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New Forums & Sub-Forums? The Evolution of Army.ca


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Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

I just wanted to introduce this new forum, and provide some guidelines on it‘s use.

The intent is to allow CdnArmy.ca users to discuss administrative topics, such as things you like, things you don‘t, problems you encounter, and features you wish were available.

Feel free to post your comments, suggestions, gripes and woes about this site here.

I‘ll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

I have noticed a lot of Army Cadets visit this forum. The difference between reservists and regular force do not warrent seperate forums for the two groups. Cadets are a vastly different story. Are there enough current and former cadets and CIC on this site to justify a forum dedicated to them? Leave a reply to this post if you fit into the above group and are intrested in your own forum.

:cool: Yard Ape
Intresting. I too have noticed a lot of army cadets, but not a lot of army cadet discussions. I don‘t know that such a forum would recieve many postings. As for ex-cadets searching eachother out, that can already be done through the personnel locator.
1. Would it be possible to incorporate a picture library type forum into The War Diary? Something like the MSN family album sites, but dedicated to military pictures posted by members? This option would likely have to wait until you complete your hardware upgrade, but would provied a convenient place for people to share pictures of trianing or other military activities they have been involved in. posting to the library could be limited to the more senior members of the board. Once a picture was posted it would become the property of the site and could be used in other parts of the site.

2. Could the member statust be more descriptive than just FNG or veteran member and better reflect a members TI and activity on the board. Consider:
Veteran Member

3. While each of the Combat Arms has its own forum, none of the CSS have one. Would it be appropriate to dedicate one forum the all CSS? After all the army wouldn‘t move without them.

:cool: Yard Ape
Yard Ape,

I like all your suggestions. Here are specific comments:

1. This is particularly interesting. I think it would be a great way for people to "show off" what they and they units are involved in. I also agree that this would have to be after the hardware upgrade. (The current system is almost out of drive space, the new system will have much more.) My primary concerns would be addressed by "posting to the library could be limited to the more senior members of the board." (I.E. You never know what some people would post!)

2. That‘s definitely doable. I‘ll have to poke around the code a bit to find out how. I‘m trying to limit changes to the board, so that when the vendor puts out an upgrade, it won‘t take me a week to re-integrate changes. But I will look into this.

3. Done! The reason it wasn‘t created before is that there simply wasn‘t enough traffic. We‘ll give it a shot and see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming.

P.S. On a related note, I was able to make some progress with the new hardware last night. I hope to test out a new network device in the next few days that will make the cutover much simpler.
Excellent ideas Yard Ape. I suppose one would be permitted to post [a picture] once they reached the lofty hights of Vetran Member (as opposed to just member).

I look forward to seeing what posts are made in the CSS forum. Good work Mike, we all appreciate you for it. Good luck with the upgrade.
I am for an Army Cadet Forum. It will probably encourage posts about cadets. Also, any recruits that have any questions that are afraid to ask because of a weird response from the regular and reservists can ask the more experienced cadets (like myself).

Also, cadets can search out their friends from summer camp and joint exercises from the ACF instead of through the Personnel Locater.

Albainn Gu-Brath
Ok, lets give it a try... I have added an Army Cadet forum.
If possible could you open a new section for recruiting/enlisting, basic training etc questions. under the general discussion.

If not feasible I fully understand.

This sounds like a great idea Mike [Bobbitt], recruiting and enrolment issues are frequent subjects of threads in a number of the boards and grouping them under a specific section would be efficient. If it‘s technically feasible, you may consider having moderators identify relevant recent threads to be moved to a new Recruiting Board to ease research of past discussions by those interested.

Mike O‘Leary
Great idea guys. I‘ve created the forum (so far empty) but since I‘m on vacation I don‘t have time to do much else.

As Mike (O‘Leary) pointed out, maybe moderators can move relevant posts into this new forum.

BTW, anyone who is interested in moderating the Recruiting forum, please let me know. This one really needs a moderator, and ironically, it‘s "now recruiting."

i think it is a good idea to deal with the above issues (ie new sections), as I myself posted a recent question pertaining to these issues (recruiting).

Personally, I think a section relating to the reserves would be good, and maybe a full time service members section. There seems to be questions pertaining specifically to these areas.

This is a great site! Very helpful, and good to keep in contact.

Ducimus :cdn:
Personaly, I don‘t agree. I think there is enough separation between the two forces...let alone on a discussion board. I think its best to hear each others views, as painful as it might be. I think both have something to teach the each other

Good point Digger. In retrospect I think an open forum does link the forces. I have to agree with you here....
I agree with Digger as well. I think the fact that PRes and Reg Force soldiers (as well as officers and NCMs) are all given an "equal footing" here makes the conversations more interesting. :)
i‘m getting ready to join the reserves. but, i may be interested in joining the reg force. does anyone have any idea about the transfer process, can it be done, how easy/hard it is, and how long it would take?

Its a LOT easider to join the reg force as a civilian as opposed to joining from the reserves. You would think it‘s a lot easier since they army has all the paper work and what not already.
BUT you‘d be wrong.
All the cases i‘ve seen it takes a year to two years to go from reserve to regs.
Ghost, I‘ve got to diasgree with you there. At least for the Infantry trade. I know guys who have gone on tour for example and have been offered jobs in the Reg Force as soon as they get back. Within 2-3 months they are gone. Usually with the same or close to the same time in and senority.

Now switching from the Reserve to the Reg forse at the beginning of your career may take longer, but I believe you are not allowed to do so until your are trade qualified.

I agree Harris, I know of quite a few people that have transfered with minimum wait.

Delays are probally related to the availability of the MOC and when courses start.

Regardless 2 years is unquestionably a ridiculous amout time. I have never seen any transfers take that long, I checked with the local recruiting Sgt and he said the same.

Did these people maybe change the MOC they were interested in a couple of times of something? Did they have a hard time meeting the min requirements?