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Nijmegen Marches - Merged Thread

Okay, I know it has been over a month but the day after the last post here, MARLANT started their Nijmegen training and here we are 6 weeks later and this overweight, 47 year old FOOL is still in it! I had to take a breather last week (Dr's orders) but today's was great. For the younger in the crowd reading this, my father was with the Hasty Ps through Holland (after the Italian campaign) from Feb '45 on and I have been wanting to do this for him (Now in his memory) since I joined 28 years ago - Don't do like I did - It is REALLY hard!!-Do it when you are younger...and in better shape...and more agile..and don't have a bladder the size of a bean pod!
Best of luck to any others out there - MARLANT Team is being selected 31 May (after 2 back-to-back 40 km + days!)
I'll let all know how it goes!
Unfortunately, I had to pack it in Friday 22 km into a 35 km march as my right arch and left knee finally had enough! With the 2 back to back 40+km marches coming this Thursday and Friday, I knew that continuing would only lead to some permanent damage. The Team leader even had me marching alongside John Stanton from The Running Room (In town for the Bluenose Marathon) as incentive but when you can't walk any more, it is time.
Kind of a bummer but as they say, "There is always next year. I did however have my heart set on this as this is the 65 anniversary of the liberation of Holland.
Good Luck to all those out there still in it across the country. I will be following the progress as well as the actual trip to The Netherlands in July.
CF Media Advisory - highlights mine:
Media are invited to a photo opportunity with the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, and Laurie Hawn, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence, as they train with Canadian Forces (CF) members in preparation for the 94th annual International Four Days Marches Nijmegen.

The Nijmegen marches is a prestigious long-distance marching event in the Netherlands that Canadian military contingents have participated in since 1952. Between July 20th and July 23rd, CF marchers will cover 160 km through the Dutch countryside, each carrying a pack weighing at least 10 kg. The event is not only a test of physical fitness and stamina, but also helps develop leadership skills and camaraderie amongst the Canadian Forces, and other participating nations. Both Minister MacKay and Mr. Hawn will be participating in the Nijmegen march of this year.

When: 13 July, 2010 at 7:30am

Where: Confederation Park, Ottawa, Ontario.

What: Photo opportunity with the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, and Laurie Hawn, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence, marching a 6km walk with CF members along the Rideau Canal. All members, including the Minister will be wearing standard combat clothing and carrying a military backpack weighing at least 10 kg.

For everyone coming over this year for the march, be prepared for some uncharacteristically hot temperatures. The last two weeks have seen temperatures consistently in the 30-35 range with not much cooling in the evening. Hopefully though this will change for the week of the march.

Best og luck everyone.
If anyone in the know could provide any updates on the Nijmegen March 2011....In particular will LFWA be putting together a team to go over....I get the just of the idea & history, just looking for any info thats about to come down the pipe.

Memo's have gone through the C of C, awaiting responses?
Nothing Official has came down to my unit yet, but the LT did ask us if anyone would be interested before the stand-down.
OP Nijmegan CANFORGEN should be coming out Feb/Mar 2011 timeframe.  Normally the LFC send 4 teams over. This does not include anyone who is picked up by other teams who are short team members. Each Area is normally given one team, which could be based on RegF or PRes CMBG/CBG members filling the team positions. Any questions about training or completing the march PM me as I have a 7 on my NM medal.
CANFORGEN 241/10 CMP 107/10 022005Z DEC 10 - NIJMEGEN 2011

More info at:


See you there.
Just a little piece of advice for all you folks hoping to get on the Nijmegen March:  Make sure your CoC is well informed of your training schedule, and also try and have someone fighting for you as much as possible to get all your training days in.  The people from my unit (myself included) on the team for 2010 got switched to the reserve list because my unit (may it be forever cursed to the darkest depths of hell) would task us out or put us on parades.  That caused us to miss too much training and to get taken off the team and put on the reserve list, which resulted in us not going.

As for LFWA putting together a team, I know that last years team captain for LWFA & 1 CMBG had intended to put together a team again for this year.  And the training is tons of fun, last year we conducted our training ruckmarches mostly in the river valley, such an awesome area.  Especially good for two-legged scenery running down the paths once you get around the U of A area heh. 

Just remember to let your CoC know as early as possible and that they stay informed and as supportive of your training schedule as possible.

Good luck to all those hoping to go over next July!
RCMP member in 'J' Division NB reaching out to CF members at CFB Gagetown for some suggestions guidance on this march. Too late to get it rolling for this year but am looking to send a half troop for 2012. Any advice appreciated!
I have asked for six years if I could participate and this year my Unit seemed to try...
Now the CANFORGEN for the march this year states that no Cl A! I have never seen this before and am wondering why? I am willing to do the workup on my own dime.

I believe the no class A reservist stipulation was in place when I did it in 2009 as well, but we worked around it. Training was done on my own time during the week, and I would join in with the team on the weekend, in accordance with a training plan that I submitted to both the Nijmegen team captain and my CoC. Another stipulation was that it could not interfere with my normal training at the unit. I walked the 4kms to work in the morning because that's what I always did, then the 25k or so for training after work. Rinse, wash, repeat, except for thursdays, where I had garrison training with the unit. With the complete loss of what I had left for a social life, a 3 year relationship down the drain, and numerous other "life" factors that got in the way at the time, I have to say doing the Vierdaagse was the most rewarding experience of my life, and i would give it all up again to get my crown. Maybe I had a bit more attachment to it than others as my family is dutch, I remember a few people who had just gotten back from the sandbox saying that Nijmegen was the worst experience of their life. I met family members in Beers who were waiting with a sign, my grandparents were from nearby Venhorst and smuggled food into Nijmegen as members of the dutch underground. Just to walk the same streets as they did in their childhood was a surreal experience for me.  As always, YMMV.
A few images. :)




Hopefully this hasn't caught you too late, the Nijmegen march is a great change of the everyday work week.

NORMALLY a CBG or a specific unit will send a team to partake in Nijmegen, when I did it the march was 40km/4 days totalling 160km... which sounds more intimidating than it really is.

If you are interested in participating you can check with your CoC or OPS to see if your unit has any positions on upcoming marches.

If not than any body can partake in the march on their own or on their own private team, though the airfare and the incidentals can become costly.. maybe an association or foundation can help you out..

Essentially, if your unit has positions for an upcoming Nijmegen team, you will most likely be informed of it.
Poacher, your advice was just in time for Viddy, who has a 10 year work up program!  :)