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New Dress Regs đŸ€Ł

We aren’t Japan. People with dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings work as doctors, business professionals, EMTs, and everything in between. I don’t really know what you mean by “alternative groups,” but I’m assuming this is your second hand opinion.
Until 2019 I worked in regulatory review covering a large diverse group of industries. Once you get to a certain level of management, you see very little in the way of tattoos or multi-coloured hair. Government is more accepting as they have to be, businesses are not except at the floor level. You better be really really good to get away with it at the higher levels. My teenage daughters hang out with some of the alternative kids, most are nice, but a bit messed up, a bunch just going through a stage like my daughters are doing.
I've ever quite understood those who join a, for want of a better term, 'homogenizing' organization then expect that their individuality should shine through. It's not the member's image that is at stake, it's the organization's. They have changed the rules. I hope they are right in their assessment.

In law enforcement, pretty much everybody quietly toes the line at the recruit and probationary stage. Once members get more confidence and experience, some start to walk away from the line. Some channel that into being some of the finest u/c and investigative personal you can find; others spend the rest of their career being a low output organizational PITA.


I don't care if he is the best damned appliance repair guy in town, he ain't getting through my front door to fix my stove:

If the new dress regulations cause people to get their pants, shirts, and tunics properly fitted and tailored I’m all for it.
If the new dress regulations cause people to get their pants, shirts, and tunics properly fitted and tailored I’m all for it.

Hah, the base tailor shops can barely handle rank changes, expecting them to be able to get everyone actually wearing properly fitted clothing is a pipe dream.
Until 2019 I worked in regulatory review covering a large diverse group of industries. Once you get to a certain level of management, you see very little in the way of tattoos or multi-coloured hair. Government is more accepting as they have to be, businesses are not except at the floor level. You better be really really good to get away with it at the higher levels. My teenage daughters hang out with some of the alternative kids, most are nice, but a bit messed up, a bunch just going through a stage like my daughters are doing.
My spouse works in Finance. She has sleeve tattoos but do you think she wears a cardigan with a dress and covers them? You betcha!

When she was younger and was still bartending she also had a tongue and nose ring. Do you think those are still there now that she works in Finance? 😉
Hah, the base tailor shops can barely handle rank changes, expecting them to be able to get everyone actually wearing properly fitted clothing is a pipe dream.
They get the clothes for free, spend a few bucks and take them to a tailor y’a cheap bastards! I tailor the shirts myself.

But that’s the Canadian way isn’t it? Being cheap, ineffective and look like a sack of shit all at the same time.
They get the clothes for free, spend a few bucks and take them to a tailor y’a cheap bastards! I tailor the shirts myself.

But that’s the Canadian way isn’t it? Being cheap, ineffective and look like a sack of shit all at the same time.
That's what I do as well. Got tired of looking like a potato all the time.
They get the clothes for free, spend a few bucks and take them to a tailor y’a cheap bastards! I tailor the shirts myself.

But that’s the Canadian way isn’t it? Being cheap, ineffective and look like a sack of shit all at the same time.

I refuse to pay my own money to subsidize the Crown's failures. If the system is gonna give me stuff that doesn't fit well, then so be it. Fix the system, don't expect the member to pay themselves to solve the CAF's problems.
I refuse to pay my own money to subsidize the Crown's failures. If the system is gonna give me stuff that doesn't fit well, then so be it. Fix the system, don't expect the member to pay themselves to solve the CAF's problems.
Not much you will do, is there??
You'd best stay in the CAF,....I have my doubts any civi employer would put up with you.
I refuse to pay my own money to subsidize the Crown's failures. If the system is gonna give me stuff that doesn't fit well, then so be it. Fix the system, don't expect the member to pay themselves to solve the CAF's problems.
Why am I not surprised with your response. You are one of the types who won't do a damn thing extra than just your job. Got it, wallow in your self-righteousness and I hope I never have the displeasure to be forced to be in your presence.
If the new dress regulations cause people to get their pants, shirts, and tunics properly fitted and tailored I’m all for it.
Sorry, best we can do is purple hair. Next up, pronouns on your nametags/name tapes.
Excuse me? What I do is my god damned actual job. With a focus on what actually matters, unlike half the folks on this thread who seems to think that buttons and bows and the fit of a poorly made tunic are the most important things in the world.

Surprisingly, what I'm not doing is trying to win over a forum infested and managed by sanctimonious pricks like yourself.
You barely comment on any of the technical issues facing the CAF and it's members. I don't see much in your posting history about the condition of our ships, planes, tanks, lack of artillery, radios, radar or lack of bridging equipment. I suggest that you have more credibility if you opine on a wider range of subjects.
You barely comment on any of the technical issues facing the CAF and it's members. I don't see much in your posting history about the condition of our ships, planes, tanks, lack of artillery, radios, radar or lack of bridging equipment. I suggest that you have more credibility if you opine on a wider range of subjects.
I don't find discussing those issues interesting. The material state of our materiel is well known, and largely isn't a technical issue at all, but a matter of political will / resource allocation. Endlessly discussing how all our stuff's broken and isn't going to get fixed is a bit too sisyphean for my tastes.

Culture change is at least a topic where there's interesting things actually happening.
In fact, this is a movie we’ve seen before. The unification of the Navy, Army and Air Force in 1968 was another grand experiment in social engineering in the military setting. Defence Minister Hellyer’s stated objective was not just to eliminate duplication and save money, but also to establish Canada (and thus himself) as a “leader” among the world’s militaries. In Nov. 1966, he was quoted as saying that unification would “provide the flexibility to enable Canada to meet in the most effective manner the military requirements of the future. It will also establish Canada as an unquestionable leader in the field of military organization” (my emphasis). [Quoted in L. Milberry, Sixty Years: The RCAF and CF Air Command 1924–1984. Canav Books, p. 367.]

Reading this statement now seems laughable. But in light of most professional military opinion at the time, it also seems like the worst sort of political hubris. Canada is no more seen as “an unquestionable leader” in military organization than we are in the field of military procurement. And, frankly, the history of our Armed Forces since 1968 has largely been one of trying to undo the harm wrought by Mr. Hellyer and his protĂ©gĂ©s. But the real problem with Hellyer’s unification project wasn’t the idea itself. Rather, it was the fact that no evaluative criteria — and thus, no easy off-ramp if it wasn’t working — were built into the scheme. But that’s what typically happens when the military is used as a guinea pig for social engineering.

What I do is my god damned actual job. With a focus on what actually matters,
unlike half the folks on this thread who seems to think that buttons and bows and the fit of a poorly made tunic are the most important things in the world.
Surprisingly, what I'm not doing is trying to win over a forum infested and managed by sanctimonious pricks like yourself.

You've managed to squeeze in some stereotyping, macroagressions, and a strawman while seemingly being intolerant of other people's opinions. Impressive.
You've managed to squeeze in some stereotyping, macroagressions, and a strawman while seemingly being intolerant of other people's opinions.
Oh cry me a fucking river. God forbid I react poorly against unjustified personal insults by a god damned moderator of this forum.

Jesus it's no wonder this place has such a terrible reputation.