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New Game: Make a wish

gunnars said:
I wish I had the magic wand that all my clients seem to believe that I have.

Granted, but then your ability to satisfy clients would be known far and wide and everyone would come to you for everything, resulting in you having to take stress leave from work.

I wish I could take stress leave from work.  ;D
PMedMoe said:
Granted, but then your ability to satisfy clients would be known far and wide and everyone would come to you for everything, resulting in you having to take stress leave from work.

I wish I could take stress leave from work.  ;D

Granted, but the paperwork goes missing and as know one knows where you are you are listed as MIA and you don't get paid for years.
Not only are you ruined financially but the stress of the situation brought on two heart attacks and you are no longer able to work.

I wish all my housework was magically done for me each day while I'm at work.
neko said:
I wish all my housework was magically done for me each day while I'm at work.
Granted.  The housework  is done each day while you are at work.  By illegal immigrants.  Who then proceed to rid your house of such trivial items such as the fridge, the stove, your furniture, all your jewelry, etc.

I wish I would win the lottery. 
Technoviking said:
Granted.  The housework  is done each day while you are at work.  By illegal immigrants.  Who then proceed to rid your house of such trivial items such as the fridge, the stove, your furniture, all your jewelry, etc.

I wish I would win the lottery.

Granted. You won the lottery but failed to realize it was only $50,000 before telling your boss where he could go and storming out of your job.

I wish I was 50lbs lighter
Then you would look super fit and your son/pon/coy would give you twice the amount of kit to carry... Yippee!

I wish this game were less depressing...all those dreams shattered  :P
I wish this game were less depressing...all those dreams shattered  :P
[/quote] granted. The game is now joyful and enlightening but you are now hooked on anti-depression pills. I wish my Nov 1st BMQ start date was tomorrow
DavieRocket77 said:
I wish my Nov 1st BMQ start date was tomorrow

Granted! But then you realize that you're at home on your computer typing on army.ca and not where your BMQ is supposed to be, and you get released from the CF for being a no-show!

I wish I could be rude to whoever I wanted, for any reason.
lstpierre said:
I wish I could be rude to whoever I wanted, for any reason.

Granted, you can now be Don Rickles, but Don Rickles will be dead soon.

I wish I had a free wish whenever I wanted a wish.
recceguy said:
I wish I had a free wish whenever I wanted a wish.

Yes, but then I would never be allowed to post on here and then everyone loses.

I wish that I could appreciate what I had more than I do, instead of always spending what I make even though I make more every year.
Petamocto said:
Yes, but then I would never be allowed to post on here and then everyone loses.

I wish that I could appreciate what I had more than I do, instead of always spending what I make even though I make more every year.

Granted.  You can no longer buy a replacement for anything, only new items of a different nature.

I wish people could read my thoughts but they only remember the positive things about me.
Simian Turner said:
I wish people could read my thoughts but they only remember the positive things about me.
Granted, but now you get attention from shady characters who you've never met who know every positive thing about you. (witch would be very creepy.)

I wish it was august, so i could go on my BIQ already..
brandon_ said:
I wish it was august, so i could go on my BIQ already..

No you don't; you wish it were October so you could be done.  Also, if it were now there would be more mosquitoes than if you wait until the real August. 

I wish newborns weren't so useless and would just go to sleep when they're tired instead of screaming until you want to throw them against the wall*

*Note* Since this is the interweb and sarcasm doesn't translate well, I would not actually throw my child against a wall.  Or shake them.  Or spike them on the ground like a touchdown celebration.  Or use them like a club to kill my wife. 
Petamocto said:
No you don't; you wish it were October so you could be done.  Also, if it were now there would be more mosquitoes than if you wait until the real August. 

I wish newborns weren't so useless and would just go to sleep when they're tired instead of screaming until you want to throw them against the wall*

*Note* Since this is the interweb and sarcasm doesn't translate well, I would not actually throw my child against a wall.  Or shake them.  Or spike them on the ground like a touchdown celebration.  Or use them like a club to kill my wife.

But then you wouldn't be thinking of creative and hilarous ways to damage said infant and with the loss of your sense of sarcasm you would also loose said wife and infant.

I wish that I was back in the forces...even back at CFLRS....
Cat said:
I wish that I was back in the forces...even back at CFLRS....
Granted.  But then you're found surfing the internet in your room, and then your internet is cut off.  Not just you, but the whole mega.  Then everyone hates you.  You no longer like it, and you wish to release, but they won't let you go, so you're stuck at CFLRS for twenty years.  You slowly go insane and isolate yourself from society.  After your death, you are buried in a common grave with no marker.  History slowly forgets you.

I wish that I had joined as a different trade, so that I could get promoted faster.

Granted. You're now a pilot, but the only way you can effectively compete in the weekly
penis envy contest is by way of Viagra.

I wish I was back in the field.
Jammer said:
I wish I was back in the field.

Granted, but you're actually in the field, buried up to your neck and the birds are starting to circle.....

I wish I was thinner.
Granted, you will now take on a skeleton-like profile and become known as SkeleMo'Money, one sip of beer and one peanut will sustain you daily.  Now you have to find something enjoyable to do with all of your free time and money.

I wish my Masters degree was finished with Ottawa being a slowly fading image in my rear view mirror.
Granted, but now that you have a Master's you are posted to Ottawa... for three years. Think of the drive back!

I wish it were Friday already...enough with this bloody week.
TimBit said:
Granted, but now that you have a Master's you are posted to Ottawa... for three years. Think of the drive back!

I wish it were Friday already...enough with this bloody week.

Granted, but you had forgotten about and endless list of weekend household chores, yard work and errands, which you need to start on Friday and not even with three days of exhaustion do you even ten % of what needs to be done, done and now you can't wait to get back to work so you can get a break from all the nagging chores and work which awaits you come Friday.

I wish the next 3-4 years had already come and gone so things were already, hopefully, sorted, but that I could still look back and remember all the wonderful parts, all that I learned and achieved from during the 3-4 years which which by.
Granted, but now you have to sort out by date the overwhelming quantity of undated
            photographs that you took over the last 5 years into paper photo albums,
            using little paste on corners, and adding comments and descriptions to each.


            I wish to be able to travel through time