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New to forums. Questions ?

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Hey. I'm guessing a majority of you are affiliated with the Canadian Forces and I want you all to know that I give you complete Respect. I'm Only fifteen, But I've always wanted to join the Military. Why ? I've always been interested in this topic from a young age but also Because Since I was young, i've read stories or learned in history class of people giving their lives to save others. And I always wondered, what makes them so different from the average civillian ? Why is it that they had to risk their lives in acts of courage ? Thats just it. We're all equal people and If War heroes dating from hundreds of years back could devote themselves to defending what is precious to them.. Then So Can I.

I'm Nick. And I'm interested in joining the Air Force or army And maybe then Special forces.  I'm training myself Mentally and Physically through training and meditation to prepare myself. My Grades are generally A's/Level 4's. And I plan on attending the Royal Military College of Canada. Can someone answer my questions please ?

1. I know Canada Has four Spec'ops units. What does the 427'th Avation Squadron do ?
2. Are there any Specialized Roles within the Airforce ? Such as HALO/paratrooper tactics ?
3. How long must I be in the Military to apply for Special Forces ?
4. If anyone is or once was a member of the Officer corps, may I hear of your experiences ? :)
And 5. This one is completely theoretic because It probobly won't happen. If I were Married, How often would I see my family and wife in the Army/Airforce/Special Operations ? Or do the branches have similar  amounts of vacations and free time ?

:P As you can ee i've done a lot of research. And I am determined to achieve my goal. Thanks if you took the time to read all this.
Hi Nick! Welcome to the forums!
Glad to hear your determined to join the Canadian Forces and have many goals.
I started poking around this forum around the same age you are, since then I've learned quite a bit about the Canadian Forces, Army.ca can be a great resource source! One thing we like you doing here is using the search function to locate any answers to questions you may have, that saves the community here at milnet from answering (and locking) many posts "newbie's" may have.
I will attempt to save you time by answering your questions, but please in the future use the search function and read before creating a new topic.
1. 427'th Aviation Squadron carts around the units in CANSOFCOM. Their website can be found here if you wish to read more. http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/427soas-427eosa/index-eng.asp
2. There are many specialized roles in the Canadian Forces Air Command. Paratroopers are designated to the Land Force Command (Army). Each of the three main Infantry Regiments has a parachute Company. Wikipedia can explain what I'm on about further ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Forces_Land_Force_Command#Infantry
3. Technically Canada does not have a Special Forces unit, rather a Special Operations Force. Regular Force applicants must have a minimum of two years of service, while Reserve Force applicants must have a minimum of three years of service. Keep in mind that these are very elite units, and typically recruits do not make it in with a minimum number of years under there belt. -Not to say that there is no one currently serving in these units who has served the minimum number of years required.
5. Cross that stream once you get there.
1.  We could tell you, but we'd have to kill you.
2.  It's "Air Force", and anyone in the Air Force tends to stick to their aircraft.  For those who wish to leave perfectly serviceable aircraft, see "Army".
3.  See #1.
4.  Please specify what type of experiences you'd like to hear about, else you may find out the best place to find a beer in Copenhagen.
5.  If the Army wanted you to have a wife, they'd issue you one.

Now that all the kidding is out of the way, you need to do a lot more reading, and a lot more searching.  The answers to all of these questions can be found in the forums.  You're young and you have plenty of time to locate them.  ;D
Alright. Thanks a lot One-Two. And Sorry Occam I'll use the Search engine more often. x]

Well for experiences I was hoping someone could share their stories while being in the CF. Maybe somthing Combat related or useful tips they could share.
Occam said:
Now that all the kidding is out of the way, you need to do a lot more reading, and a lot more searching.  The answers to all of these questions can be found in the forums.  You're young and you have plenty of time to locate them.  ;D

Take this advice.    READ.

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