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New recruiting numbers

reasoning I want the numbers are for my own use. I have already applied, passed all testing, put AVN TECH as my first and only choice and now Merit listed. Based on the numbers I can somewhat calculate or estimate how long I can be listed for seeing how I am average with my score. I know it is a wide open crying for people trade right now as well.  Doesn't matter if I get the number of open slots or not, I am just curious thats all.

CivCanuck said:
Hi, I was just browsing around and saw this topic.  I wanted to ask, and this is purely curiosity since I'm still at least a year away from applying, but is there anyone here familiar with recruiting who would have an idea how competitive NCS ENG and MS ENG occupations are for DEO?

I've seen some old DEO recruiting numbers, and these two trades were on the lower end of the list with 11 and 7 (link: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/43872.0.html). On the other hand, it sounds to me like Navy isn't as popular as the other elements, and the jobs both require an Engineering or Science degree, so the potential applicant pool would be somewhat lower than say Infantry, plus the job opportunities for engineers in the private sector are pretty strong right now. Still, I'm a little worried because my University marks aren't great (average is low 70s) and most of my jobs don't have a lot of leadership opportunities to talk about.  As I said, this is purely curiosity at this point, but if someone has sort of general idea of how competitive or not these trades are, that would be great. Thanks.

Both of the Naval Engineering Officer Occupations are very short at the moment. They are considered RED. This means that they are very short of people and that anyone meeting the recruiting requirments for theses occupations will be encouraged to join as either a CSEO (Combat Systems) or MSEO (Marine Systems). In addition every possible means will be used to expedite the potential recruits application.
Chief Gunner said:
Both of the Naval Engineering Officer Occupations are very short at the moment. They are considered RED. This means that they are very short of people and that anyone meeting the recruiting requirments for theses occupations will be encouraged to join as either a CSEO (Combat Systems) or MSEO (Marine Systems). In addition every possible means will be used to expedite the potential recruits application.
Thanks for the information, I guess that's good for me personally, although kind of sad for our Forces that they are having so much trouble with some of these trades.  But at least it means that if I work hard (get in better shape, hopefully do some more volunteer work, get a bit more leadership experience, etc.) then realistically I should have a good chance. And the expedited recruiting would be very nice too, since I'd rather not start a job when I graduate and then have to quit a month later.

I believe the number for NCS ENG was around 22 or 25 from what I was told.  Yes and this trade is pretty short, hence, if you put it down as one of your choices, they will try to get you into this trade before giving you offers for your other choices.  I do not expect the number to change until the end of the month since there is a NOAB at the end of June.  I really doubt that they will fill up all the positions after this NOAB.  On another note, I heard MARS courses are really difficult.  Is NCS ENG as difficult as MARS?
WaitingTime said:
I believe the number for NCS ENG was around 22 or 25 from what I was told.  Yes and this trade is pretty short, hence, if you put it down as one of your choices, they will try to get you into this trade before giving you offers for your other choices.  I do not expect the number to change until the end of the month since there is a NOAB at the end of June.  I really doubt that they will fill up all the positions after this NOAB.
Thanks, although I'm not too worried about month to month at this point. I'm still just under 2 years away from graduating and have at least a year until I can even apply (last year of University). Plus, I may spend a year to get my MBA first, so I'm still a ways off, was just asking out of curiosity. 

But year to year if they are having problems now, I can only see it getting worse.  Unless there is a sudden downturn in the economy affecting engineering jobs, the job market for engineers looks very strong in the next few years (and in many cases, seems to be improving quickly).  Additionally, it seems Canada has a bad combination where Harper wants to grow the military (sort of), yet it seems that the military is becoming less and less relevant in most Canadians' minds for whatever reason. So unless something really changes internally (cut the number of jobs, improve retention, etc.) I think the situation will probably just get worse in terms of recruiting engineering officers. As I said above, this is probably good for me personally wanting to become an officer, although not good for the Navy as a whole.

On another note, I heard MARS courses are really difficult.  Is NCS ENG as difficult as MARS?
Interesting question, and one I'd like to see the answers to. From what I've read, I think MARS has the highest failure rate of any trade training (correct me if I'm wrong). Although a direct comparison with NCS ENG could be difficult since MARS has different entry requirements (any University degree acceptable). An interesting comparison would be to see failure rates in both courses, but only for people with engineering, math, and science degrees (this would eliminate degree type as a possible causation for failure rates). Anyways, I'm just speculating a bit, I'd be interested to see people's opinions on this.
Not to troll or anything but that's what I'm heading to RMC for this fall is Naval Engineer. Although, they have me down for a BSc degree... Hrmm.

Anyways back on topic.
Calgone said:
Not to troll or anything but that's what I'm heading to RMC for this fall is Naval Engineer. Although, they have me down for a BSc degree... Hrmm.

According to the recruiting site, certain BSc degrees still qualify you for some engineering trades.
yeah it'd be nice if recruiters were privy to the same information that we have here - I was also told "local" numbers
I'm gonna give the CFRC a call tomorrow and ask how many MedTech spots are left.  See if anyone there knows.  Fingers crossed.
Grando said:
yeah it'd be nice if recruiters were privy to the same information that we have here - I was also told "local" numbers

Well I left recruiting in 2006 so there is a possibility that they may have gone back to local quotas but somehow I doubt it.  Check with your CFRC/D and ask them to explain "local numbers".
I was given the same information a couple of weeks ago.

I asked if this was a change because it had been done nationally (to my knowledge) last time I applied. My file manager told me that it had been changed and recruiting numbers were now based on regions and were no longer being done nationally. No reason was given why however she may not have been given that much information.

I'll try to get some clarification on this when I meet for my interview in two weeks times.
Cool. This gives me hope as this is a new system and they'll find ways to pull spots from other provinces. Besides, theres a lot more business grads in Toronto/GTA than elsewhere snagging all the log. positions (it is the financial centre of Canada).

But... pilot is full... til April/09
Someone told me all those MARS that didn't make it went to LOG...  ;D
CFR FCS said:
MOSID o0334 Medical Technician 07/08 numbers (Current Fiscal year).

Land 136
Sea 29
Air 29

The 08/09 SIP is NOT finalized yet but it's coming soon. You won't find it on the web as it is an internal living document. The new CT process DMCA is not using the SIP vacancies, they deal directly with the career managers in NDHQ.

Anyone here in their infinite wisdom know the current MedTech numbers?

Cheers, Kyle
js25 said:
Someone told me all those MARS that didn't make it went to LOG...  ;D
Yeah right.....my recruiter said if LOG doesn't work out...how about MARS?  :P 
LOG is crazy hard to get into right now. I know in Halifax that there were only about 2 sea log spots open, about the same for air force and then 4 for land. The occupation is now closed until the next fiscal year.
8 spots in Halifax!? For 400,000 people! By that account Toronto should have gotten 100.
koopa said:
8 spots in Halifax!? For 400,000 people! By that account Toronto should have gotten 100.
I highly doubt that TO would get that many spots!!! I think Log only takes a max of 100/year across the country. They may not even take 100 year. That is why Log is so competitive.....
I don't think the intake numbers have any correlation to how "cool" you think the GTA is.