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New Trade Video's on CF Recruiting Website

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Now, I suppose that I was taken a bit aback by those poo-pooing the mech infantry.  Yes, I've always been mech and I think there are a few misconceptions out there about the mech world. (To add on to rcac_011's post, one mini-recruiting-movie made back in about 84 or so got me hooked on wanting to go infantry: can't remember what the whole thing was about, but it did highlight some guy joining up with the infantry and when it showed the combat team stuff, I was hooked.  I didn't want to be slaved to a tank, though it had its appeal, for some reason I wanted to jump out of a fire breathing dragon and slay the black knights on the fields of Germany when I was 16.  My mech-ish-ness might also have been born when I saw a 1 R22eR demo attack, with the old M113s, way back in 82 in Germany.)
As for "getting fat in the track", it may have been true, and it may still be true for some, but the appeal (for me) of commanding a combat team in a delay op with tanks, LAV APCs and stuff, the spacial dimensions blew me away.  It didn't overwhelm me, but there certainly is a different way to fight like that.
This is NOT a slag against the light guys, but I did feel there was a slag against the mech guys (ie: me), so if my previous post was taken as a slag, I apologise.

Now, as for moustaches......

vonGarvin said:
Now, I suppose that I was taken a bit aback by those poo-pooing the mech infantry.  
you got your panties twisted over "Mech crap"? Do you not listen to your troops talk? "Crap", "Shit", "Junk" these are just synonyms for "Stuff". I could just as easily have said "mechanized operations" (well not really, which is why I said "Mech crap"), but I'm a troop, and I like to talk like a troop. Especially when I'm with other soldiers.

I think I've made my views on our various Arms/Trades/Branches/Components/etc very clear, over the couple years I've been on this site. 
They are so just not the here and now...
Hey I did the different decade hairdos and clothing and had to realize that yah gotta be up on change...lmao :P

staches well on certain people and a certain style....mmmmm maybe...if yah gotta have a stache I say goatee and if you can't have a goatee then clean shaven...beards well lets not go there at all...Santa is the only man I can think of off hand that looks good in a beard...

paracowboy said:
you got your panties twisted over "Mech crap"? Do you not listen to your troops talk? "Crap", "crap", "Junk" these are just synonyms for "Stuff". I could just as easily have said "mechanized operations" (well not really, which is why I said "Mech crap")


No worries
someone will soon throat punch me for this but...

I still say the videos are an improvement.

Mud Recce Man said:
someone will soon throat punch me for this but...

I still say the videos are an improvement.

Won't punch you, but what's wrong with those 1972 movies of "There's no life like it......"  Now THEY were gay.  Actually, hella-gay.  :D
I'm noticing they also changed the layout for the cf videos.

1.the female
2.the immigrant
3.the moustache
4.the c7 pose
5.did they retire the dum de dumm dumm music?

(vongarvin seen the moustache on my section attacks a while ago in area 2....it lacks the cheesy 70's layout, no matter how hard you try it can never look retro!) ;D

bring back the moustache!!
Rcac: you saw my stache?  Yes, it was rather mercurian (as in freddy mercury), but I've since trimmed it :D
I love it! my new word of the week.

I have to say actually I like the way they show the video from a recruits point of view.Tells them what they are going to do and where,instead of the "you will learn" of the old videos.

"busting caps" was definitely not used in the old video's.Maybe the new MP video can start out by saying "ever though of joinin da five-0" or "is a career in the military popo for ya'll".

And no you cannot shoot a 25mm side ways getto style.
...busting caps.....2006 I guess!

I liked the "tricked out with" comment. 

"Today on Pimp My Ride..."

Yo yo, Massa-Cpl, check out my pimped out ride, 43 "Wow-zoe"
Mud Recce Man said:
I liked the "tricked out with" comment. 

"Today on Pimp My Ride..."

Yo yo, Massa-Cpl, check out my pimped out ride, 43 "Wow-zoe"
You need to get off the computer and go to bed...do you have any idea what you just wrote

paracowboy said:
...And the kid on the street wants to jump from planes, sniping, and sneak around in forests and deserts. That's why we have dozens of threads on "how do I become a paratrooper, sniper, JTF-2, pathfinder, etc". Don't know of any asking "how do I become the guy in back of a LAV-III". So use what sells.

As a young guy trying to join the infantry (P.Res and very possibly Reg. F in the future) I was originally drawn to the military not for all the "cool" things that I'd get to do but instead for my own personal reasons. I didn't have any (probably outlandish) thoughts of becoming some "super-elite JTF-2 sniper paracowboy (erm... para-commando)". Though, maybe I don't represent a large majority of my demographic.

