make people think about CTing.
Hatchet Man said:
I know what "course" you are talking about, and it is NOT a course.  It is/was a familiarization about sniper weapons/techniques/training that was used a cool retention tactic and to possibly make people think about CTing.

Tsk, tsk. Not listening
. Last warning. If you want to talk about Sniper quals and courses, take it to the existing thread where it belongs.
Ahh and I was just going to tell him what a dead eye dick I are. ::)
Well it was stupid thread to begin with.

The MRSWS was designed from a Operational Requirement -additionally the C3A1 was both long in the tooth - parts are scarce and PH had gone bye bye.
 Units had a few McMillan Tac-50 Rifles that came out of "another Canadian unit" purchase of them - there was no trial done for the TAC-50 and while it served a role it was not a full spectrum platfrom.

.338LM was chosen as it is a very flat shooting cartridge which buck wind better and is more generous to poor wind and range calls -- plus it is effective in the Anti-Personnel role to aprox the same distance as the .50  - it can also be carried with greater ease by the operator.

.308Win/7.62x51 NATO has a limited range - it is for all intensive purposes a 800m round - as such it is a good cartridge for an autoloading platfrom like the KAC Mk11 or M110 and the Armalite AR10T's - which gives quick follow shot ability (as opposed to the boltguns) in close in urban and complex terrain rural environments.

Lord I tried...Oh Lord how I tried......  ::)

Having talked to some of the Sniper that did some trials on MRSWS, It seems they all loved the .338 round plus the compactness (re: less weight) then the TAC .50 made it much preferable for the boys to hump it.

The Vectors are one of the nicest pieces of kit I have ever had the pleasure of using, only other optics kit I like better are the sohpies.

Speaking of sophies, Kev you got access to these?
Here is a write up on the TAC 50

Big Mac’ — McMillan’s Tac-50
Neither the Canadian government nor  DND are willing  to comment on CF sniping in Afghanistan but unconfirmed reports put ‘kills’ by 3PPCLI snipers at more than 20. A particularly successful  CF rifle  is the new 12.7mm McMillan Tac-50. One shot, in the Shah-i-kot, set a gruesome new distance record for sniping — 2,430m. The combat effectiveness of the Tac-50 and CF snipers (nominated for five US Bronze Stars) has now been proven.

I find that 2,430m to be very impressive. I dont' know how accurate of report the 20 kills are but that would be one hell of a mess to clean up. If anyone is intersted I can post the URL of where I got this infromation.
That Info is old hat, anyone with any intrest in sniping or in the CF in general knew about that tid bit since oohh 2002...

I think this thread had run it's course, other then my question to Kev about sophies, which is more a personal thing then really furthering the topic..Mod's at your leasure might as well kill this one :)
HitorMiss said:
I think this thread had run it's course, other then my question to Kev about sophies, which is more a personal thing then really furthering the topic..Mod's at your leasure might as well kill this one :)

What? Don't want to wait for a rebutt from Timberwolfe? Let's give it a bit in case he needs clarification.
HitorMiss said:
That Info is old hat, anyone with any intrest in sniping or in the CF in general knew about that tid bit since oohh 2002...

I think this thread had run it's course, other then my question to Kev about sophies, which is more a personal thing then really furthering the topic..Mod's at your leasure might as well kill this one :)

Holy, get a grip troop!! I haven't had anything to do with the CF since '99. I really haven't cared till recently on whats going on with the CF cause I don't work for my welfare anymore. ;D
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