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New Orleans


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This just in.......
Mandatory evacuation for the city.
Hospitals exempt
Prisons exempt.."We are going to keep the prisoners where they belong"
Grid lock exiting the city.

Halifax was hit hard a couple years ago with Juan, but at least we are above sea level..... this could get very very ugly.
winds.........175 miles per hour, they are talking about a 25 foot storm surge.
Hope to god it misses the city
My thoughts are with everyone in the area who are going to suffer from this disaster. Its the time of year when all East/Gulf Coasters are asking themseleves are we next? Hopefully no lives will be lost in this disaster. As a surfer I often look at Hurricanes with mixed emotions. Somthing that can provide so many people with so much pleasure (hurricanes = good surf) can cause the worse damage, destruction and grief for so many others.
I'm hoping that people down there take this seriously and seek shelter.  If this hits New Orleans head on, the storm surge will break through the levys and flood the city.  This potential disaster has been discussed before and it has always been "If it ever happens, it will be a huge disaster".

Lets all hope that the storm weakens and that everyone is safe!
Scary things, hurricanes are. What is scarier is flying through the things. (Know someone who's a weather tech who flies on WC-130 'Hurricane hunters' for NOAA).

Hope this isn't like Hurricane Grace hitting Boston back in '91, or Andrew hitting Miami back in '92. Katrina is a Category 5 now, the most powerful storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane scale. Boy howdy, how I want to fly on a WC-130.

Anyway, wish New Orleans the best of luck.

From what the various reports are saying, this could be absolute devastation for N.O. The building codes aren't as strict as Fl, many could be flattened... I hope most took the advice and withdrew from the impact area, for those that haven't / couldn't, good luck and hang in there!

I also hope that people at home have learned the lessons from the Ice Storm, Red River and Saguanay Floods, 9/11, Black Out, Tsunamis, Madrid, London and various other incidents, and started to take preparedness seriously. You never know when the merde will hit the fan, sometimes with warning, sometimes without... the boy scouts are right, BE PREPARED! Today just could be your day.....
Absolute devastation would occur, but it would be nothing compared to an F-5 twister touching down in New Orleans. The strongest hurricane is only about as strong as an F-2, maybe weak F-3 tornado. Then again, the damage from a hurricane is widespread. A tornado only terrorizes a local area.
I just heard on the radio that two more levees broke and 80% of the city is now underwater. 

I have been to New Orleans many times and it is one of my favorite places to visit.  A truly beautiful city with a lot of wonderful people.  A truly tragic time for them.
guess the hip nailed it with that song...

New Orleans is sinkin' baby, and I don't wanna swim!
I was in The Big Easy for Mardi Gras of 1978, and what a wild time. We had to stay in near by Baton Rouge as all the hotels/motels were sold out. Truly a unique expereince.

As traumatised as it is, the city will recover, and things should be getting better, but they are not.


It's truly messed up right now, martial law is declared, officers being shot, looting, fully submerged city pretty much, high death toll (expected to get higher) and that's just one city, let alone the other towns and county's highly effected.
Here is a classic example of having to put your money where your mouth is :


Firehouse.Com News

EMS Expo 2005 opened in New Orleans last week, featuring over 120 presentations by leading EMS experts and showcasing over 300 product exhibitors.

The show, created by EMS Magazine, is now one of Cygnus Business Media's public safety events along with Firehouse Expo, Firehouse World and Enforcement Expo.

The show ran from August 25-27, narrowly escaping the onset of Hurricane Katrina, and was co-located with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technician's annual meeting and 30th anniversary celebration.

<Edited out content>.......

Other show highlights included the keynote speakers of the opening and closing ceremonies.

The opening keynote Thursday was presented by Lt. General Kevin C. Kiley, Surgeon General and Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Command. Kiley discussed recent lessons learned through military medicine, and the military's potential for cooperative efforts with EMS in the event of incidents such as natural, accidental or terrorist disasters.    ...............................