But I digress.
The infantry video grabs your attention at first, giving a sense that the trade involves lots of HARD, yet rewarding, work and training. But then moments later the video begins to hook potential recruits with phrases like "I would train with some awesome gear" and "high-tech weapons". I think that the "attract them with big guns" angle does not really give a good sense of how the infantry fits into the 'bigger picture'. I'm not too sure why, but the "join infantry and shoot some guns all the time" pitch seems to be a little akward.

I'm not joining so I can brag to all my pals about "my cool camo outfit and overly large and possibly conpensatory rifle". Is that what attracts most younger guys to the trades? Big guns? For some reason that "join so you can use big guns" attitude doesn't appeal to me. Maybe I'm not the only guy who's trying to join the infantry that thinks this? Though I'm not actually in yet, and have no experience in this, so maybe I'm wayyyy off-base.

My $0.02...
Rice0031 said:
As a young guy trying to join the infantry (P.Res and very possibly Reg. F in the future) I was originally drawn to the military not for all the "cool" things that I'd get to do but instead for my own personal reasons. I didn't have any (probably outlandish) thoughts of becoming some "super-elite JTF-2 sniper paracowboy (erm... para-commando)". Though, maybe I don't represent a large majority of my demographic.

But I digress.
The infantry video grabs your attention at first, giving a sense that the trade involves lots of HARD, yet rewarding, work and training. But then moments later the video begins to hook potential recruits with phrases like "I would train with some awesome gear" and "high-tech weapons". I think that the "attract them with big guns" angle does not really give a good sense of how the infantry fits into the 'bigger picture'. I'm not too sure why, but the "join infantry and shoot some guns all the time" pitch seems to be a little akward.

I'm not joining so I can brag to all my pals about "my cool camo outfit and overly large and possibly conpensatory rifle". Is that what attracts most younger guys to the trades? Big guns? For some reason that "join so you can use big guns" attitude doesn't appeal to me. Maybe I'm not the only guy who's trying to join the infantry that thinks this? Though I'm not actually in yet, and have no experience in this, so maybe I'm wayyyy off-base.

My $0.02...

No, I agree with you on this. However, I was speaking with an ex student from my school who is now reg force, and he says many people he did his infantry course signed up for the guns and glory.

I guess it can't hurt to attract people with the "ultra cool" stuff, but I don't think it will work 100% for people like you and I. I don't need to make joining JTF2 or becoming a sniper take over my mind, I have a LOT to learn first.

Something else we have to keep in mind is the youth right now are the same kids who had talking GI joes,playstations etc.Where I grew up my dad would make me a toy gun out of old wood bits and off we would go in the woods.Arguing who shot who all day and usually ending up in a rock throwing contest.(who ever wasn't bleeding won)

We were attracted for sheer adventure and equipment that killed stuff.Recruits now want technology.Not saying they arnt attracted to killing tools as I was, but they are more immersed in technology.Thus the lav 3 sells to these guys,its "advanced warfare" in their minds.

They should show that there is mech inf and light, sort of like they do in the armoured video.Recce and tankers.Then your hitting the techno kids and the poor country kids who hunted all their life, and want to hump and be one with the dirt.

Rice0031 said:
Is that what attracts most younger guys to the trades? Big guns? For some reason that "join so you can use big guns" attitude doesn't appeal to me.

Wait until your first MG shoot, or better yet your first live fire section attack or CQB.
Your first grenade.
I just tried watching the naval communicator one twice and both times the sound cuts out half way through the video. Maybe it's just my connection.The video keeps going, just the sound cuts out. Anyone else have this problem?
Frankie said:
Wait until your first MG shoot, or better yet your first live fire section attack or CQB.
Your first grenade.

Let me clarify. My point wasn't that I don't want to do that stuff, or that maybe that stuff is going to be boring. My point was that I wasn't sold on the military (specifically infantry) on the "big gun" factor alone.

Though you're damned right. I'm sure all that stuff is going to be very, what's the word... intense? Scary? Thrilling? Exhilirating? Terrifying? Exciting? All of the above?

EDIT: sentence structure.
Rice0031 said:
Let me clarify. My point wasn't that I don't want to do that stuff, or that maybe that stuff is going to be boring. My point was that I wasn't sold on the military (specifically infantry) on the "big gun" factor alone.
in the interest of improving Recruiting, (and if you don't mind) could you expound on what your interest is? I mean, what drove you to select Infantry? Whatever your motive, I'm sure you aren't the only one out there.