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New Feature: Daily Challenges

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
What are Daily Challenges? For starters, they are a way to earn between 150 and 4,500 MilPoints every day!

Each day, 3 challenges are randomly selected. To complete a challenge, you may need to (for example) earn 500 Combat Experience, collect 100 Int, bump up your max CR by 5, or spend an hour online. Each challenge also has a MilPoints reward associated with it.

Some challenges will be very hard to complete, but doing so will give you a serious boost to your MilPoints balance. At their peak, each challenge rewards 1,500 MilPoints. The reward is relative to the challenge... the harder the challenge the greater the reward.

The challenges are designed to allow everyone a reasonable chance of success. It's very unlikely anyone will be able to get all three each day, but that's why they rotate and vary in difficulty and type. What you miss today you might get tomorrow.

As we move forward, the challenge characteristics may be tweaked, but the general idea is now active in the game.

Good hunting!
I should also say, right from the start, that bonuses from incentives don't count towards your goal. So if you need 100 Int and just cashed in an incentive that gives you that much or more, it won't help.

You need to earn it the old fashioned way. ;)

When you say "daily", what are the times on that?  Zulu, Eastern, Mike time...

And thank you for the extra challenges, I should be able to spend more time on the game now.  :P
It's Mike time... Atlantic Time (-0400 GMT). So you don't have much time left for today's challenges! :)
You can add a new medal incentive: received for x number of daily challenges completed.

And thank you for the time info, helps to plan a bit on what can be achieved.
I like this. Great job, Mike.

Now, I guess I should buy two 50MP incentives for 400MPs.
airmich said:
You can add a new medal incentive: received for x number of daily challenges completed.

I agree... Had to make a call about holding it up another week+ to get the incentives and stuff done too, or letting it loose tonight. :)
I have a question: How does a challenge calculate its difficulty (ex. Incentives Purchased)?
Two points:

1- Concerning "missed CR", I noticed that it seems to reset after you check your account.
So if I don't play for a day or two, and I log in, it 'll say "missed 1234 CR". However, if I leave, and then come back after half an hour, it won't say "missed 123456 CR", it'll say "missed 12 CR".
Can you fix this? So that it only resets after you've actually used CR as opposed to having just logged on?

2- Do you have to claim these daily challenges (by clicking them, etc), or do they automatically happen?
Haha awesome this sounds really good, I wonder how hard they will be to complete for new players?  :threat:
Looks good, a couple questions:

1.  Is the CR's missed a percentage for everyone, or is it the same number for all?  (it's 146 missed for me)

2.  The 8 failed missions are hard to get if you have most of your missions with success probabilities in the 90-98% range.....I have only one mission that's close to 50%.  This, believe it or not, is a hard one for me to get!!!

Hey I have a question, what are the maple leafs in everyones profile? Is there a page that I could read about them?
bdave said:
2- Do you have to claim these daily challenges (by clicking them, etc), or do they automatically happen?
They're automatic. I already nabbed the incentives one.
I'm sorry for my last post, I'm new to the forums and I was just curious no need to remove anymore of my points please.
Super excited, thanks again Mike! Now I've got to plan some strategy to claim some challenges. Won't bother with today's, they expire in a half hour.
crooks.a said:
I have a question: How does a challenge calculate its difficulty (ex. Incentives Purchased)?

Each challenge has a max and a min target, and an associated max and min reward. Each day the challenges are randomly chosen, along with the level of the target and reward.

bdave said:
Two points:

1- Concerning "missed CR", I noticed that it seems to reset after you check your account.
So if I don't play for a day or two, and I log in, it 'll say "missed 1234 CR". However, if I leave, and then come back after half an hour, it won't say "missed 123456 CR", it'll say "missed 12 CR".
Can you fix this? So that it only resets after you've actually used CR as opposed to having just logged on?

2- Do you have to claim these daily challenges (by clicking them, etc), or do they automatically happen?

1. CR missed accumulates. I've been missing CR all night and I'm at 136/146. Don't think I'm going to make it though!

2. You get the challenges automatically, as soon as you meet the target.

NavyShooter said:
Looks good, a couple questions:

1.  Is the CR's missed a percentage for everyone, or is it the same number for all?  (it's 146 missed for me)

2.  The 8 failed missions are hard to get if you have most of your missions with success probabilities in the 90-98% range.....I have only one mission that's close to 50%.  This, believe it or not, is a hard one for me to get!!!


1. It's the same for all. So some days it will be really easy for the top guys, and some days it may be easy for the new guys.

2. This is an example of where it's easier for the new guys. :)

Thanks for answering all those questions, I so I guess some of the challenges won't be too hard for the new guys(like me)
I think I might be able to nab all three of the daily challenges today. That will be a nice 1300MP in the bank.