Just saw on CNN, it looks very very very bad for the big easy.  12-16 WEEKS before residents can return, 3-6 MONTHS! before all the water can get pumped out, and now a FIRE! in the French Quarter with no way to get to it.  Not good, not good at all.
The governor has issued a decree that the city be abandoned;

Governor: Everyone Must Leave New Orleans By BRETT MARTEL, Associated Press Writer
Wed Aug 31, 8:25 AM ET

NEW ORLEANS - Army engineers struggled without success to plug New Orleans' breached levees with sandbags, and the governor said Wednesday the situation was worsening and there was no choice but to abandon the flooded city.

"The challenge is an engineering nightmare," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "The National Guard has been dropping sandbags into it, but it's like dropping it into a black hole."

As the waters continued to rise in New Orleans, four Navy ships raced toward the Gulf Coast with drinking water and other emergency supplies, and Red Cross workers from across the country converged on the devastated region. The Red Cross reported it had about 40,000 people in 200 shelters across the area.

Officials said the death toll from Hurricane Katrina had reached at least 110 in Mississippi, while Louisiana put aside the counting of the dead to concentrate on rescuing the living, many of whom were still trapped on rooftops and in attics.

Blanco acknowledged that looting was a severe problem but said that officials had to focus on survivors. "We don't like looters one bit, but first and foremost is search and rescue," she said.

To repair one of the levees holding back Lake Pontchartrain, officials late Tuesday dropped 3,000-pound sandbags from helicopters and hauled dozens of 15-foot concrete barriers into the breach. Maj. Gen. Don Riley of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said officials also had a more audacious plan: finding a barge to plug the 500-foot hole.

Riley said it could take close to a month to get the water out of the city. If the water rises a few feet higher, it could also wipe out the water system for the whole city, said New Orleans' homeland security chief, Terry Ebbert.

Blanco said she wanted the Superdome â ” which had become a shelter of last resort for about 20,000 people â ” evacuated within two days, though was still unclear where the people would go. The air conditioning inside the Superdome was out, the toilets were broken, and tempers were rising in the sweltering heat. "Conditions are degenerating rapidly," she said. "It's a very, very desperate situation."

The    Federal Emergency Management Agency was considering putting people on cruise ships, in tent cities, mobile home parks, and so-called floating dormitories â ” boats the agency uses to house its own employees.

A helicopter view of the devastation over Louisiana and Mississippi revealed people standing on black rooftops, baking in the sunshine while waiting for rescue boats.

"I can only imagine that this is what Hiroshima looked like 60 years ago," said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour after touring the destruction by air Tuesday.

All day long, rescuers in boats and helicopters plucked bedraggled flood refugees from rooftops and attics. Louisiana Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu said 3,000 people have been rescued by boat and air, some placed shivering and wet into helicopter baskets. They were brought by the truckload into shelters, some in wheelchairs and some carrying babies, with stories of survival and of those who didn't make it.

"Oh my God, it was hell," said Kioka Williams, who had to hack through the ceiling of the beauty shop where she worked as floodwaters rose in New Orleans' low-lying Ninth Ward. "We were screaming, hollering, flashing lights. It was complete chaos."

Looting broke out in some New Orleans neighborhoods, prompting authorities to send more than 70 additional officers and an armed personnel carrier into the city. One police officer was shot in the head by a looter but was expected to recover, authorities said.

On New Orleans' Canal Street, dozens of looters ripped open the steel gates on clothing and jewelry stores and grabbed merchandise. In Biloxi, Miss., people picked through casino slot machines for coins and ransacked other businesses. In some cases, the looting was in full view of police and National Guardsmen.

Officials said it was simply too early to estimate a death toll. One Mississippi county alone said it had suffered at least 100 deaths, and officials are "very, very worried that this is going to go a lot higher," said Joe Spraggins, civil defense director for Harrison County, home to Biloxi and Gulfport. In neighboring Jackson County, officials said at least 10 deaths were blamed on the storm.

Several of dead in Harrison County were from a beachfront apartment building that collapsed under a 25-foot wall of water as Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast with 145-mph winds Monday. Louisiana officials said many were feared dead there, too, making Katrina one of the most punishing storms to hit the United States in decades.

Blanco asked residents to spend Wednesday in prayer.

