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I am basically looking for any amount of advice regarding my situation.

This year i applied for RMC/ROTP, i went into the recruiting center and asked why, they basically said its a bad year not that many jobs available. apply again next year, saying i was a above average candidate. I was applying for Inf Arm Art.

So now I am at a cross roads as to what to do next. my options that i know of. 

Switch application to NCM for armored. Go through a year of training and apply for RMC again next year.  (not sure how feasible this is)

Go to college for either business or computer programing, for a year and apply again next year for the same job at RMC

Victory lap at HS, get my grades up, current average is 82%.

Any advice or suggestion be much appreciated.
You could always join the reserves, while going to a civilian University, on your own dime.
Would going to St-Laurence for a course in marketing have any effect negative or positive on my application next year?
Stacked said:
In my opinion (This is all it is, an opinion)

I would go to Civi U and join the Reserves. Work on your degree, apply again at RMC next year. If you don't get in a again, just keep trying. Worst case scenario, you finish your degree and apply as a DEO.

My 2cents.

Stacked said it perfectly. If going to university and becoming an officer is what you want than get the ball rolling. 