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New Trade Video's on CF Recruiting Website

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For all those who are aspiring CF members, you probably got to see the video's on the CF Recruiting website, however, there are some new ones and, I have to say, they are extremely well done.  I watched the ones last night for Armour Soldier, Infantry Soldier, Nursing Officer, Armour Officer, and they are head and shoulders above the old ones.

This is just FYI, if you were interested, or have friends that are thinking of joining and weren't impressed by the videos (I remember the old one for Armour  :boring:), there are some better ones, up to date, informative.

For those not sure of the website for CF Recruiting...



  Hey Mud......just to add a Navy one, Naval communicator is a new generation Vid.
Actually, I just watched the Navy NE Tech ones...NCI Op, NES Op...NavComm.  All well done.  There are some decent ones on the Army, Navy side.  Air Force is alittle behind.  I had hoped to see a new one for ATIS...no dice (yet).

Well done though. 
Hey Mud, aren't you going to mention the other one that you have watched over and over?  And now have me watching over and over?  That AC Op video has got me even more interested then I already was.  (It is just too bad that the majority of the information on it, or at least coursing, is only available on the DIN.  But I expect that is the same for most?)

I haven't had a chance to see the new NavComm one yet, but will watch for sure now though.  Thanks for bringing that one up, CallOfDuty.
I am not allowed to watch the AC Op anymore, less my MCC strangle me for trade-jumping.  :o

That was actually the first of the new ones to come up, and lots more are following (only not ATIS for the fove of luck).
Also there is a new 7 minute long video in the army intro page. Very nicely done, I'd say.

EDIT: There's also a a new intro video for the Navy.
Mud Recce Man said:
I am not allowed to watch the AC Op anymore, less my MCC strangle me for trade-jumping.   :o

That was actually the first of the new ones to come up, and lots more are following (only not ATIS for the fove of luck).

You say that like it would be a BAD thing.... ;D
I have only watched one...with interest that is...Nursing Officer
Certainly head and shoulders above the old video...

I have no need to look at others I am focused and dedicated...lol
And there wasn't any popcorn provided by MudMan so I just couldn't sit and watch them for hours like he does... ;D

The Armoured Soldier is nicely done now, too bad it's directed towards the Reg. Force only (Guess a video showing Reservists driving around in G-Wagons isn't as sexy...  ;D ).

90% dedicated to Mech crap, with ptes screwing up their drills left and right, and an equal amount of time given to paratroopers as to a friggin' Arty piece and a tank.  ::)
But the civie's watching it might not see that.

Some of it is...for the kids so to speak.  I know in the Armour one...the Cpl describes the Coyote as being "tricked out with some of the latest laser rangefinders".  I didn't know the CF "tricked out" their kit. 

But if it gets more kids attention, good on them.

I still think they are +1 to the old ones.  ;D
paracowboy said:
90% dedicated to Mech crap, with ptes screwing up their drills left and right, and an equal amount of time given to paratroopers as to a friggin' Arty piece and a tank.  ::)
That "mech crap", as you so eloquently put it, is what sells.  Sex sells.  Big "honkin" vehicles with big guns sells.  As stated elsewhere, big, fast, furious machines is what sells.

Oh, and that "mech crap" saves lives (it's always in the news, and here's a video talking about it in a "groovy 20-something" way, again, appealing to the lowest common denominator, perhaps, but....)

As for troops screwing up their drills, hey, whatever.  They are not trying to preach to the converted.
vonGarvin said:
That "mech crap", as you so eloquently put it, is what sells.  Sex sells.  Big "honkin" vehicles with big guns sells.  As stated elsewhere, big, fast, furious machines is what sells.

I concur...

Pilot recruiting videos almost always have a Hornet screaming through the shot - our biggest fleet is the CH-146, why not more shots of the mighty Griffon?  Instead they show an aircraft that only a few will fly and when they do fly it, they will fly very little and do even less. 
vonGarvin said:
That "mech crap", as you so eloquently put it, is what sells.  Sex sells.  Big "honkin" vehicles with big guns sells.  As stated elsewhere, big, fast, furious machines is what sells.
troops jumping out out of airplanes with big-ass guns, sells. Troops sneaking around in woods, sells. Sneaky bastards cammed up with a giant rifle, all but invisible and hitting targets at ridiculous ranges, sells. You don't see posts of wannabes comin' on here and asking hwo tehy get to drive a LAV around, do you?
You get kids asking how they can be paratroopers, recce patrolmen, pathfinders, and snipers. THAT sells! So show it.

Oh, and that "mech crap" saves lives
dismounted troops engaging the populace, digging for Int, and prowling the hills, does more to save lives than any amount of steel around you.

As for troops screwing up their drills, hey, whatever.  They are not trying to preach to the converted.
I don't care who they're trying to preach to. The assclown in charge of that should not have shown sloppy stuff. He screwed the pooch. We all make mistakes, but that's not what you put out for public consumption.
ok but...do you think its better than what was there before????

I do.

So, a step in the right direction.  Not perfection, but..something is better than nothing.  imho.

Maybe they showed more of the LAV stuff cause thats what the guys will (most of them) be doing in the first part of their career (I am guessing in the Inf that you don't go from BIQ to Jump course and then immediately onto Patrol Pathfinder) so...maybe someone decided to show "the average infanteer" stuff so that recruits didn't get in, pass BMQ and expect a Jump position along side you.


I still gotta stick by my thoughts that this is something (better) and something is better than nothing.

I don't know that much about the Infanteer life, but I can say that I thought the Armoured Soldier video was well done.  The Cpl said "this is most likely what you will do", i.e. Driver, the Surv Op, then Gunner.  Focused more on the Recce side than the tank side, sure but, if that is the "likely" place most Tpr's will go when they finish Depot, then, hey, teach to the majority as they say.

Just my 2 cents.
Mud Recce Man said:
ok but...do you think its better than what was there before????
absolutely. But then, Elmo in CADPAT would have been better.

I am guessing in the Inf that you don't go from BIQ to Jump course 
you're guessing wrong. If they go to 3 RCR or 3 VP, they will get a chance at Basic Para within the first year of their contract, unless they're total junk, or VERY unlucky. Neither of those two BNs do anything related to Mech crap, until you get to Sgt, and have to take some LAV courses. Then, you get back to your BN and do everything you can to forget it, to unclutter your mind and focus on Light Infantry training. Each is a specialty, with its' own variables to master. But that's a rant for another thread.
I guess I meant 'right away' literally, vice 'maybe within a year'. 

I guess I am looking at this from 'the kid on the street that knows SFA', and I guess they would be more switched on by the new ones, vice the old ones.

Something is better than nothing. 
Mud Recce Man said:
I guess I am looking at this from 'the kid on the street that knows SFA',
as am I. And the kid on the street wants to jump from planes, sniping, and sneak around in forests and deserts. That's why we have dozens of threads on "how do I become a paratrooper, sniper, JTF-2, pathfinder, etc". Don't know of any asking "how do I become the guy in back of a LAV-III". So use what sells.