"That would be the best thing to calm our spirits and thank our Lord that we are survivors," she said. "Slowly, gradually, we will recover; we will survive; we will rebuild."

Across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, more than 1 million residents remained without electricity, some without clean drinking water. Officials said it could be weeks, if not months, before most evacuees will be able to return.

Emergency medical teams from across the country were sent into the region and    President Bush cut short his Texas vacation Tuesday to return to Washington to focus on the storm damage.

Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown warned that structural damage to homes, diseases from animal carcasses and chemicals in floodwaters made it unsafe for residents to come home anytime soon. The sweltering city of 480,000 had no drinkable water, and the electricity could be out for weeks.

Katrina, which was downgraded to a tropical depression, packed winds around 30 mph as it moved through the Ohio Valley early Wednesday, with the potential to dump 8 inches of rain and spin off deadly tornadoes.

The remnants of Katrina spawned bands of storms and tornadoes across Georgia that caused at least two deaths, multiple injuries and leveled dozens of buildings. A tornado damaged 13 homes near Marshall, Va.


Associated Press reporters Holbrook Mohr, Mary Foster, Allen G. Breed, Adam Nossiter and Jay Reeves contributed to this report.

The army corps of engineers can't stop it, christ it that place in trouble.

I just looked at the image galleries on CNN.  The damage caused by Katrina is astonshing.  Casinos have literally been pushed aside like boxes, one-level homes are basically submerged.  Now more levees are failing.  If anyone ever saw "worst-case scenario" programs on what could happen to New Orleans if a major hurricane, it looks pretty much like that.

This will almost definitly surpass Hurricane Andrew as the most costly hurricane and will probably be one of the most deadly hurricanes the US has seen in awhile.
This just in, on CNN.  The Pentagon is sending in an additional 10,000 National Guard Soldiers, with the main focus to augment Law Enforcement.  5000 in Louisiana, 5000 Mississippi.
one word to best describe new orleans is Fubar, you know it truly surprises me how many people stayed in that city after being Told to evacuate, like what the hell were they thinking truly?. i feel bad for all that are there, and that have lost so much and still losing, but i just cant think of the right word to describe my anger and astonishment, at why so many people stayed there.
Total FUBAR. Reminds me of what happened in Badger here in NL a few years back... Any fellow newfs would know what I'm talking about... Only this was worse than New Orleans(On a smaller scale for damage). This was winter and the town flooded and froze. Not as much damage $$$ wise as New Orleans, but, well there ain't as much bucks floatin 'round here as there is down there.
one word to best describe new orleans is Fubar, you know it truly surprises me how many people stayed in that city after being Told to evacuate, like what the heck were they thinking truly?.

I know!  As much as I would like to experience a hurricane one day (I'm a bit of a severe weather nut), being in New Orleans with a large hurricane threatening a direct hit is just insane.  Some are saying they didnt have the means to get to higher ground.  If I was living there and I had an extra seat in my car, I would take anyone who didnt have a ride and I bet there are alot of people who would do the same.

Some pets are getting left behind now.  There were some images on Citytv (Toronto) of dogs on the roofs of flooding homes. 

I also want to tell people to try and stay out of that water if at all possible.  One guy had his picture taken carrying a 12 pack of pepsi....I'm sure that pepsi was well worth the risk of being electricuted, biten by an animal or getting ill from water that is by now toxic.  Sure, if your home is almost submerged and no rescue team in sight, all possible means of survival goes into play, but if you dont have to go in the water, dont.
i feel sorry for all those animals (im a dog lover) because of people refusing to leave, their animals are now being forced to starve to death, go into toxic water to their own fate, or die of thirst, and none of this they had a decision in, when it was still safe and that makes me very angry.

I was watching the news earlier, and i remember this guy talking about how on his way out of town (less flooded part) he saw an old couple stuck in their car and he got out to help, and as he was helping them he looked to his side and saw that an alligator farm had been flood and the alligators were actually all around the car, needless to say, he saved two people who he thought were in their late 70-80's and got himself to safety.
Well Jaxson; one would have thought that when the people left, they would have taken their family pets along with them.  Unforeseen circumstances have shown us that many pets were left behind in supposedly safe places that turned out not to be.