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Next selection board June 9?

Thanks Kincanucks :salute:

Hope I get picked up in May.  Selected I should say!    ;D

RS :cdn: :)
Looks like I'm not gonna get picked up in May. Unsure what to do here aside from switching my first choice trade to Supply Tech since it seems they have a solid chance of getting in.

Regardless, the prospect of waiting until June doesn't thrill me in the least ..
kincanucks said:
Well I received the 28 Mar results on 03 May and we should receive the official offers in the next couple of weeks.   It takes a very long time before we actually offer a job to the applicant.

So then, say for example someone is selected in July, they'd be in basic training starting in September?

P-Free said:
So then, say for example someone is selected in July, they'd be in basic training starting in September?

Sorry crystal ball is foggy.
How long is it on average between being selected and starting BMQ in St Jean?
I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks maybe a couple of months.   I don't have all the facts to make an accurate determination.
Hey Steve,

How do you know you won't get selected in May?  Did your RC tell you?

kincanucks didn't see my name on file, it's that coupled with what my father found out from some people in Borden plus word I've got from a few other people who wanted to go RMS.
Some people have told me the RMS trade is full - from people aspiring to be RMS who had their RC tell them to people here in Shilo telling me the same.

Yet some people are saying the board taking RMS CLK has not sat yet and therefore the above must be incorrect at least partially. My RC told me they haven't sat yet and my father is telling me the same, but this is one big shitpile of conflicting reports.

So, obviously as the resident recruiter here, Kincanucks is there any way to cut through the swath here and tell me and other people here what's going on in regards to RMS? Do you know yet?
To anyone going in as RMS, this is a PM I got from RS regarding the subject and it's conflicting ... everything people seem to be getting including myself.

I just got off the phone with the RC. I actually was speaking with the Detachment Commander........so I would assume the he knows what he is talking about!  He informed me that there are in fact only 22 positions for RMS.  As for if they are all full.......according to the latest numbers......there are still 22 positions available.  Now, don't get too happy.  The system has not been updated yet.  He was going to send off an e-mail and ask.  But he said Borden may just tell him to look at the chart.  Which means he too will have to wait until they do an update!
If he hears from them, he is going to call me. So I will let you know if I hear anything.
The next board sits on May 9th.  Now, Kincannucks told me that at the last board they did not select any RMS Clerks so it MAY be full.  (That man is a blessing to this Forum.)  He is correct, but just because they did not select any RMS last board, does not mean that there are no positions left.  Not all the trades sit at each board every month.  The Det Commander did tell me that the they are starting for fill the BMQ's for September now.

BUT......it is not a guarantee that you are going to get the summer off..... they may just call next week and say you are leaving......whenever!  This is because people turn down offers and then they replace them.  It may be short notice, for they don't always give offers until a month before the individual leaves on the BMQ.

Now I was told that the RC will not tell you that you have been selected until the RC actually gets the offer. Usually the timing is 1-2 months before the start of your BMQ.  So technically you could be selected 09 May BUT if your BMQ does not start till Oct.  They may not tell you until Aug! BUT they sometimes receive offers right off the bat............even though the BMQ starts later....so..... AHHHHHHHHH!  Offers come from Borden.  The RC has to wait until they receive them.

It is very frustrating, but I can see why they would wait.  They have to get it in Black and White first.  Since your father is in the military I'm sure you get this!  You never know!  My husband has been in for 21 years..........so I get it!

Let's stay positive!  Maybe we'll be on course together!  I'll let you know of any updates and could you please do the same.


Hey Everyone,

As for this selection process..........just go by what good old Kincanucks says.  He is a recruiter and he knows what he's talking about.  I know we all have a differant story to tell.  But really Kincanucks has the most accurate information.  I know lots of clerks on base here, even a MWO and the advice from them is go with what the recruiter says. Not necessarily the clerk in charge of your file..........go with who ever did your interview.  They know.  Like I said Kincanucks is a recruiter and has over 20 years experience.  Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd go with that.

Now this is becoming a very frustrating process. I spoke with my recruiter a few days ago and she told me that RMS was done recruiting for the year, as it is full. She said that there were only 22 spots, and there were quite a few applicants from last year left over. She advised me to either wait till next year, or to pick a new trade.

I had decided to switch my trade to Supply Tech for now. But now since I am hearing that the selection board for RMS might not have sat yet, I am not sure if I should switch yet. I could wait until after the June 9 selection to see if there are any RMS selected, but that sounds like a wasted month if it turns out that the spots were full all along.

Well anyways, I think a few of us RMS applicants are confused! I hope someone can shed some light on this situation.
I didn't say the board had on sat yet.  I said that they did not pick up any RMS last board. (29 March) Now that could mean they are full.  The next board is on 9 May, so yes that board has not sat yet. 

Go with what your recruiter tells you.  Maybe my recruiter does not have the info yours does who knows. Maybe your recruiter had more current, updated information. 

If you really only want RMS, then wait.  If not... choose another.

Did you not put down a 2nd or 3rd choice?  If you did then you will be merited for them as well.  If they offer you your 2nd or 3rd choice and you don't want it and would rather wait for RMS..........then turn it down.  But in the mean time you are going to be at least merited for those 2 other trades.


anyone know how long it takes to get a call or a letter after a merit selection-that is if you are selected ::)
and i heard that once you get sworn in-even if you don't leave for your basic for a month or so that you start getting paid from when you are sworn in ,is this true?
You are on unpaid leave between you being sworn in and leaving for basic.
Basically sitting on your ass without getting paid, waiting for basic training to begin
i see.i was told by two of my friends that are in the army that they did get paid for the time before they started there basic-it was paid on there first paycheck, this is what they told me so they may be full of s&!t, ;)
When you put your uniform on and report for duty, then you will get paid, until you hit the ground where ever you are going, you will not get paid