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Next selection board June 9?


Jr. Member
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This regards NCM Reg. Force only. I just talked to the recruiting center here in Windsor and the recruiter told me that since I missed the board at the beginning of April my next chance to get in would be June 9. I was under the impression that there were more boards than that including one done last week or the week before. I've been merit listed since April 12 and am really wondering if June 9 is the only real chance I have in the near future or recent past. I have a feeling kincanucks will clear this up and if he does I thank you or anyone else that helps in advance.
Drive2live, you really have to calm down on the cap locks. Anyways, are you completely sure? My recruiter seemed pretty confident that the next board for Reg. NCMs was June 9.  Although this was the same recruiter who did my CFAT and has mixed up a few dates in the past, I dearly hope that he is wrong and there is another board May 11. Thanks for the reply.
sorry for the caps , i am at work and the system we use requires caps, but on the selection thats what my recruiter told me,may-11-05 so i hope thats true for me and you. lol
Jordan411 said:
ohhh, your dark.   :dontpanic:

My dark what? Or are you commenting on my mysterious ways?  I hope you are not making any racial references.
hahahaa, im so not racist its funny. it's a quote from family guy. guess i was too vague, sorry. at least it had me laughing
Jordan411 said:
hahahaa, im so not racist its funny. it's a quote from family guy. guess i was too vague, sorry. at least it had me laughing

Ahhhhhh, I see.
Well I guess we are all getting differant answers to the same question.  On Friday I was speaking with the RC and I asked when the next selection board was sitting.  I was told that as of April 1st, they were on longer sitting boards for the NCM MOC's. Each trade was just selecting people when they needed them. 

So who knows.......

Kincannucks can you enlighten us?  Thanks

that would not be to bad if you were going into a trade that was in high demand, i was told signal operators, artillery field,infantry and armoured are the ones that are in high demand. any one going into one of these trades? i am going into artillery field
NCM Selection Board dates:

28 Mar 05, 9 May 05, 13 Jun 05, 18 Jul 05, 5 Sep 05, 17 Oct 05, 28 Nov 05, 9 Jan 06, 20 Feb 06, 3 Apr 06, 15 May 06, 26 Jun 06, 31 Jul 06
Thank you very much kincanucks. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels weird believing someone on the internet before  believing the people who are recruiting in my own hometown. Again, thanks.  Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass but after a selection board, how long until the local recruiting center knows? The reason I'm being so persistant is that I have a job offer that I can take in a few weeks but it requires a fair amount of training out of town and I know if I got the offer for the CF I would definitely stop everything and devote all my time to doing my best to be prepared to go. My employer would definitely be pissed off and I'm just trying to get as much info as possible.
Thanks Kincanucks.........your the best!  :salute:

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for RMS Clerk or Supply Tech!

Hey Kincanucks,

I know that there were only 22 RMS and 149 Supply positions for the 05/06 fiscal year.  But, I was just wondering if you have any idea how many positions were still available.  How many people have already been selected for these two trades.


RS :cdn: :)
This is a big question I would also like answered. I'm getting fed up with waiting and am on the verge of switching my trade to Supply if it means I will get in sooner.
Jordan411 said:
Thank you very much kincanucks. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels weird believing someone on the internet before   believing the people who are recruiting in my own hometown. Again, thanks.   Sorry if I'm being a pain in the *** but after a selection board, how long until the local recruiting center knows? The reason I'm being so persistant is that I have a job offer that I can take in a few weeks but it requires a fair amount of training out of town and I know if I got the offer for the CF I would definitely stop everything and devote all my time to doing my best to be prepared to go. My employer would definitely be pissed off and I'm just trying to get as much info as possible.

Well I received the 28 Mar results on 03 May and we should receive the official offers in the next couple of weeks.  It takes a very long time before we actually offer a job to the applicant.
RS said:
Thanks Kincanucks.........your the best!   :salute:

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for RMS Clerk or Supply Tech!

Hey Kincanucks,

I know that there were only 22 RMS and 149 Supply positions for the 05/06 fiscal year.   But, I was just wondering if you have any idea how many positions were still available.   How many people have already been selected for these two trades.


RS :cdn: :)

Well there were no RMS clks selected 28 Mar so it may be filled and 28 Supply Techs picked.
I can't thank kincanucks enough for the answers you provide us hopefuls with.  I guess I'll take the job offer here in Windsor, if I get picked for the CF so be it, I don't mind having a pissed off employer in a city I wont be living in  :P
A word of caution:

To those that I have told that they have been selected on the last (28 Mar) board or to any who PM me in the future.   The results we receive are for tentative offers only and it is only after you receive a call from your CFRC/D that you may consider it an official offer.   The CFRC/Ds cannot call you until they have an official offer from CFRG HQ for you.   So although I see your name as being selected don't make any changes in your life until you receive the official call.  Oh, and don't be bugging the CFRC/Ds too much they will call.